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Just looking traducir español

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Or maybe you're just looking for any excuse to find fault with him.
O tal vez solo busca cualquier excusa... para encontrarle un defecto.
Just looking for change.
Pues quería cambiar de aires.
- I was just looking.
- Solo miraba.
You're just looking for protection from the hunter Winchesters and all the rest of your many enemies.
Solo estas buscando proteccion contra el cazador Winchester y todo el resto de sus muchos enemigos.
Just looking out for you.
- Bueno. Solo cuido de ti.
Just looking for this.
Solo buscaba esto.
Anyhoo, I'm just looking out for the team.
De todas maneras, solo decía por el equipo.
I was just looking for a sign.
Estaba buscando una señal.
We're just looking to follow up with him.
Solo le hacemos un seguimiento.
Like, if that provides you with discomfort, you're just looking at it the wrong way.
Si éso los perturba, lo están mirando mal.
Just looking at how beautiful you are.
Solo estoy mirando lo preciosa que eres.
Uh, I was just looking up what judge is presiding over Nate's hearing.
Estaba mirando que juez preside la audiencia de Nate.
Are you actually sore with me for checking in at the office, or are you just looking for an excuse when you don't catch anything?
¿ En verdad estás irritado conmigo por estar pendiente de la oficina? o solo estás buscando una excusa cuando no atrapas algo?
I'm just looking for a fucking human being.
Solo espero encontrar un puto ser humano. - Cielo.
My... our mom threw out all of our stuff, - so we're just looking for it. - Oh.
Mi... nuestra madre se libró de nuestras cosas, así que las estamos buscando.
Officer, dude, I'm just looking for my wallet.
Agente, colega, solo estoy buscando mi cartera.
I was just looking at it.
Solo lo estaba mirando.
We're just looking for the truth.
Solo buscamos la verdad.
I'm just looking for my fair share of the spoils, and I will take over that fucking crew.
Sólo estoy buscando mi parte justa de los despojos, y voy a asumir el control esa maldita tripulación.
I was just looking at your wedding ring.
Estaba buscando a su anillo de bodas.
I guess I'm just looking out.
Supongo que solo estoy siendo cauteloso.
I told you, I was just looking out for her.
Se lo dije, sólo estaba mirando por ella.
I guess I was just looking for answers, you know?
Supongo que estaba buscando en busca de respuestas, ¿ sabes?
So, I was in New York, but I was looking to relocate to Los Angeles because I'm just, I'm a beach gal.
Estaba en Nueva York, pero estaba buscando trasladarme a Los Ángeles porque yo soy, soy una chica de playa.
Just the person I was looking for.
Sólo la persona que estaba buscando.
Uh... just keep looking.
Sigue buscando.
Just the man I was looking for.
Justo el hombre que estaba buscando.
Lily's been looking for one just like it.
Lily ha estado buscando una justamente como esa.
But hey, look. I just wanted to warn you,'cause I'm always looking out for you.
Pero, oye, solo quería advertirte, porque siempre estoy cuidando de ti.
I don't know why you like looking at all that gore when the new Playboy just came out.
No sé por qué te gusta mirar toda esa violencia cuando el nuevo Playboy acaba de salir.
We've been looking all over for this guy, hunting him for weeks on end, and he just walks into the same bar as you?
Buscamos a este tío por todas partes, persiguiéndole durante semanas, ¿ y simplemente entra en el mismo bar que tú?
Stop looking on the outside and start looking on the inside and seeing that we want to be just normal people.
Dejad de mirar el exterior y mirad el interior, ved que solo queremos ser personas normales.
I was looking at it, just going over all the things I'd regret not doing.
Estaba viéndola, viendo todas las cosas que me arrepentiría de no haber hecho.
They just were looking into each other's eyes, into each other's soul.
Todos nos mirábamos a los ojos, para vernos el alma.
Just a neighborhood kid looking to bum a smoke.
Sólo un chico de barrio que buscan quemar una cortina de humo.
Wouldn't that have gone so different if it were like just a normal-looking girl?
No hubiera sido tan distinto, si hubiese sido Una chica normal diciendo :
Well, look, I guarantee you if you work with me, I'll have you looking just as good as you did in that picture in three years.
Bueno, mira, te garantizo que si trabajas conmigo, te haré ver igual de bien como en esa foto en tres años.
- It's just it's a first edition, and I am looking at it one last time before I sell it on eBay.
Es solo que es una primera edición, y lo estoy mirando una última vez antes de que la venda en eBay.
Two detectives were just here looking for the guys we killed.
Vinieron dos detectives a buscar a los hombres que matamos.
It's hard because you're looking for a parent, and they're just not...
Es duro porque esperas encontrar un padre, y simplemente no...
He's looking just like Cassandra.
Tiene la misma pinta que tenía Cassandra.
No, I just wanted to reiterate that you're looking good tonight.
No, yo sólo quería reiterar que usted está buscando una buena noche.
And the rest of the time we were in the mountains, she just kept looking over her shoulder and trotting along with her head in the air, her eyes scanning the thin sky like there's something wrong with the air.
Y el resto del tiempo que pasamos en las montañas, ella miraba siempre por sobre su hombro... y trotaba con su cabeza en alto, sus ojos vigilando el cielo ralo, como si hubiera algún problema... con el aire.
Let's just leave before his friends start looking for him.
Solo vámonos antes de que sus amigos empiecen a buscarlo.
I didn't install it. I was just being a tourist, looking for anomalies.
Como ya le he dicho al Capitán América aquí presente, yo no lo instalé.
It's probably just the neighbor looking in on me.
Es probable que sólo el vecino mirando sobre mí.
And this thumb drive we're looking for, he would never put it any place you were gonna find it, because finding it means that you're gonna become a target, just like he was.
Y este pendrive que buscamos, nunca estaría en un sitio donde usted fuera a encontrarlo porque encontrarlo significaba que iba a convertirse en un blanco, igual que él.
Well... anytime I feel like a problem's about to appear, I just keep looking at the world and then, uh, I realize that the only time problems appear is when I'm running around, trying to find a solution.
- Bueno... cada vez que creo que va a aparecer un problema me pongo a mirar al mundo y entonces me doy cuenta de que en el único momento en que aparecen problemas es cuando estoy por ahí dando vueltas
Uh, Kensi, the agency's CFO, Andrew Kim, just stepped out of the building looking all kinds of spooky.
Uh, Kensi, de la agencia CFO, Andrew Kim, acaba de salir del edificio en busca de todo tipo de espeluznante.
I just spent two hours looking for you.
Acabo de pasar dos horas buscando.
Just the man I'm looking for.
Justo el hombre que estoy buscando.

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