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Of his body traducir español

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I need to take a picture of his body.
Tengo que tomar una foto de su cuerpo.
"for the sake of His body, that is, the Church."
"... en mi carne, en favor de su cuerpo, que es la iglesia "
Holy Father, doctor of souls and bodies, you who sent your only begotten son Jesus Christ to cure every disease and to free us from death, heal also your servant from the infirmity of his body and soul that afflicts him. Amen.
Padre Santo, que curas almas y cuerpos has enviado a tu único hijo, Jesucristo a curar las enfermedades y librarnos de la muerte cura a tu sierva la dolencia de cuerpo y alma que la hace sufrir, Amén
What if I get accused of telling a surgeon to cut a beating heart out of his body without proof of death?
¿ Si me acusan de decirle a un cirujano que le saqué su corazón sin prueba de muerte?
He's still shooting pieces of his body.
Sigue disparando partes de su cuerpo.
He was the patriarch of his family, yet where were they when the life was draining out of his body and that sweet chariot had swung low to carry him home?
Fue el patriarca de su familia, entonces cuando su vida se estaba yendo de su cuerpo y luego ese dulce carruaje bajando para llevarlo a casa?
Evan Lang, 1 6, second and third degree burns over 60 percent of his body.
Evan Lang, 16, quemaduras de segundo y tercer grado en 60 % del cuerpo.
Do you know anything about Nick Rabin's death or the mutilation of his body?
¿ Sabe algo de la muerte o mutilación de Nick Rabin?
Every part of his body is..
Cada parte de su cuerpo es..
His head was severed from what was left of his body.
Se le separó la cabeza del resto del cuerpo.
The entire upper half of his body looks like it was singed.
Toda la mitad superior del cuerpo parece estar ligeramente quemada.
We have to get all the water out of his body!
Debemos extraerle toda el agua del cuerpo.
Of course, get inside of his body and that's way is smells really bad.
Por supuesto, se le pega al cuerpo y así es que huele muy mal.
You know, the Lord's gonna take care of both of you,'cause I know Jake, and he may be wily, but he doesn't have a bad bone in his body.
Ya sabes, el Señor cuidar de ustedes dos, porque sé que Jake, y puede ser inteligente, pero no tiene un hueso malo en su cuerpo.
He put his hand behind my head, pulled me close... and then kind of dared me to hit him in the body.
Puso su mano en mi nuca, me acercó hacia él... y me retó a que le golpeara en el cuerpo.
Even when he thought of punching at his body, Ali was blocking him.
Incluso cuando le lanzaba golpes al cuerpo, Ali lo estaba bloqueando.
Dozens of holes found on his body
Docenas de perforaciones en el cuerpo.
And therefore must his choice be circumscribed unto the voice and yielding of that body whereof he is the head.
Y por ello su elección debe someterse a la voz y consentimiento del cuerpo del que él es cabeza.
Why, sir, his hide is so tanned with his trade, that he will keep out water a great while, and your water is a sore decayer of your whoreson dead body.
Porque su piel está tan curtida, señor, que resiste al agua durante mucho tiempo, y el agua, señor, es lo que antes descompone un puto cadáver.
In a rage, Darken Rahl slew his own father and commanded me to dispose of the body.
Preso de furia, Rahl el Oscuro asesinó a su propio padre y me ordenó deshacerme del cuerpo.
That doesn't include the shooting and murder of one Oscar Shales and burying his body under his bird bath- -
Eso no incluye dispararle y asesinar a un tal Oscar Shales - y enterrar su cuerpo bajo la fuente...
Curious, I stepped out of my vehicle and saw his mangled lifeless body on the driveway on a smeared pool of his own blood.
Para entender lo que había sucedido, he bajado del coche y lo he visto. he visto su cuerpo mutilado y sin vida en el camino de entrada en un charco de su propia sangre.
He jammed the body of the weapon right up against his neck.
Se metió el cuerpo de LADEArmas hasta el cuello.
He survived by taking over the body of his human host, an Egyptian boy.
Él sobrevivió en el cuerpo de su huésped, un niño egipcio.
Well, if we go with the blackmail scenario - Maddox confronts Snaith, kills him and decides his first priority is to get rid of the body.
Bien, si volvemos al escenario del chantaje, Maddox confronta a Snaith, lo mata, y decide, como primera prioridad, deshacerse del cuerpo.
Um... the black crystalline structure is present throughout his body, including tiny concentrations in the limbic area of his brain which controls emotions.
Um... la estructura cristalina negra está presente por todo su cuerpo, incluyendo pequeñas concentraciones en el área límbica del cerebro, lo que controla las emociones.
A voltage pathway analysis indicates that his body generated a bolt of current that overloaded everything in his lab.
Un análisis de vías de voltaje indica que su cuerpo generó un salto de corriente que sobrecargó todo en su laboratorio.
