Like all of us traducir español
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But in Thessaly, my dear Crito, like here, like all of us, I would be put to death.
Pero en Tesalia, mi querido Critón, como aquí, como todos nosotros, también sería un condenado a muerte...
Every day he leaves his loving wife, and like all of us hazards the risks of a highly competitive business world.
Todos los días deja a su querida esposa y como todos nosotros se enfrenta a los riesgos de un mundo de los negocios altamente competitivo.
They were good men, and, like all of us, they laughed with their friends.
Eran hombres buenos, y, como todos nosotros, se reían con sus amigos.
The Winters sink slowly... like all of us who remain to die in this city we love.
Los Winters se hunden lentamente como todos los que nos quedamos a morir en esta ciudad que amamos.
Old like all of us, you mean.
¿ Es viejo como usted?
And so I left Žižkov, just like all of us have to leave our youth.
Y fue así como dejé Žižkov. Y como todos nosotros dijimos adiós a nuestra juventud.
Like all of us, locked in the past forever.
Como todos nosotros, sujetos al pasado, para siempre.
On behalf of the men, I'd like to express to the lieutenant governor and to you, warden, and to the schoolteacher and the other distinguished guests and all those law-abiding citizens out there just how much all this means to us in here.
Me gustaría decirle al teniente gobernador, y a usted, Director, a la maestra y a los otros distinguidos invitados y a todos los ciudadanos honrados que están ahí fuera, cuánto significa esto para los que estamos aquí dentro.
Pero por dentro eres como el resto de nosotros
But as a father, I am also obliged to remind you that all of us here are in a foreign country. And if we don't help each other like brothers, nobody win.
Pero como un Padre, Yo estoy también obligado a recordarles que todos los que estamos aquì en un paìs extranjero... si no nos ayudamoes entre nosotros como hermanos, nadie nos ayudarà.
I would like to thank the region of Sicily for having given us practically all that was left that hadn't been taken.
Yo quisiera agradecer a la región siciliana por habernos dado por habernos dado... prácticamente todo lo que tiene ahora, que otros no lo han dado.
I'd like to dedicate this first song to all the folks of Northfield who've done business with us. And to those who will do business with us in the future.
Quiero dedicar esta primicia a las personas de Northfield... clientes de nuestro banco y a aquellas que lo serán.
Like two years ago... when we were going to go on a trip around the world, the two of us... all expenses paid.
Como hace dos años... cuando íbamos a viajar alrededor del mundo, nosotros dos... con gastos pagos.
There's all kinds of electronic goodies available for people like us to use.
Hay centenares de equipos electrónicos disponibles para gente como nosotros.
I think that all of us who knew and loved Tuttle would like to pay tribute to this heroic man.
Creo que a todos lo que conocimos y apreciamos a Tuttle nos gustaría rendir un homenaje a este héroe.
As long as the world becomes one... for all of us, brothers and sisters, equal and free, like nature made us.
desde que el mundo es mundo... para todos nosotros, hermanos y hermanas, iguales y libres, como la naturaleza nos hizo.
I wanted to kill Mussolini for all of you comrades... equal and free like nature created us. I wanted to kill Mussolini!
Quería matar a Mussolini por todos vosotros compañeros... iguales y libres como la naturaleza nos creó.Quería matar a Mussolini!
Days and years flit by like a whisper, taking its toll of all of us.
Los días y los años pasan como un suspiro, inflingiéndonos pérdidas.
After having met each one of our honored guests this evening... and after having talked to them, I think that all of us... would like to join in a round of applause... for the brave men that took those B-52s in and did the job.
Esta noche, después de haber conocido a cada uno de nuestros invitados de honor... y después de haber hablado con ellos,... creo que a todos nosotros... nos gustaría unirnos en un aplauso... por los valientes hombres que pilotaron esos B-52s e hicieron el trabajo.
And there's enough diamonds in one of them shipments to keep us all like aristocrats.
Y hay suficientes diamantes en esas cargas...
The richest personalities of the country such as March, have decided just like Hitler and Mussolini to provide us with all the assistance we might need.
Las personalidades más opulentas del país, como March han decidido, al igual que Hitler y Mussolini brindarnos la asistencia que nos fuera necesaria.
All of us are deeply involved with politics, whether we know it or not and whether we like it or not.
Número uno : a todos nos concierne la política, lo sepamos o no, y nos guste o no.
It's like there's a curse on all of us.
Eso asusta. Nosotros estamos malditos.
She's very carefully devised a number of scenarios for all of us to play... like a movie of the week.
Muy cuidadosamente ha preparado varios escenarios para que todos actuemos... como la película de la semana.
Cause of people like him, it's a shame that our island is drifting purposelessly, and that in one moment all of us will go to hell.
Por gente como él, es una pena que nuestra isla esté a la deriva sin rumbo, y que en un momento todos acabaremos en el infierno.
And, uh, both of us would like to thank you all very, very much.
Y a los dos nos gustaría darles las gracias a todos.
I pledge to Holy Mary and all the saints that my efforts shall be without end to return to the bosom of the church, to the Holy Mother Church, which is the only joy on earth for sinners like us.
Ayúdame a ser casta y cristiana. Por tanto castiga a esta pecadora. Prometo a la virgen sagrada y a todos los santos que no volveré a pecar.
