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Off with their heads traducir español

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Off with their heads!
Que les corten las cabezas!
"Now off with their heads," said the Queen of Hearts.
"¡ Que les corten la cabeza!", dijo la Reina de Corazones...
"Off with their heads!" screamed the Queen.
"¡ Que les corten la cabeza!", gritó la Reina...
"Off with their heads!" screamed the Queen.
"¡ Que les corten la cabeza!", gritó la Reina.
Off with their heads!
¡ Córtenles la cabeza!
Objection? Why not "Off with their heads"?
¿ Y por qué no "Que le corten la cabeza"?
Until then, off with their heads.
Hasta entonces, que les corten la cabeza.
I don't know, laugh, or'off with their heads! 'You know what I mean
No se si queria reirse o mandar que nos cortaran la cabeza.
Nivelle and Mangin, off with their heads!
Nivelle y Mangin, ¡ a la guillotina!
Off with their heads.
Que les corten la cabeza.
And if they don't... off with their heads!
Y si no... ¡ Adiós, cabezas! ¡ Ja, ja, ja!
Now... off with their heads!
¡ Ahora... córtenle la cabeza!
Off with their heads.
Que les corten la cabeza
Off with their heads. Off with everyone's heads!
¡ Cortadles la cabeza a todos!
- "Off with their heads."
- Lo apagan con sus cabezas.
- Off with their heads.
- Rigurosa.
Off with their heads!
- Van a perder
Okay. Off with their heads!
Vale. ¡ Cortadles la cabeza!
" "Off with their heads." "
"Córtenles la cabeza".
Off with their heads!
¡ Saca tus manos de ahí!
Once they've taken it, off with their heads.
Los ratones no se pueden resistir al queso... cuando se lo comen, les corta la cabeza.
Once they've taken it, off with their heads.
Cuando se lo comen, les corta la cabeza.
Off with their heads! One for each head of cabbage!
Quiero sus cabezas, una por cada col.
- Forget the'off with their heads'bit. - Why?
Pero, no me vengas con ideas revolucionarias.
This is where you wanna be, with a lot of saps like that... yellin'their heads off and thinkin they're enjoying themselves.
Aquí es donde quieres estar, con un montón de lelos como esos que gritan y creen que se están divirtiendo.
I wanna make one speech to our dear readers before they carry our heads off on a pike. Wanna tell'em we've been their benefactors. We gave'em a chance to pretend that their phony hearts were dripping with the milk of human kindness.
Antes de que nos guillotinen diré que fuimos sus benefactores, que les dimos la oportunidad de demostrar que tenían corazón.
500 of them stark-naked, screamin'their heads off, all with spears.
Eran 500, todos nuestros, gritando y con las bayonetas en las manos.
They wouldn't be so useful with their heads cut off as they are now, my seabird.
No serían muy útiles, palomita.
They're running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
Andan corriendo como pollos degollados.
Running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
Correrían como pollos degollados.
I'll bet he fixed it for those jerks to go running like chickens with their heads off just so he can hijack that yacht.
Apuesto a que arregló todo para que esos idiotas anden locos buscándole mientras se larga con el yate.
I've just seen 34 American GI's with their heads blown off by Chinese troops.
Acabo de ver 34 americanos reventados por los chinos.
I'll cut off their heads off with one swing.
Cortaré sus cabezas de un solo golpe.
Anyway, this mechanism emits the rays, the nature of which escapes me... but one thing is absolutely certain, that these rays... come into contact with every obstacle in the way and rebound off that obstacle... back into their little heads and warn them.
Pues, este mecanismo emite los rayos. Su naturaleza se me escapa ahora pero una cosa es absolutamente cierta : Si estos rayos toman contacto con algún obstáculo en el camino y rebotan contra el obstáculo vuelven a sus pequeñas cabezas y les avisan.
Running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Grandpa Crockett, Daddy's not in the boat, and it's out there all by itself.
Abuelo Crockett, Papá no está en el bote.
dead people everywhere, with their bowels out and their heads cut off, and blood running on the ground, like a sea of wine.
Con las entrañas afuera y, Sus cabezas cortadas Y la sangre que corria Como un mar de vino.
I made a good living out of taking pictures of people with their heads blown off.
Tenia una buena vida sacando fotos de gente a las que les vuelan la cabeza...
I have seen more intelligent creatures lying on their backs at the bottom of ponds. I've seen better organised creatures than you running around farmyards with their heads cut off.
He visto seres más inteligentes en el fondo del pantano, seres más organizados en las granjas, con las cabezas cortadas.
I even found chickens with their heads bitten off.
Incluso encontré pollos con su cabezas mordido.
I don't believe in women going off to college with the men, cramming their heads full of Latin and Greek.
No creo en las mujeres yendo a la universidad con los hombres, llenándose la cabeza de Griego y Latín.
Off with their heads.
Que les corten las cabezas.
- Funny, as in he likes to ventilate people with a shotgun and then cut their heads off.
- Es raro... porque le gusta agujerear a la gente con una escopeta y decapitarlos.
But I've also seen two agents family men, laying belly down in the grass out there with their heads blown off.
Pero también he visto a dos agentes padres de familia, boca abajo en la hierba con un tiro en la cabeza.
I cut their heads off with a nail clipper.
Corto sus cabezas con un corta uñas Eh!
- Because they went to Ludlow with little train and got their heads cut off.
- Porque fueron a Ludlo con poco séquito y les cortaron la cabeza.
Can't live with them, can't blow their heads off.
No puedes vivir con ellas y tampoco puedes matarlas... Mierda.
Off with their heads.
¡ Cortadles la cabeza!
The guerrilla's ears were cut off, you played football with their heads, napalm,
Las orejas cortadas a los guerrilleros. Los que jugaban al fútbol con cabezas, el napalm,
When he saw this, the Roman governor was filled with rage... and ordered their heads to be cut off. "
Cuando vio eso, el gobernador romano se enfureció y ordenó que los decapitaran ".
Merchants who cheated with their scales will have their heads cut off and weighed.
A los mercantes que estafaron con sus balanzas se les cortará la cabeza y esta sera pesada.
They're lying in a pan with their heads chopped off.
Están en la sartén con la cabeza rebanada.

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