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Nay, it is a Verdi aria to my brand-new cochlear implants, for it means'tis true I indeed finished my book proposal.
No, es un aria Verdi a mis flamantes implantes cocleares, porque es cierto que de hecho he terminado mi propuesta del libro.
I don't know what it means to always have video access all the time of everything.
No sé lo que significa tener siempre acceso a video de todo, todo el tiempo.
Oh, HR still means homeroom to half the peeps here.
Aquí la gente no sabe lo que es eso.
- I don't know what that means.
- No sé lo que significa eso.
- It means, you don't want to kick a man when he's down.
- Significa que no le quieres dar la patada a un hombre cuando está de capa caída.
- What does that mean? - What it means is that I have a lifestyle to maintain. .
Bueno, me temo que simplemente no lo hará.
"Okay" means "not okay."
"No pasa nada" significa que "pasa algo".
Okay, all right, so that means we need to bring him back to life, right?
- Vale, de acuerdo, así que eso significa que tenemos que traerle de nuevo a la vida, ¿ no?
- I don't know what that means.
No sé qué significa eso.
SafeSearch means that when you are using the Internet - - and it varies by search engine - - it'll filter out some of the content that you don't want to see.
SafeSearch significa que cuando estás usando Internet... y eso varía por motores de búsqueda... filtrará parte del contenido que no quieres ver.
It means for sensitives like Melissa, there will be no place to go.
Esosignifica para los electro sensitivos como Melissa, que no habrá lugar a donde ir.
That's even more awesome. No, Quill, it means he's evil and I know evil fathers. GAMORA :
Eso es aún más impresionante.
Sorry to break it to you, but being disbarred means that you are no longer a lawyer.
Siento contártelo, pero estar inhabilitado significa que ya no eres un abogado.
You know what this means, right?
Sabes lo que significa, ¿ no?
Camps like this one were only meant to be a temporary solution, but the endless violence in Syria means that most of these refugees will never be able to go home.
Hace 10 meses que estamos aquí. Ya no nos queda dinero.
Yeah, but not before he showed it to you, which means he's not a snitch.
Sí, pero no antes de mostrártela a ti, lo que significa que no es un chivato.
Even I don't know what that means.
Incluso yo no sé qué significa eso.
Means they're not going to kill them.
Significa que no los van a matar.
Well, I am by no means a greedy man.
Bueno, no soy para nada un hombre codicioso.
I hope it ain't the 15th,'cause that means I missed dialysis.
Espero que no es el 15, Cecause eso significa que echaba de menos diálisis.
He's sending in the D-boys to the wrong location, which means we have no more time.
Está mandando a los chicos de la DEA a la ubicación equivocada, lo cual significa que se nos acabó el tiempo.
It means I don't think you are behind this.
Significa que no creo que estés detrás de esto.
It doesn't mean it will always be a perfect organic meal, it just means it's gonna be real food.
Eso no significa que siempre deba ser una comida orgánica perfecta, solo debe ser una comida real.
That means he didn't have the gun pressed against his head.
Eso significa que no tenía el arma contra su cabeza.
It's not like American shows where a kiss means nothing.
No es como en series de aquí, donde no significa nada.
Principal Bundy said that you two came in to confess, which means that I did it, because no adult would do something so stupid.
Principal Bundy dijo Que ustedes dos vino a confesar Lo que significa que lo hice,
That means Jennifer's not on the medication.
Eso significa Jennifer de no en el medicamento.
Your being here means you haven't killed him yet.
Si estás aquí quiere decir que aún no lo has matado.
After a felony, any two crimes you commit no matter how small means serious jail time.
Después de un delito grave, cualquiera de los dos crímenes comprometerse no importa lo pequeño significa tiempo en la cárcel grave.
I don't even know what it means, but I salute it.
No sé qué significa eso, pero le rindo mis honores.
I don't know what that means.
No sé lo que eso significa.
It obviously means nothing to you.
Es obvio que no significa nada para ti.
If this means you're gonna sign with climber's world, so be it, but I don't think it's fair to go on a trip with you alone when you're clearly in love with me.
¿ Qué? Si eso significa que firmes con Climber's World, hazlo... pero no creo que sea justo que hagamos el viaje solos... cuando es obvio que sigues enamorada de mi.
And I don't know. This means a lot to Brody. I just want to help.
y... no lo sé, esto significa mucho para Brody, sólo quiero ayudar.
That means it can't be ergot poisoning ;
Esto significa que no puede ser envenenamiento por cornezuelo de centeno ;
Which means I no longer need you as regent.
Lo que significa que ya no te volver a necesitar como regente.
Maybe it means something and maybe it doesn't, but I
Tal vez signifique algo y tal vez no lo sea,
It means that they know they don't have the patience to earn what they want, and that's why they go out and steal it from other people.
significa que ellos saben que no tienen la paciencia para conseguir lo que quieren, y es por eso que ir y robar a otras personas.
You can't be everyone's friend and invite them to tea because... warm means you're weak.
no puede ser amigo de todo el mundo y les invitamos a té Porque... cálido significa que está débil.
It means I couldn't hold my mud.
Que significa no pude sostener mi barro.
I still don't know what that means.
todavía no sé lo que eso significa.
It means they don't care about clients right now.
Que significa, no les importan los clientes ahora.
It means the memories aren't gone, not completely.
Significa que los recuerdos no están perdidos, no completamente.
Which means a liver reading won't help. The fact that our victim was floating suggests
La temperatura corporal cae rápidamente en el agua, lo cual significa que la temperatura del hígado no ayudará.
No, but I have a girlfriend who lives in Austin and loves what I do because it means I can fly out to see her whenever I want to.
No, pero tengo una novia que vive en Austin y le gusta lo que hago porque significa que puedo volar a verla siempre que quiera.
Not yet means... 20 minutes.
Aún no son... 20 minutos.
Yes, well, that means nothing to me.
Sí, bueno, eso no significa nada para mí.
And that means no patients.
Y eso significa que no habrá pacientes.
Although the Argus II shows promise for patients like Anthony who once had vision and lost it, some experts are warning that for all the advances we've made in fighting blindness, we haven't actually stopped to consider what it means to restore sight to someone who's never had it at all.
Aunque el Argus II promete para gente como Anthony, que una vez tuvo visión pero la perdió, advierten que para todos los avances que logramos para luchar contra la ceguera, no hemos considerado qué significa restaurar la vista a alguien que nunca la tuvo.
He's not listening to announcements, but I bet you his dad is, which means you just scared the guy into moving even faster.
No le prestará atención a los anuncios, pero apuesto a que su padre sí, y eso significa que usted simplemente lo ha asustado para que se mueva más rápido.
So far, no sign of Gold, which means we need to expand our search perimeter to include the woods.
No hay señales de Gold. Debemos incluir el bosque en la búsqueda.
means no 19
nothing 25771
noel 174
no comments 23
nope 8135
no it isn't 59
not allowed 48
note 183
normal 592
noth 18
nothing 25771
noel 174
no comments 23
nope 8135
no it isn't 59
not allowed 48
note 183
normal 592
noth 18
nora 980
noelle 93
novak 48
no one cares 99
no response 122
nostalgia 21
nooo 196
norma 481
no i haven't 34
no message 40
noelle 93
novak 48
no one cares 99
no response 122
nostalgia 21
nooo 196
norma 481
no i haven't 34
no message 40