I think all of us here would like to know what God looks like.
Creo que a todos nosotros nos gustaría saber cómo es Dios.
Like all the rest of us.
Igual que para los demás.
I'd like for you to take this Bible with you, from me, from all of us.
Me gustaría que llevaseis esta Biblia con vosotros. De mi parte, de parte de todos nosotros.
I'd like to say that the President has been a constant source of encouragement to all of us in the program.
Me gustaría decir que el Presidente nos ha dado su apoyo constante a todos nosotros en el programa.
We'd like you to help us by taking over all of Mark's duties, at least for the time being.
Que nos ayudes y asumas todas Las funciones de Mark, Al menos por cierto tiempo.
And he unwrapped his presents just like sharing with all of us there.
Y él desenvolvió sus regalos, compartiendo todo con nosotros.
The things around us the man made inventions we provide ourselves with, are like a vast network, each part of which is interdependent with all the others.
Las cosas alrededor nuestro... El hombre hace invenciones con las que proveernos, y que como en una red, una depende de la otra.
So, if a place like this nuclear power station control room is considered to, let's say, represent a threat to all of us, close it.
Entonces, si un lugar como esta sala de control de una planta nuclear se considera que, digamos, representa una amenaza para todos nosotros, cerrémosla.
I would like to tell a joke, very appropriate for all of us here.
Me gustaría contar un chiste muy apropiado para nosotros.
This is really, like, a great thing that's happened. To all of us.
Es que es como que nos ha ocurrido algo grande a todos.
All of us who are parents know what it's like to wait up for a child who's out late, to wait for the phone to ring and then when it does, to be a little afraid to answer it.
Los que somos padres sabemos lo que es esperar a un niño que salió hasta tarde, esperar a que suene el teléfono y cuando suene, tener miedo de contestarlo.
We'd like to welcome all the representatives... of Illinois'law enforcement community... who have chosen to join us in the Palace Hotel ballroom at this time.
Queremos dar la bienvenida a todos los representantes... de las fuerzas de la ley de la comunidad de Illinois... quienes escogieron acompañarnos esta noche en el salón de baile del hotel Palace.
We would like to touch base with you on one or two ideas... that we think would make life a lot easier for all of us.
Pero quisiéramos comunicarle un par de ideas... que creemos harían la vida mucho más fácil para todos nosotros.
- We're just going around all day like unconscious machines... and meanwhile there's all of this rage and worry and uneasiness... just building up and building up inside us. We That's right.
- crece y se nos acumula.
Before continuing with this simple meal... I'd like to say, Mrs. Wyatt, on behalf of all of us... we have a great debt to repay you.
Antes de continuar nuestra modesta cena, quiero hablarle... en nombre de todos que nos sentimos en deuda con usted.
- [Clanging Continues ] - I would like to conclude [ Whistles ] - [ All Cheering] With a special warning... to those among us of the Gemini persuasion.
Quisiera concluir... con una advertencia especial... a aquellos que somos Géminis.
So me and Tracy, we were thinking that we'd like to do it again - have a barbecue, all of us together, this Sunday.
Así que yo y Tracy estábamos pensando que nos gustaría hacerlo de nuevo... Hacer una parrillada, todos juntos, este domingo.
Well, I feel like all three of us are conspirators.
Me siento como si los tres fuéramos conspiradores.
And we'd like to thank you personally, all of us, for the meaning you've given our lives.
Queremos agradecerte personalmente que hayas dado sentido a nuestras vidas.
Oh, uh, well, my nephew and I... we would like to have you have your men... not coming down to Delancey Street... and extorting money from all of us shopkeepers.
Ah, bueno, a mi sobrino y a mí nos gustaría que sus hombres no fueran a la calle Delancey a extorsionarnos dinero a todos los tenderos.
I'd like you to know how right we feel about it... is that you be considered to be in line for a place on the committee, and I speak for all of us.
Nos gustaría que supieras que te consideraremos para ocupar un lugar en el comité y hablo por todos nosotros.
I would like to discuss something that is of interest to all of us here.
Quisiera debatir algo... que nos interesa a todos nosotros.
We was thinking since we're employees of the brewery now, eh, like, perhaps it would be, uh, a good idea for us to take, like, all the contaminated beer back to the brewery Oh. where it can be properly disposed of, eh?
Estábamos pensando que, ya que somos empleados de la fábrica ¿ no les parece una buena idea que llevemos toda la cerveza contaminada a la fábrica para que la eliminen como corresponde?
Frankly, Winthorpe, and I think I speak for all of us, I think it shows incredibly bad taste for you to embarrass us like this.
Para ser sincero Winthorpe, y creo que hablo en nombre de todos, creo que es una muestra de mal gusto el que nos avergüences de esta forma.
like all the others 23
all of us 884
all of us together 30
of us 249
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like me 894
all of us 884
all of us together 30
of us 249
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like a cat 27
like always 190
like you 1448
like i care 29
like us 230
like hell 158
like you said 759
like yours 81
like it or not 353
like father 112
like always 190
like you 1448
like i care 29
like us 230
like hell 158
like you said 759
like yours 81
like it or not 353
like father 112