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Miss it traducir español

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We managed to miss it in search of a trinket.
Nos lo hemos perdido por buscar una baratija.
- And you're sure you won't miss it?
- Y está seguro de que no va a perder?
We don't want to miss it.
No queremos perder.
I'm so glad you didn't miss it.
Me alegra tanto no te lo hayas perdido.
I miss it.
Lo extraño.
I wouldn't miss it, Dad.
No me lo perdería, papá.
I didn't think I'd miss it, but I do.
No pensé que me lo perdería, pero lo haré.
Wouldn't miss it for the world!
¡ No me lo perdería por nada!
Miss it!
¡ Falla!
( panting ) : Did I miss it?
¿ Me lo he perdido?
Did I miss it?
¿ Me lo he perdido?
Steven, you always bloody miss it!
¡ Maldita sea Steven, te lo has perdido!
I don't even miss it anymore.
Yo ya ni lo extraño.
Wouldn't miss it for the world.
No me lo perdería por nada del mundo.
I didn't even miss it.
Ni me di cuenta.
I didn't miss it, Diane. It never showed up in any of my searches.
No se me escapó, Diane, nunca apareció en ninguna de mis búsquedas.
You can't tell me you don't miss it.
No puedes decirme que no lo extrañas.
Do you miss it?
¿ Le echas de menos?
Miss Diallo, it's lovely to finally make your acquaintance.
- Srta. Diallo, es un placer finalmente conseguir conocerla.
Miss Diallo, it is not a question of your literacy, but rather an issue of ensuring authenticity.
Srta. Diallo, no es una cuestión de su alfabetización, sino más bien una cuestión de asegurar la autenticidad.
Besides, it ain't for me, Miss Meena.
Oh, I know it's going to end in a horrible heart-crushing scene, a la Miss Saigon, but I'm taking a chance.
Oh, ya sé que va a terminar en un terrible escena de trituración de corazón, a la Miss Saigon, pero estoy tomando la oportunidad
So Malcolm took my pencil box, and when I grabbed it back, miss Allen was looking, and she gave us both yellow cards for the day.
Así Malcolm tomó mi caja de lápices, y cuando me agarró de nuevo, señorita Allen estaba mirando, y nos dio tanto tarjetas amarillas para el día.
Miss Mills, precisely what is it you're after?
Srta. Mills, ¿ detrás de qué va exactamente?
It's good to see you can still smile, miss Hale.
Es bueno ver que aún puede sonreír, señorita Hale.
Dear miss Hale, what is it?
Querida señorita Hale, ¿ qué sucede?
Miss Stevens, it doesn't work like that.
Miss Stevens, no es así como esto funciona.
- Miss Choi In Ha! - It's been passed. Tell me that I did okay.
Si deseas permanecer en el país de las maravillas, haz lo que dice Go Yeong Joo.
It's all over now, miss.
Ya terminó, señora. Ya pasó... Somos de la policía.
Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't miss it.
We're all trying to come in and just not miss any of it.
Estamos todos intentando entrar y no te pierdas nada de eso.
It's hard to miss.
Es difícil perderlos.
Miss Moore, it's always a pleasure.
Señorita Moore, siempre es un placer.
I just... I was starting to miss the old Juliette, and now this has happened, and it just...
Es solo que... estaba comenzando a extrañar a la Juliette antigua, y ahora ha sucedido esto, y es solo que... tú sabes, se siente...
You were trying to miss him, pin it on me.
Estabas intentando fallar, para que me señalase a mí.
Well, it's kind of hard to miss.
Es algo difícil de olvidar.
Well, I'm sorry to tell you that it probably will unless you can tell us where Keith was when Miss Ferrara was killed.
Pues siento decirte que probablemente pase a menos que me digas dónde estaba Keith cuando mataron a la señorita Ferrara.
You know what, I appreciate it, Miss Julian.
Se lo agradezco mucho, srta. Julian.
But I just wanted to talk about it... because being with him made me realize how much I miss you.
Pero yo solo quería hablarte sobre esto... porque estar con él me hizo darme cuenta de lo mucho que te echo de menos.
I miss the man, and it's very comforting to surround myself with things that remind me of him.
Extraño al hombre, y es muy reconfortante rodearme de cosas que me lo recuerden.
It can't have been easy. Um... ~ Miss Burgess... ~ Oh!
No puede haber sido fácil.
Yes, it's interesting you say that, Mr Claydon, because, um... Miss Burgess did in fact keep her mobile phone, didn't she?
Sí, es interesante que diga eso, Sr. Clayton, porque... la Srta. Burgess de hecho conservó su móvil, ¿ verdad?
Miss Cillian, all of you, it's time for you to go.
Señorita Cillian, todos ustedes, es hora de que se vayan.
Means if I make a basket, I keep the ball unless I miss or you steal it.
Significa que si metes canasta, mantienes el balón a menos que falles o la quites.
I mean, it is possible if you miss, like, a hematoma or something.
Pero es posible si no te percatas de, digamos, un hematoma o algo así.
You would murder me with your bare hands if you thought you could get away with it, and I have no one who would even miss me.
Me matarías con tus propias manos si pensaras que podrías librarte de ello, y no hay nadie que me echaría de menos.
Yeah, all that Driving Miss Daisy stuff, and the piggly wiggly, and the- - Oh, my God! I was mad because it's a robot hand, not because it's black!
Racista? y el Piggly Wiggly y el - \ Noh Dios mío! no porque sea negro!
Lisa's gonna miss me. I guarantee it.
Lisa va a extrañarme, te lo garantizo.
Miss Evers, bring out the amuse-bouche now, would you? Ah. ♪ Wouldn't turn around and break it ♪
Srta. Evers, ¿ puede sacar el aperitivo ahora? Gracias, John. ¿ Lo ves, Jeffrey?
Sorry to ambush you like this, Miss Hale, but if you've got a second, we'd really appreciate it.
Siento importunarla de esta forma, señorita Hale, pero si tiene un segundo, se lo agradeceríamos de veras.
It's over, Miss Diamond. Off you go!
Se acabó señoria Diamond ¡ Estás fuera!

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