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Painfully traducir español

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Even with the boat, progress was painfully slow,
Incluso con la balsa, avanzábamos lentamente.
As long as you don't kill me painfully, please.
Espero que me des una muerte sin dolor.
" "All splendour of the world succumb to the power of mind," " " "and the conqueror's glory shine brighter" " " "and penetrate deeper, more painfully into the souls" "
Todo esplendor terrenal sucumba a la fuerza del ingenio, y la gloria del que somete resplandezca mas, hienda las almas mas profunda y lacerantemente
You know, Ruth, you're strangely honest, sometimes painfully so.
Ruth, eres extrañamente honesta, y a veces tan honesta que duele.
I've been painfully surprised that Mass is poorly attended on Sundays
Cuando Monseñor me confió esta parroquia, vi que la misa del domingo era menos seguida que las de la semana.
You know, you- - you made me feel painfully embarrassed, Caldicott.
Me ha hecho sentir muy incomodo, Caldicott.
Rather than go painfully and slowly... I choose to leave this... wicked world with a record of good deeds.
En lugar de irme sufriendo lentamente, elegí dejar este malvado mundo con un registro de buenas acciones.
I used to wear yellow a great deal in my early days, and would do so still if Sir John was not so painfully personal in his observations, and a man on the question of dress is always ridiculous, is he not?
Solía llevarlo mucho en mi juventud. Lo seguiría llevando si Sir John no hiciese... Un hombre hablando de vestidos resulta ridículo, ¿ verdad?
In d flat minor, to be painfully accurate.
En re bemol menor, para ser más precisa.
For at 9 : 30 he was heard calling for help, and a few minutes later he died painfully before he could be reached by his old comrade-in-arms and faithful servant, André Latour.
A Ias 9 y media, se Ie oyó pedir ayuda... y unos pocos minutos más tarde, moría entre grandes dolores... antes de ser encontrado por su fiel sirviente... André LaTour.
It's painfully true
Es dolorosamente verdad
Painfully written, painfully read by only too few.
Escritos con dificultad y leídos por muy pocos.
To accountant Carmelo, now buried in the snow, who had painfully answered him :
A Don Carmelo, sepultado bajo la nieve, que había dicho con voz rota :
For the last 20 miles I've been painfully aware of that.
- Lleva hablándome 30 Km.
You will learn how to accomplish this... easily, I hope... or, if you prefer, as painfully as you wish.
Espero que aprendan a hacerlo... con facilidad... o si prefieren, con mucha dificultad y dolor.
I've come here every day now for two decades painfully picking up a few of the least difficult fragments of their knowledge.
Desde hace dos décadas vengo aquí todos los días para recopilar algunos de los escasos fragmentos de su saber.
When she waddles up the bank, she painfully resembles a different kind of bird, n'est-Ce pas?
Cuando anda por la ribera, el cisne se parece a otra clase de ave.
This movie is at that period of time using the desolate mining area as the stage living courageously though painfully
Esta película es sobre ese período de tiempo usando el área minera desolada como escena viviendo valiente aunque dolorosamente
Long and painfully.
Lenta y dolorosamente.
I've had, uh... I've had one or two too many, as might be painfully obvious to you gentlemen.
He tomado, eh alguna copa de más, algo penosamente obvio para ustedes, caballeros.
Mr. Barnard, I am aware, painfully aware of your distrust regarding Elizabeth's death.
Sr. Barnard, soy consciente... dolorosamente consciente, de su desconfianza con respecto a la muerte de Elizabeth.
Have I made myself painfully clear?
¿ Me he expresado con claridad?
It's painfully obvious.
Está clarísimo.
I, who have commited the unforgivable, and allied myself with desecrators and non-believers, emplore thee to destroy my body painfully, and my soul will pay penance, through all eternity.
Y o, que he cometido actos imperdonables... y me he aliado a profanadores y no creyentes, te imploro que destruyas mi cuerpo con dolor... y mi alma cumpla penitencia... durante toda la eternidad.
