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Rock and roll traducir español

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A bit of cowboy, a bit of metal, a bit of rock and roll.
- Un motero. - Un modelo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
When someone is playing rock and roll from the heart, and they really walk it like they talk it, you pay more attention, because it makes you feel like a human being, in a way.
Pero cuando alguien... Cuando alguien toca rock desde el corazón y practica lo que predica le prestas más atención, porque te recuerda tu humanidad.
- ( Bob ) And an amazing singer. - The best rock and roll singer ever. I don't know who people consider the originator of rock and roll.
Imagínate ser negro y gay en Georgia, en los años 50.
You can't tell who did the first whatever, but between'em, they started rock and roll.
- Sí, con Elvis y Jerry Lee Lewis. Esos tres.
( Harry ) lt was rock and roll with a bit of thump.
Todos teníamos Jaguars y lanchas motoras.
"l remember before there was rock and roll. " There was just your mum's records. "
"Me acuerdo de cuando sólo existía la discográfica de Rosemary Clooney."
"Then we heard Elvis and we never turned back. " We heard rock and roll. That's us. "
Siguió : "Después escuchamos a Elvis y ya no hubo vuelta atrás".
In rock and roll bands that I've been in, the money comes into play and attitudes change.
En otras bandas de rock, entra el factor del dinero y la actitud cambia.
You have to make up your mind between rock and roll or your beloved, and since sex only lasts half an hour at the very top and a rock and roll set lasts an hour and a half, I think we got that one sorted out.
El sexo dura media hora, como mucho, pero un concierto hora y media... Así que es fácil elegir.
Don't forget us. We are Motörhead, and we play rock and roll!
¡ Somos Motörhead y tocamos rock'n'roll!
John, drive safe! Enjoy the ride! Rock and roll!
Un medicamento "especial" para Megan y Patrick ha invertido la peligrosa expansión de sus órganos internos.
Welcome to the heart and soul of rock'n'roll.
Bienvenidos al corazón del rock and roll.
Okay, it's rock'n'roll, right?
Está bien, es rock and roll, ¿ verdad?
You can rock'n'roll
Puedes tocar rock and roll...
Rock and roll...
You can rock'n'roll
Puedes tocar rock and roll... Puedes tocar rock and roll...
Then you can rock'n'roll
Puedes tocar rock and roll...
- You can rock'n'roll
- Puedes tocar rock and roll
Tonight, Billy Joel will head an all-star show of music heavyweights to end the ballpark's place in rock and roll history.
Esta noche, Billy Joel conducirá un show estelar de pesos pesados de la música, para que concluya la historia del estadio con el rock and roll.
And that was the first year I joined up with a band and started playing rock and roll in a band, 1964.
Ése fue el primer año que me uní a una banda y empecé a tocar rock and roll, 1964.
At that time, I said, "Yeah, I want to be a rock and roll star."
En esa época, dije : "Quiero ser una estrella de rock and roll."
If you couldn't be a baseball star or a football star, or a movie star, let's be a rock and roll star.
Si no puedes ser estrella de béisbol, de fútbol o de cine, debes ser estrella de rock and roll.
♪ I wanna rock and roll
Quiero rockanrolear
♪ I wanna rock and roll all night
Quiero rockanrolear toda la noche
♪ Rock and roll all night
Rockanrolear toda la noche
I fell in the rock'n'roll crowd.
Caí entre la gente del rock and roll.
Rock and Roll. - Rock and Roll.
Rock n'Roll.
Sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Sexo, drogas y rock and roll.
.. is doing what needs to be done at Rock n Roll club.
.. quiere hacer un club de Rock and Roll.
All right, let's rock and roll.
Muy bien, hagamoslo.
Rock and roll.
El rock and roll.
And he did play into and influence... so many other fields, like rock and roll, like the movies.
Porque rompió muchas barreras y se metió de lleno e influenció otras expresiones. Como el rock and roll y el cine.
I think he thought rock and roll was bullshit. It mostly is, you know.
Creo que él pensaba que el rock and roll era una mierda... ¡ y en su mayoría lo es!
What you listen to, Rock and Roll?
Qué escuchas, Rock and Roll?
¶ it's rock and roll ¶
¶ it's rock and roll ¶
All swagger and rock and roll.
Todo el fanfarroneo y el rock and roll.
- * Everybody's got to rock and roll - *
- * Everybody's got to rock and roll - * - * Todo el mundo va a bailar el rock and roll - *
He was too busy being all crazy and rock and roll to be there for his kid.
Estaba demasiado ocupado siendo tan rock and roll y alocado para estar junto a su hijo.
Sex, drugs, rock music and a little boy on boy action put in there between.
Simple de leer. Sexo, drogas y Rock and Roll.
I want it to rock and roll!
¡ Quiero rock and roll!
When it comes to rock and roll, you need something to believe in. Integrity means everything.
En el rock'n'roll hay que creer en algo.
He was crazy. Him, Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis.
No sé quién cree la gente que originó el rock'n'roll.
There was nothing he could do but play rock and roll.
Little Richard :
He would go up to his amplifier, feed his guitar back and he would make'em scream.
Era un rock'n'roll algo más duro. Muy agresivo.
He said one of the most amazing one-liners I've ever heard, and he explained it. He said, "l remember before there was rock and roll."
Él me dijo una de las mejores frases que he oído en mi vida.
In the'60s, how I got albums and singles, too, I had to go down to the electrical appliance shop and he would order it for me from whatever company.
"Oímos ese rock'n'roll y nos sentimos identificados." ¿ Cómo conseguía discos en los 60? Tenía que ir a la tienda de electrodomésticos.
d Buys all the rock and roll books on the magazine stand d Every dime that he gets is lost to the jukebox man d
Pensamos que estaría bien grabar un disco y lo hicimos.
My kind of rock-and-roll connective tissue to the military was probably Motörhead. You know, I would wear Motörhead T-shirts over there.
Mi conexión entre el rock y la vida militar era Motörhead.
d And I'm still feeling mean d lt's dangerous rock and roll. It's not choreographed.
Era un tipo de rock peligroso.
( Cheering ) lf there's one man on this tour that embodies the spirit of rock and roll more than Lemmy, show him to me!
Si hay un hombre en esta gira que represente mejor que Lemmy el espíritu del rock, traédmelo.
♪ You wanna rock and roll ♪

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