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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ R ] / Runs in the family

Runs in the family traducir español

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And as for me being alone, why, that runs in the family and I'll get used to it.
Y en cuanto a estar sola, es el destino de mi familia. Y me acostumbraré.
In fact, it runs in the family.
Viene de familia.
Obviously, it runs in the family.
Debe ser un vicio de familia.
" It runs in the family.
O, como usted mismo dijo hace un momento...
Runs in the family, doesn't it?
Es cosa de familia, ¿ no es cierto? .
Runs in the family. Morgans are always three inches ahead of their trousers.
Los Morgan siempre han llevado ventaja a sus pantalones.
Mind you, I don't say it runs in the family... but it's my job to check every angle... and satisfy myself that Professor Gleason didn't die in this house... or I'll have to ask the police to step in.
Aunque no digo que venga de familia... es mi trabajo ver todo enfoque... y quedar satisfecho de que Gleason no murió en esta casa... o le pediré a la policía que intervenga.
- lt runs in the family.
- Es de familia.
Runs in the family.
- Es herencia de familia.
It runs in the family...
Le venía de familia...
Everyone knows where he gets it from, of course, it runs in the family.
Y también saben que le viene de familia.
It runs in the family.
Es de familia.
It runs in the family.
Como toda la familia.
If it runs in the family, there's no reason why you couldn't.
- Si es de familia, puedes.
It runs in the family.
Es una mala costumbre de familia.
Runs in the family.
De tal palo, tal astilla.
Do you think it runs in the family?
Estoy empezando a creer que es de familia.
Runs in the family, you know.
Es cosa de familia.
Kind of runs in the family.
Parece cosa de familia.
Just because it runs in the family doesn't mean that everyone has it. Kiss me, Sire.
El hecho que se herede en la familia no significa que todos lo tenemos. ¡ Béseme, Sire!
Well, it runs in the family.
Es corriente en la familia.
Runs in the family.
Corre en la familia.
Runs in the family.
Es hereditario.
Seems it runs in the family. Same thing happened to her mother.
Es hereditario, su madre vino del mismo modo.
Runs in the family, so watch it.
Yo soy su padre.
The doctor wants to know if it runs in the family.
Dice el doctor si tiene precedentes en la familia.
It runs in the family.
Verá, eso le viene de familia.
- It runs in the family.
- Sí, de familia.
It runs in the family.
Viene de familia.
It runs in the family.
Herencia de familia.
But you see at home, they are inclined to believe... that certain behaviour runs in the family.
Pero en casa, tienden a creer... que ciertos comportamientos son hereditarios.
- I'm afraid it runs in the family.
- Me temo que es tradición familiar.
- Runs in the family?
- ¿ Tradición familiar?
And besides, it runs in the family.
Y además, viene de familia.
It runs in the family.
Le viene de familia.
Yes, well, I guess it runs in the family, Chief.
Sí, bueno, creo que es de familia, jefe.
It runs in the family.
Les corre por la sangre.
- Runs in the family.
- Viene de familia.
It runs in the family.
Debe ser algo de familia.
Yes... it runs in the family, as you say!
Sí, enfermedad de familia, como usted dice.
I don't know. Runs in the family.
Es cosa de familia.
- Guess it runs in the family.
- Supongo que es algo de familia.
If you want to prove that something runs in your family, this is the spot.
Si quieres probar que algo te viene de familia, este es el sitio.
It runs in the family!
¡ Está en la sangre de la familia!
Maybe lisping runs in the family. Maria, are you ready?
Tal vez sea propio de la familia este defecto, no lo sé.
In France, the papa runs the family.
En Francia el papá manda en la familia.
It runs in the family, you know.
Sucede en la familia, dormilones. Madame...
Uno de los mejores jugadores de billar de la ciudad es conocido como el Tiburón y maneja un lugar llamado "Salón Familiar de Billar de Mamá".
I have here the statement of a certain legend, which runs in the Baskerville family.
Traigo aquí el manuscrito de cierta antigüedad, de la familia Baskerville.
- It runs in the family.
¡ Será cosa de familia!
It runs in the family.
- Gracias, es de familia.

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