Nightline traducir español
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If you need me for anything and the nightline is busy, I'll be back in the shop. So just leave a message, and I'll get back to you.
Si me necesitas y el teléfono comunica, estaré en la tienda, así que déjame un mensaje y ya te llamaré, ¿ vale?
I'm really not into television. I only watch PBS and Nightline.
Mire, no estoy dedicado a la TV, sólo veo las noticias.
{ Y : bi } This is Nightline News at 10.00.
Bienvenidos a las noticias de las diez.
I'm Ted Koppel, and this is Nightline.
Soy Ted Koppel para Nightline.
The biggest event was to come... when Ted Koppel announced he'd interview city officials live... in front of city hall, on Nightline.
El mayor evento vendría luego cuando Koppel dijo que entrevistaría en vivo a funcionarios... desde la alcaldía, en Nightline.
The ABC news program Nightline was to be broadcasted live... from in front of city hall tonight.
El programa de ABC Nightline iba a ser en vivo desde en frente de la alcaldía.
Nightline has had to cancel their segment from the city of Flint... and police are looking for a suspect.
Nightline debió cancelar la sección de la ciudad de Flint y la policía busca a un sospechoso.
They caught the unemployed worker who made off with the Nightline van.
Atraparon al desempleado que escapó con la camioneta de Nightline.
You seemed out of your league on Nightline, I thought.
Pero en el programa de la televisión parecía un poco perdido.
I am sure they won't be landing on the White House lawn or appearing on "Nightline".
Lo que sé es que no aterrizarán en el jardín de la Casa Blanca ni irán al "Nightline" de la TV.
I saw it on Nightline.
Lo vi en la tele.
Pitkannan spends more time on Nightline than in lecture.
Pitkannan está más en la tele que en Harvard.
Call Carl Barker on Nightline.
Llamen a Carl Barker.
Now, I can buy 7 0 transcripts of Nightline.
Ahora puedo comprar 7 0 copias del programa Nightline.
I was watching these two guys on Nightline... on Gay Pride Day, and one of them said :
"Estaba viendo dos tipos en" "one night live" "para el Gay Pride y uno decia :"
When I was with Nightline, I was in Rwanda, Chechnya, Bosnia.
Para la televisión fui a Ruanda y a Bosnia.
No background leaks to the press. Nobody shows up on Nightline.
Ni una palabra a la prensa.
A couple nights later, he was on "Nightline." They had the camera on him for a full minute.
Dos noches después, en "Nightline", la cámara lo enfocó durante cuatro minutos seguidos.
- Once she was on Nightline and I can't be sure, but I think he was touching himself.
- Una vez salió en Telenoche... y él estaba, no estoy segura, pero creo que se masturbaba.
There's a very insightful Nightline on.
Oi que hay un buen progrma en vivo.
Christ, it was even on Nightline.
Dios, hasta ha salido en "Nightline".
Ted Koppel did that on Nightline.
Ted Koppel lo hizo en "Nightline".
I came to your suite early to tell you we'd be doing Nightline that night and we had to get to an ABC affiliate.
Fui a su suite a decirle que estaríamos en un noticiero y que debíamos conseguir un afiliado a la NBC.
I can go on "Nightline" and "Larry King" because of who I am.
Apareceré en Nightline y con Larry King debido a quien soy.
Good evening and welcome to Nightline.
Buenas noches y bienvenidos a'Lateline'.
- You watched Nightline last night?
- ¿ Vió Nightline anoche?
- What? Irmatrude writes, " Three nights ago on Nightline, Josh said we'll be asking for a GAO study of Medicare drug pricing.
lrmatrude dijo ; "Hace 3 noches en Nightline, Josh dijo :" Vamos a pedir un estudio de la OGC del costo de medicinas de Medicare ".
Irmatrude thanks for watching me on Nightline.
lrmatrude, gracias por verme en Nightline. Sí.
Ted koppel wants us to appear on "nightline"
Ted Koppel quiere que salgamos en "Nughtline"
If we go on nightline, the whole country can hear about What's happening to our classic films!
Si vamos a Nightline, todo el país escuchará lo que pasa con las películas clásicas.
Let us scratch our heads and look stupid while you go on Nightline or have lunch with the President.
Deja que estrujemos nuestras cabezas y parezcamos estúpidos mientras tu vas a Nightline o almorzar con el Presidente
- ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox New York Times, the Post, Detroit Free Press, Miami Herald, Nightline, Dateline.
- ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox... New York Times, the Post, Detroit Free Press, Miami Herald, Nightline, Dateline.
From here on out, you do as I say, exactly as I say or I slap this bitch on Nightline and call it a day ‚ okay?
Desde ahora vas a hacer lo que yo diga ‚ exactamente lo que yo diga o entrego este video a un noticiero y se acabό, ¿ de acuerdo?
He said, " No, we're killing Nightline.
" No, nos estamos cargando Nightline...
They're gonna watch at Mary Angela's except Mary Theresa, who has to be home to watch Nightline.
Todos ellos van a verte donde Mary Angela excepto Mary Teresa, que tiene que quedarse en casa para ver "Nightline".
I've seen those faces on "Nightline".
He visto esas caras en "Nightline".
And nightline called about Monday's segment.
Y "Nightline" llamó acerca de la sección del lunes.
¿ En "Nightline"?
But we are negotiating with "Nightline," "Hardball" and "The Daily Show".
Pero estamos negociando con "Nightline", "Hardball", y "The Daily Show".
My hair likes a good book, a glass of Chablis, and bed before "Nightline".
A mi pelo le gusta un buen libro, un vaso de Chablis ( vino ) e irse a la cama antes de "Nightline".
What is this, "nightline"?
¿ Qué es esto, "Nightline"?
I'll go to 48 Hours. I'll go to Nightline.
Iré al 48 horas. Iré a Nightline.
Don't know if there's Nightline anymore.
No sé si Nightline aún existe...
Clearly, everyone hooked up early so they could be home in time for "nightline."
Obviamente, todos se recogen pronto para estar en casa a tiempo para el programa de noche
Actually, tonight's "nightline" sounds very interesting.
De hecho, el programa de hoy pintaba bien
I'm Leslie Monster. And this is Nightline.
Soy Leslie Monster, y estamos en Nightline.
We made these in Nightline.
Hicimos de estos en Nightline.
Nightline, Good Morning America.
Nightime, Good Morning America.
Fox news or Nightline or- -
Fox news o Nightline o...
Tonight on Nightline...
Hoy en Nightline :
Tonight on ABC's Nightline missing persons reported...
Relato sobre personas desaparecidas...
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