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Nicholas traducir español

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And the judge said, " Listen, the only way for you to prove that you're really Nicholas is we got pictures here that you've never seen before.
Y el juez me dijo, " Escucha, lo único que tenemos para probar que realmente eres Nicholas es con las fotos que conseguimos y que nunca viste antes.
She was already convinced I was Nicholas Barclay.
Ya estaba convencida que yo era Nicholas Barclay.
Carey want me to be Nicholas but what about the others?
Carey quiere que yo sea Nicholas ¿ pero y los demás?
Are they going to want me to be Nicholas too?
¿ También van a quererme como Nicholas?
We all loaded up in my Lincoln to go get my mom and Nicholas.
Todos dentro de mi Lincoln yendo a buscar a mamá y Nicholas.
It was just a happy good feeling that... our long lost Nicholas was home.
Era una sensación de felicidad por el... largo tiempo que Nicholas estuvo lejos de casa
The first thing when you open your eyes is official, your name is Nicholas Patrick Barclay, that you're born December 31st 1980, and that every family member is calling me Nicholas and not "Nicholas, but what is your real name?" No!
La primera cosa oficial cuando abres los ojos, es tu nombre, Nicholas Patrick Barclay, que naciste el 31 de diciembre 1980, y todos los miembros de la familia te llaman Nicholas y no "Nicholas, ¿ cuál es tu verdadero nombre?"
No! Nicholas.
"OK, we're going to go shopping, Nicholas."
"Está bien, vayamos de compras, Nicholas".
We met some people that knew Nicholas before he disappeared.
Nos encontramos a personas que conocían a Nicholas antes de que desapareciera.
I saw Nicholas in the picture doing this with his fingers, you know, his, his way to say "hello", you know, and I did it a few times with them.
En la imagen, vi a Nicholas que hacía esto con los dedos, sabes, era su manera de decir "hola", entiendes, y se lo hizo a ellos un par de veces.
I was thinking to myself that Nicholas Barclay could come back at his house any day.
Pensaba que cualquier día, Nicholas Barclay podría volver a su casa.
He didn't look at me like Nicholas and he didn't pretend to look at me like Nicholas and, er, he said good luck to me and he left.
No me miró como Nicholas y no trató de mirarme como Nicholas sólo me deseó suerte y se fue.
I did not receive any telephone calls from the family saying, you know, " Nicholas is back.
No recibí ninguna llamada de la familia diciéndome, " Nicholas volvió.
So I'd agreed to meet Nicholas at the San Antonio missing children's centre to conduct our first interview.
Había accedido a encontrarme con Nicholas en el centro de niños desaparecidos en San Antonio para realizar nuestra primera entrevista.
I introduced myself to Nicholas and then told him why I was there, and that the purpose of this interview was to get his account of his kidnapping and for his assistance in locating his abductors.
Me presenté a Nicholas y le dije por qué estaba allí, y que el objetivo de la entrevista era escuchar su historia sobre el secuestro y ayudarlo a localizar a sus secuestradores.
All I knew about Nicholas was what I had read on some of the missing posters.
Todo lo que sabía sobre Nicholas era lo que había leído en los carteles de búsqueda.
He had a shadow of a beard, a dark beard, that I doubt if Nicholas would have had a shadow of a dark beard at the age of 16 since he had blond hair.
Tenía una sombra de barba, una barba oscura, y dudo que Nicholas hubiera tenido algo de barba oscura, a los 16 ya que tenía el pelo rubio.
I had passports, everybody in the family say I am Nicholas Barclay.
Tenía pasaporte, toda una familia que decía que soy Nicholas Barclay.
If anything that Nicholas was telling us was true, if any of it had any accuracy, and if there was any military officer possibly involved, the last thing that we wanted it to be put was on the front page of the newspaper or on television
Si algo de lo que nos dijo Nicholas era verdad, si algo de ello era cierto, y si posiblemente estaba involucrado algún oficial militar, lo último que queríamos era que fuera puesto en la tapa del periódico o que saliera por televisión
Nicholas Barclay is now 16 years old.
Nicholas Barclay tiene ahora 16 años.
Nicholas says he was kidnapped and taken to Spain.
Nicholas dice que fue secuestrado y llevado a España.
June 19th 1994, Nicholas got into a fight with his family, so he came here to Fort Sam Houston to play basketball.
El 19 de junio de 1994, Nicholas tuvo una pelea con su familia, y vino aquí, a Fort Sam Houston a jugar baloncesto.
The next thing he knew, there was a cloth over his mouth and Nicholas passed out.