Painfully sweet and cruel
El dolor se convertirá en un suave lamento
My vision is painfully acute.
Mi visión es dolorosamente aguda.
( The Khan hobbies painfully into the room. )
( El Khan cojea dolorosamente hacia el cuarto. )
Sooner than go painfully and slowly I choose to leave this blemished world my own way.
En vez de irme lenta y dolorosamente decido dejar este mundo imperfecto a mi manera.
Oh, you made that painfully obvious!
¡ Oh, usted hizo que dolorosamente obvio!
A new catastrophic peace makes the flow of damned souls painfully scanty now.
Al llegar la desesperante y catastrófica paz disminuye considerablemente la influencia de almas condenadas.
You can't do anything else than to pose aggrievedly and painfully.
Sólo sabe poner esa cara de acongojado.
But we emerged painfully divided.
Pero surgimos dolorosamente divididos.
Yes, painfully divided by a fence!
Sí señores, dolorosamente divididos.
Death can come easily, or... painfully, Israelite.
Puedes morir fácilmente o con dolor, israelita.
She's a painfully graphic little girl.
Es una chica demasiado expresiva.
When you're finished there... you can help me by pulling... this painfully barbed savage's arrow... first by snipping the head off in the back... and then pulling it from the front, quickly so that it doesn't hurt me.
Cuando acabes puedes ayudarme a mí quitándome esta flecha que tanto me duele. Primero parte la punta por detrás y luego da un rápido tirón por delante para que no me duela.
I  s painfully simple, Sergeant.
Es muy sencillo, sargento.
One of my problems was that I was painfully shy.
Uno de mis problemas era mi terrible timidez...
And consequently, during this period, people sought to distract them, to entertain them, to relieve them from the boredom of the Maginot Line, where time passed at a snail's pace. It must've been painfully boring.
y en consecuencia, durante este período, la gente intentó distraerlos, entretenerlos, para aliviarlos del aburrimiento de la Línea Maginot, donde el tiempo pasaba a paso de tortuga.
Well, it's painfully obvious.
Pues, es dolorosamente obvio.
Oh, my dear Richard, you can be painfully naif.
Querido Richard, eres dolorosamente ingenuo.
Life is painfully short.
Penosamente breve.
Still others are painfully thin... But far worse in the mental state of each, of the average man.
Pero lo peor es el estado mental de cada individuo, yo diría del individuo medio.
I'm painfully aware of that, Lieutenant.
Soy dolorosamente consciente de eso, teniente.
I'm painfully aware of that, Lieutenant.
Soy dolorosamente consciente de ello, teniente.
In 1932 Camille drove for the last time into the hills of Hollywood, left her Model T Ford and climbed painfully, hand over hand, up the ladder you can see at the rear of the great H.
En 1932 fue la última vez que Camille condujo por las colinas de Hollywood, dejó su Ford T y ascendió con dificultad por la escalera que pueden ver detrás de la gran H.
" painfully attempting to play the part of Quentin Crisp.
" tratando dolorosamente de interpretar el papel de Quentin Crisp.
white hat, sailor style, of his daughter Mariángela... Painfully normal jacket, tight at the waist by a gigantic cartridge belt,... machine gun, a 2nd World War residue, sling, viper bite serum, canary in a cage, and hunting stray cat... who immediately fled at the beginning of the operation...
sombrero blanco estilo marinero de su hija Mariángela... chaqueta penosamente normal apretada en la cintura por una gigantesca cartuchera de ametralladora, residuo de la II Guerra Mundial honda elástica, suero contra víboras en la bandolera, jaula con canario para llamada y gato callejero recogepresas... que huyó inmediatamente durante la operación de partida...
On the contrary, he wants not to suffer, that is, he no longer wants to be painfully alive.
Por el contrario, no quieren sufrir
Uh, two martinis, please, painfully dry.
Dos martinis, por favor, muy secos.

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