Maybe it did traducir español
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Maybe it's time you did.
Pues es la ocasión.
Maybe it was the courage, that I did not do anything, because we knew that does not make sense.
Puede ser que el coraje sea sólo apariencia. O puede que sea más valiente no hacer nada cuando sabemos que es inútil.
Well, maybe it's time we did.
Bueno, quizás es tiempo de hacerlo.
Maybe this evil did bring you back, but if it did it's because it needs you.
Quizás este mal sí te regresó aquí... pero si lo hizo es porque te necesita.
You could tell me you suddenly feel strange about us, that we need a break because you don't seem to know me, and maybe you never did. Or- - And now I'll make it really easy for you, Dawson- -
Dime que te sientes incómodo, que necesitas un tiempo de separación porque te parece que no me conoces y que quizás nunca me has conocido y ahora voy a ponértelo fácil Dawson sólo dime si se me ha olvidado algo.
Did it occur to you that maybe I'm just not interested?
¿ Se te ocurrió por un momento que quizás no me interesa?
By the by, did it ever occur to you that maybe they might be having a little too much fun?
A propósito, ¿ se te ha ocurrido que quizá se están divirtiendo mucho?
Maybe the husband did it inside of four minutes.
Quizá fue alguien que vivía en el edificio.
Maybe he did it himself.
Ta vez lo h ¡ zo él mismo.
I mean, did it ever occur to you that maybe Zack really likes you?
O sea, nunca se te ocurrio que talves realmente le gustas a Zack?
Still, maybe we over did it this time.
Tal vez no deberiamos.
Maybe I did... but I wouldn't press it.
Quizá sí, pero no quiero presionarte.
- Maybe she did it.
- Igual se lo ha dejado ella.
I spent all day just kind of trying... to figure out what happened and then I started to blame myself... like maybe it was something that I did.
Y luego comencé a culparme a mí, como que quizás era algo que yo hice.
Maybe you figured it would look like a stranger did it?
- No. - ¿ No? ¿ No pensó que parecería que un extraño la había arrastrado hasta allí?
- Then maybe the both of you did it.
Tal vez no es que ninguno de nosotros.
- Maybe we did it in a cab.
- Quizá lo hicimos en un taxi.
Well, maybe it's time they did.
Quizás eso sea lo mejor.
And second of all. ! did it ever occur to you that maybe we needed this time apart to figure out how important we were to each other?
Y en segundo, ¿ alguna vez se te ocurrió que quizá necesitábamos estar separados para determinar cuán importantes éramos el uno para el otro?
Did it ever occur to you that maybe Nathan Barry might let you keep your job because you're a good designer?
¿ Pensaste que Nathan te dió el trabajo porque eres buena?
I kept thinking that maybe it was something I did wrong and that this was my punishment.
Sigo pensando que quizá fue algo que hice mal y éste es mi castigo.
Maybe it's time we ditched the high-tech gizmos... and went back to driving like our daddies did.
Dejemos esos aparatitos tecnológicos y conduzcamos como lo hacían nuestros padres.
Maybe it was all the dangling questions. Why did Pao send the message to me before he died?
Había demasiadas cosas que no encajaban.
Rather than despair... as the 10 lost tribes of the north did some centuries before... instead of saying, "That's the end of Jerusalem and the temple"... they gathered together and said, "Let's remember Jerusalem... let's echo it in our practices, let's still pray to return there... maybe we'll be able to."
Lejos de desesperarse... como habían hecho siglos antes las diez tribus perdidas del Norte... en lugar de decir, "Esto es el fin de Jerusalén y del templo"... se reunieron y dijeron, "Recordemos Jerusalén... recordémosla en nuestras prácticas, recemos para volver allí... y quizá lo consigamos."
Maybe it's the real killer. Did you ever think of that?
Tal vez sea el verdadero asesino.
Okay, maybe I did overdo it just a bit.
Bueno, quizá se me pasó un poco la mano.
Did it occur to you that maybe I was wronged?
- Nada. Fueron injustos conmigo.
Maybe Iron Man did it just to set me up.
Quizá Hombre de Hierro lo hizo sólo para incriminarme.
It's a crazy, maybe not remember what you did.
Es un loco, tal vez no recuerde lo que hizo.
Maybe my mother did it.
Si es así, la debió hacer mi madre.
Maybe then we could clear the deck somehow and-and you could actually tell me what it was that I actually did.