Lo siguiente que supo, tenía un paño sobre la boca y Nicholas se desmayó.
I wanted the media's attention, so that I would make Nicholas even more real, that people would really believe that I'm Nicholas and they would love me even more for that.
Quise la atención de los medios, de manera de hacer a Nicholas más verdadero, que la gente realmente creyera que yo era Nicholas y me amaran aun más por eso.
Behind that booth was a picture of the actual Nicholas Barclay.
Detrás de esa cabina había una foto del Nicholas Barclay real.
And so I knew right away that absolutely he was not Nicholas Barclay.
Y supe inmediatamente que no era en absoluto Nicholas Barclay.
This has to be Nicholas Barclay.
Tiene que ser Nicholas Barclay.
I was pulling teeth trying to determine who had kidnapped Nicholas, when and where and under what circumstances.
Me estaba costando mucho determinar quién había raptado a Nicholas, cómo y dónde y bajo qué circunstancias
The family was told that the reason we were taking Nicholas to Houston was because he'd been through trauma.
Se le dijo a la familia que la razón por la que llevábamos a Nicholas a Houston era porque él había pasado por un trauma.
You know, I don't know who he is but the person who was... I was interviewing could not have been Nicholas Barclay.
Sabes, no tengo idea quién es, pero la persona que estaba... a la que estaba entrevistando no podía ser Nicholas Barclay.
I started going into the neighborhood, and finding out about the real Nicholas Barclay, interviewing the neighbors, trying to find out what I could about that boy and about that family.
Empecé a ir al vecindario, y averiguar acerca del Nicholas Barclay real, entrevistando a los vecinos, tratando de averiguar lo que pudiera acerca de ese chico y acerca de esa familia.
You know, why would Nicholas have left?
Sabes, ¿ por qué Nicholas se habría ido?
I spoke to everyone and they all said that Nicholas had caused trouble, had come home late at night.
Hablé con todos y todos dijeron que Nicholas había causado problemas, había vuelto a casa tarde en la noche.
I knew that DNA samples would prove that he wasn't Nicholas Barclay.
Yo sabía que las muestras de ADN probarían que él no era Nicholas Barclay.
They knew that I wasn't Nicholas.
Ellos sabían que yo no era Nicholas.
She just could not say it's not Nicholas.
Ella simplemente no podía decir : "no es Nicholas".
I kept thinking about the kid, Nicholas Barclay.
Seguía pensando acerca del chico, Nicholas Barclay.
I wasn't worried about Nicholas coming back no more.
Ya no estaba preocupado de que Nicholas volviera.
Neither Nicholas Barclay or his mother were cooperating, so we were going to have to have a search warrant executed in order to obtain those blood samples.
Ni Nicholas Barclay ni su madre cooperaban, así que necesitaríamos ejecutar una orden de registro para obtener esas pruebas de sangre.
I couldn't pretend no more to be Nicholas and act like Nicholas.
Ya no podía pretender ser Nicholas y actuar como Nicholas.
Nicholas was becoming much more agitated and angry and I really felt like he was going to run away and if he ran away we might have a very hard time locating him.
Nicholas se estaba poniendo mucho mas agitado y enojado y realmente sentí que el trataría de escapar y que si escapaba tendríamos muchas dificultadas para localizarlo.
That he was not Nicholas Barclay, he was Frederic Bourdin.
Que no era Nicholas Barclay, él era Frederic Bourdin.
Because it wasn't Nicholas.
Porque no era Nicolás.
Where is Nicholas?
¿ Dónde está Nicholas?
It was related to us that while Frederic was in jail that he said that my mom confessed to him that her and Jason killed Nicholas and hid the body.
Se nos contó que mientras Frederic estaba en la cárcel que dijo que mi mamá le confesó que ella y Jason mataron a Nicholas y escondieron el cuerpo.
He's agreed to let me dig and see if Nicholas Barclay's here.
Él accedió a dejarme cavar y ver si Nicholas Barclay está aquí.
I didn't lie about anything to do with Nicholas.
No mentí sobre nada referente a Nicholas.
If Jason did something to Nicholas, I didn't know about it and I can't imagine Jason ever doing that.
Si Jason le hizo algo a Nicholas, yo no sabría nada de ello y no puedo imaginar que Jason hiciera eso.
I know my brother or my mother did not kill Nicholas, accidentally, on purpose.
Sé que mi hermano o mi madre no mataron a Nicholas, accidentalmente, a propósito.
I do feel like the family knows the whereabouts of Nicholas Barclay.
Yo siento que la familia conoce el paradero de Nicholas Barclay.

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