No one has any experience with the level of malnutrition that we go through, and a guy like russell gives you everything he's got and more every single time, and then he comes back and he's a workhorse, and his body failed him today.
Nadie tiene siquiera experiencia con el nivel de desnutrición que debemos atravesar. Y un hombre como Russell que da todo lo que tiene y más, en cada desafío....... y luego regresa y es todo un trabajador. Y su cuerpo le fallo el día de hoy, y es tan desafortunado.
Then his body floated up... and I got the hell out of there.
Luego su cuerpo flotó... Y me largué de allí.
Well, there are a lot of ways a bullet could end up under his body.
Bueno, hay muchas maneras de como la bala pudo terminar debajo de su cuerpo.
If carbon monoxide had been the cause of that man's death, his skin would be cherry red, which it isn't, ergo... Body was staged.
Si el monóxido de carbono ha sido la causa de la muerte de este hombre, su piel estaría rosada, no es así, ergo... el cuerpo fue arreglado.
Lavage has removed all traces of DXM from his body.
El lavado limpió su cuerpo de todo resto de DXM.
If he's got Addison's, then his body is making melanin compounds instead of adrenaline.
Si tiene Addison su cuerpo está generando melanina en vez de adrenalina.
It... it was strapped to his body, kind of like a vest.
Estaba atada a su cuerpo como un chaleco.
- We found his body at the bottom of a sinkhole.
- Lo encontramos en un desagüe.
While they're having sex up on the roof a strand of linguini transfers from her body to his.
Mientras tenían sexo en la azotea un puñado de "fideos" se transfirieron de su cuerpo al de él.
Body was found in the Maynard parking lot, driver's seat of his father's car, at 6 : 00 a. m.
El cuerpo fue encontrado en el aparcamiento de Maynard, en el asiento del conductor del coche de su padre a las 6 : 00 A.M.
♪ This a song for Pierce Him so old ♪ ♪ His body made Of wrinkles and folds ♪ ♪ Stupid and ugly He smells like a fart ♪
# Esta canción es para Pierce, porque es tan viejo # # está todo hecho de pliegues y arrugas #
That sergeant standing over the body of his best friend.
Aquel sargento en pie ante el cuerpo de su mejor amigo.
His body'd been chucked in the middle of the square.
Nos enviaron su cuerpo
His financials just came in. Guess who took their silver Mercedes to an auto body shop two days ago to get a dent taken out of their front bumper?
¿ Adivina quién llevó un Mercedes plateado al taller hace dos días para reparar el parachoque delantero?
Tom always seems like Mr. Slickster cool guy, but he's hiding his emotions underneath a very thick layer of axe body spray.
Tom siempre parece el Señor Astuto tipo cool, pero está escondiendo sus emociones. debajo de una gruesa capa de spray corporal axe.
And I'm getting a significant reading of 800 parts per million for gasoline, and it's all over his body. This is interesting.
Tengo también una lectura significativa, de 800 mg / litro de gasolina, y está por todo su cuerpo.
With this piece of Plastic Man's body I've decoded his molecular structure and developed a theta ray that will not only affect him but anyone it hits.
Con este trozo del Hombre Plástico he decodificado su estructura molecular y desarrollado un rayo theta que no sólo lo afectará a él sino a cualquiera que él toque.
The body of Samantha Finley was found dead in the arms of his brother.
El cuerpo de Samantha Finley fue encontrado en los brazos de su hermano.
Then, TA-WATS fled before the destruction he had wrought, and as he fled, the burning Earth consumed his feet, legs, body, hands and arms... until at last, swollen with heat, the yes of the god burst
hasta que, hinchado de calor, los ojos del dios explotaron, y las lágrimas brotaron en un diluvio extendido por toda la tierra extinguiendo el fuego.
For as much as it hath pleased almighty God to take onto himself the soul of our dear departed brother let us therefore commit his body to the ground.
Ya que ha complacido a Dios todopoderoso llevarse el alma de nuestro hermano hemos de entregar su cuerpo a la tierra.
Pleasure of feeling a body expire. Feel its last beautiful sigh in his hands.
el placer de sentir un cuerpo expirar... sentir en sus manos los últimos signos vitales.
For as much as it hath pleased Almighty God, of his great mercy, to take unto himself the soul of our dear brother, here departed, we, therefore, commit his body to the ground.
Ha sido deseo de Dios Todopoderoso en su gran piedad, llevarse junto a Él el alma de nuestro querido hermano y nosotros entregamos su cuerpo a la tierra.
If the Holy Father was given an overdose of Tinzaparin what signs would his body bear?
Si el Santo Padre recibió una sobredosis de tinziparina qué tipo de señales mostraría su cuerpo?
His body was in such state of shock that he could have an heart attack every second.
Su cuerpo estaba en tal estado de shock que podía tener un ataque cada segundo.

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