- Oh, vamos. No la has visto por años. - ¡ Clive!
I don't know how he did that, but he knew when it was false, when it wasn't ringing true... and somehow he could, without really saying it to you - maybe by changing something, maybe by... giving Dorothy that kiss... trigger something or bring it out.
No sé cómo lo hacía, pero sabía cuándo era falso, cuándo no era sincero. De algún modo podía hacerlo, sin decírtelo, cambiando algo o quizá, al dar ese beso a Dorothy, removía algo dentro de ti.
Maybe then we could clear the deck somehow and-and you could actually tell me what it was that I actually did.
Entonces capaz podríamos arreglar las cosas y - y me podrían decir qué fue lo que en verdad hice.
Did you ever consider that maybe it wasn't meant to be?
¿ Has considerado alguna vez que era algo imposible?
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that I did not get that job.
Quizá no debí obtenerlo. No hay mal que por bien no venga.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe I was doing that all for you?
¿ No se te ha ocurrido que lo estuviera haciendo por ti?
Maybe I did see the clock... but I didn't even think about it you know, like it didn't register... so maybe it was kinda my fault.
No me di cuenta, pero quizás sí vi el reloj pero no pensé en ello, no lo registré. Así que quizás es mi culpa.
- Maybe you just didn't wanna see it. - Did they ever argue?
- ¿ Discutieron alguna vez?
Maybe if I did something good that would cancel it out, right?
Si hiciera algo bueno, eso anularía lo otro, ¿ verdad?
You know, maybe because if he did... he wouldn't be able to go through with it.
Quizá lo haga porque, si se despidiera... no sería capaz de irse.
Well. maybe that's why he did it.
Quizá sea por eso que lo hizo.
I think it would have been nice if we had fire, but we're not going to catch fish unless we have fire to cook it and I think that if we had fire, we could have spent a lot of time sitting around the bonfire at night maybe singing songs. We have a ukulele, you know, and that didn't happen and I wish it did.
Creo que hubiese sido estupendo si tuviésemos fuego, pero no vamos a pescar peces hasta que no tengamos fuego para cocinarlos y creo que si tuviésemos fuego podríamos pasar un montón de tiempo sentados a su alrededor y ponernos a cantar, tenemos un ukelele y aunque lo deseo, no pasará.
Did you ever think maybe it's not that she doesn't want to have babies?
No se te ocurre que ¿ no es que ella no quiera tener bebes?
Yeah, but did she leave anything behind, maybe with her last name on it, like a receipt, a bill?
¿ Dejó algo tal vez con su apellido?
I also thought it was maybe an exercise of patience... in which we'd withdraw... to consult in darkness the elders'texts... the noble, ancestral pages... but in my trance, his pain didn't matter any longer... nor did my respect for the ancient sayings.
Se me ocurrió también que tal vez era un ejercicio de paciencia... que se recogía, consultando en la oscuridad el texto de los mayores, la página noble y ancestral. Pero en la corriente de mi trance ya no contaba su dolor... mezclado con el respeto a la letra de los antiguos.
I just did. - It's not sensitive. - Maybe it is to a woman.
- 4 días ya son demasiado.
Do you think, maybe, considering my history with the press, it would be better if you did it?
Considerando mi experiencia con la prensa, ¿ no sería mejor que tú Io dieras?
Maybe you don't appreciate it, but what he did was unimaginable
Tal vez tú no lo aprecies, pero lo que hizo fue impresionante
Maybe it did something for me.
- Quizá me sirvió a mí.
Maybe she did it on purpose.
No sé si fue a posta.
Maybe they did it to test you.
A lo mejor querían ponerte a prueba.
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's you 22
maybe it's 82
maybe it was an accident 21
maybe it's just me 27
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's because 16
maybe it's nothing 22
maybe it's not 39
maybe it was 56
maybe it's you 22
maybe it's 82
maybe it was an accident 21
maybe it's just me 27
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's because 16
maybe it's nothing 22
maybe it's not 39
maybe it was 56
maybe it will 16
maybe it was you 19
maybe it was a mistake 17
maybe it should be 20
it didn't work 351
it didn't matter 54
it didn't 412
it didn't hurt 23
it didn't take 23
it didn't help 17
maybe it was you 19
maybe it was a mistake 17
maybe it should be 20
it didn't work 351
it didn't matter 54
it didn't 412
it didn't hurt 23
it didn't take 23
it didn't help 17