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Let me see here traducir español

697 traducción paralela
Let me see here.
Déjeme ver.
Let me see here.
Déjame ver.
Here, let me see.
I'm going to stay here you tell me the truth. Can't you see, i'm trying to let you down easily?
¿ No ves que intento dejarte de la manera más sencilla?
Let me see what we have here.
Déjenme ver.
Here. Let me see your hands.
Muéstrame las manos.
You see, I wanted to get in to see my sister. She works here, and they wouldn't let me in without an escort.
Mi hermana trabaja aquí, pero no me dejaban entrar sola.
Come here and let me see your gun.
Ven, déjame ver tu arma.
I've been here every Sunday for the past month, but they wouldn't let me see you.
El mes pasado vine todos los domingos... pero no me dejaron verte.
Here, let me see.
A ver, déjenme a mí.
Here, let me see that.
A ver, déjeme ver eso.
As long as you're here, let me show you the books... so you can see just how bad a businessman I really am.
Te enseñaré los libros verás qué mal comerciante soy.
Here, let me see them all.
Déjame verlos todos.
Here, let me see it.
Déjame ver.
Here, let me see.
Déjenme ver.
Give it here! Let me see.
Señora Concetta.
You were deported from here, let me see, nearly three years ago.
La deportaron de aquí... veamos... hace casi 3 años.
Here, let me see.
¡ Déjame ver!
Ah, let's see - Oh, oh, here's one for me.
Veamos. Aquí hay una para mí.
Let me see. Is there a copy of that broadcast around here?
A ver. ¿ Está por aquí Ia copia de Ia transmisión?
Here. Let me see, Jamie.
Déjame ver, Jamie.
Sería incapaz.
Well, you see, I came here with only a toothbrush, sir... and the admiral's been kind enough to let me have weekend leave... so I could clear up a little personal business.
Pues, sabe, vine aquí con sólo un cepillo de dientes, señor... y el almirante ha tenido la gentileza de darme licencia el fin de semana... para poder encargarme de un asuntito personal.
I heard so much about what you're doing here... I finally persuaded headquarters to let me take on this mission... so I could see for myself.
Me enteré de lo que hacían aquí... y persuadí al cuartel general que me enviara... para cerciorarme yo mismo.
Come here and let me see.
¡ Ven acá y déjame ver!
Let me play around here for a few minutes and see what I can do.
Déjeme unos minutos, veremos lo que puedo hacer.
Let me see what have here. - Maybe I haven't read it right.
- Tal vez no la leí bien.
Let me see your peddlar card. Here you go Captain.
Yakov, un honesto profesional.
Come over here and let me see you.
Ven aquí y déjame verte.
Come here, let me see it in the light.
Ven aquí. Déjame verlo a la luz.
Six and six? Here we go again. Now let me see that's..
Bueno, si realmente desea saberlo...
Let me see... here, sorry... it's enough to blow in there
Déjemer ver, eso es, perdone... Bastará con soplar un poco.
Get out of here and don't let me see you again!
¡ Sal de aquí y que no vuelva a verte!
Don't let me see you here again, understand?
Y no vuelvas por esta casa, ¿ entendido?
Don't ever let me see you here again.
No quiero volver a verle por aquí, señor.
Let me see, why did you leave here?
Déjame adivinar por qué te marchaste.
Here. Let me see that.
Muéstreme eso.
And don't let me see you here again!
¡ No quiero volver a verte!
Here, let me see that.
Déjeme ver eso.
So let's see... Tell me what happened to you. Why are you here?
Conque a ver, a ver... platícame qué te sucedió. ¿ Por qué estás aquí?
He was too jealous, wouldn't let me see anyone. That's why I came here.
Era demasiado celoso, no me dejaba mirar a nadie.
I'd like to see him get up here and let me ask him a few sneaky questions.
Me gustaría verle aquí y hacerle unas cuantas preguntas malintencionadas.
Why did you bring me all the way up here... if you weren't gonna let me see Rocco?
¿ Por qué me hizo venir hasta aquí, si no iba a dejarme ver a Rocco?
Here. Let me see.
Déjame ver.
Here, let me see that.
Déjame ver.
Y por aquí, déjeme ver...
Here, let me see it.
Déjeme verla.
Here. Now don't let me see your face again.
Esto, pero no quiero verte más.
¤ It blows, come, Rosario, let me see you,... ¤ I want to see you coming, I want to see you getting here,... ¤ since you're crazy about me,... ¤ and I, Rosario, even more for you.
# Arbolea, ven Rosarito que yo te vea, # que quiero verte venir, que quiero verte llegar, # que estás loquita por mí, # y yo, Rosarito, por ti mucho más.
Let me see what we can do here.
Well, let's see what I still have with me... Here, for example an Autrian passport.
Bueno, veamos qué es lo que aún llevo conmigo aquí por ejemplo llevo mi pasaporte austriaco.

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