The family business traducir español
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He said the family business wasn't for him.
Le disgustaba el negocio familiar.
Or did you forget I know all the family business, Vavá?
¿ O olvidas que conozco todos sus problemas familiares, Vavá?
Give him a living, but never discuss the family business with him.
Que viva bien, pero que no intervenga en la familia.
Didn't want to get mixed up in the family business.
No querà as mezclarte en los asuntos de familia...
Don is semi-retired and Mike is in charge of the family business.
El Don està ¡ retirado. Mike se encarga de los negocios.
No, you're out of the family business.
No, te echo del negocio de la familia.
So that Mr. Proclo won't inherit half of the family business.
De modo que Mr. Proclo no heredara la mitad del negocio familiar.
I thought you had a hand in running the family business.
Creí que tendrías parte de los negocios familiares.
And when father died the family business was lost
Si no fuera por las fotos, jamás creería que he tenido un padre. Cuando murió papá, se hundió el tinglado familiar.
Well, I suppose somebody has to carry on the family business.
Supongo que porque alguien debe continuar el negocio familiar.
I won't work in the family business.
No voy a trabajar en el negocio familiar.
I'm working hard in the family business, so not too often.
Trabajo duro en el negocio familiar, así que no muy a menudo.
The elder οne percival, wοrks in the family business.
Percival trabaja en el negocio familiar.
Affecting the family business?
Que afectan a la empresa familiar?
After he died of lung cancer, he developed certain techniques. The family business now uses these to stop people from smoking.
Después de morir de cáncer de pulmón, nos dimos cuenta que él había desarrollado ciertas técnicas para los negocios familiares y que ahora usamos para que la gente deje de fumar.
We ain't taking any shit from any outsiders... about the family business... especially from a scummy little pimp like you, Señor Bocca.
No aceptaremos ninguna opinión de nadie... sobre el negocio de la familia. Y mucho menos de un rufian de putas como tú, Sr. Bocca.
I mean, there's marriage and there's family and the family business.
Ahí está el matrimonio y la familia y el negocio familiar.
Is it true that you had a serious falling-out with your father about when you'd take over the family business?
¿ No es verdad que tuvo una seria discusión con su padre acerca de cuándo se encargaría de los negocios familiares?
Anyway, Elisa, who was the only child, had to take care of the family business.
Como decía... Elisa era hija única tenía que ocuparse del negocio de la familia.
In a sense, this is none of my business, but I've come to feel almost like a member of the family where Lolita is concerned.
En cierto modo, esto no me incumbe, pero he llegado a sentirme casi como uno más de la familia en cuanto a Lolita se refiere.
Now, you see, we're from the Old Country, and we have a family custom... that, before we discuss a business deal, the party of the second part...
Somos del viejo mundo y tenemos una costumbre familiar. Antes de discutir un trato de negocios... la persona interesada, en este caso, usted... debe besar al miembro más joven de la familia.
I'm Herman Munster, and my family's in the iron and steel business.
Soy Herman Munster, y mi familia es aficionada a las monedas.
If the executioner's ill, or got family business there's his deputy
Si el verdugo está enfermo, o tiene asuntos familiares, viene su ayudante.
We're not out to put the family operations out of business.
No vamos a arruinar su empresa familiar.
She came to the city after family adversities in her village, with a business card to work as a florist's assistant.
Llegó a la ciudad tras adversidades familiares en el pueblo, con una tarjeta de presentación para trabajar en una floristería.
I was just thinking that this business with the hound and the family curse and so on ; if Stapleton partly believes it's true perhaps he might want his sister not to be.
Sólo estaba pensando, que este asunto del sabueso, y la maldición familiar, si Stapleton cree que es verdad, quizás él pueda querer que su hermana no lo sea.
I believe that every nation, every family, has the leader they deserve, and this is none of our business.
Yo digo que todas las naciones, que cada familia, tiene el líder que se merecen, y esto es asunto nuestro.
Pero tuaviste que avoIaver trayendo a toda tu familia.
I'll do business with you, but the fact is that I despise your masquerade, the dishonest way you pose yourself and your whole fucking family.
Haré negocios con usted, pero desprecio su mascarada, la arrogancia que adoptan, usted y toda su puta familia.
Bankers have managed to force the family out of business.
Los bancos han conseguido echar a la familia del negocio.
I just sold a family implement business in the Shonkin range and I'm thinkin'of buying a small ranch.
He vendido mi negocio de aperos de labranza en Shonkin range y quiero comprar un pequeño rancho.
We do want an heir to head the family and the business for the next generation.
Queremos un heredero que dirija los negocios para la siguiente generación.
He decided to recoup the family fortunes by going into the invention business ; all he needed was a little cash.
Había decidido recobrar la fortuna familiar haciéndose inventor, todo lo que necesitaba era un poco de efectivo.
See, they were awfully good at the rather sordid business of opening universities and technical schools, and actually letting anybody in on merit ; Never mind their family background.
Verán, ellos eran tremendamente buenos en el negocio bastante sucio de abrir universidades y escuelas técnicas, que aceptaban a cualquiera sobre las bases de sus méritos, sin importar nunca sus antecedentes familiares.
The Duke family had been in the whiskey business... fifty years before the Declaration of lndependence.
La familia Duke fabricaba licor ilegalmente... desde antes de la Independencia.
It would be so sad if this was the old family business
Mejor así, no es un bien de familia.
In addition to further information on Sir Alec Nichols, computers will need programming on business activities of Charles Martin of the French Roffe family.
Además de la información sobre Sir Alec Nichols, Ios ordenadores necesitarán datos sobre las actividades empresariales... de Charles Martin y la rama francesa de la familia Roffe.
I went into the family construction business and became what they call "comfortable"
Entré en la familia del negocio de la construcción y me convertí en lo que llaman "un acomodado"
You see, in my business... even the deepest family relationships aren't worth a farthing.
En mi negocio, las relaciones familiares no significan un carrizo.
You see, even in the deepest family relations... My business is not worth a...
En mi negocio, los familiares... no valen una pu... mier...
The police protect your home, your family, your business.
La policía protege su casa, a su familia y su negocio.
I'm the head of the family, but only so long as I take care of business.
Soy la cabeza de la familia, pero sólo mientras me haga cargo del negocio.
If this Lao Li family is responsible for moving a third of the smack out of Southeast Asia... and he's here, then he's our business.
Si la familia de Lao Li es responsable... del tráfico de un tercio de la heroína del sudeste de Asia... y si él está aquí, entonces, es asunto nuestro.
- That's the best, family business.
Es lo mejor. Un negocio familiar...
All I know is that... the cops tell us... the guy who got snatched the day they did the number on the cops wife... was in big business with the Prizzi family.
Y yo sólo sé una cosa. La policía dice que... el tipo que secuestraron el mismo día que mataron a la mujer del poli... estaba metido en negocios con la familia de los Prizzi.
My father gave control of this territory to Lucky Luciano but not because he got fed up with family business. It was because the search for the Gold of Babylon entranced him.
Mi padre se jubiló delegando su esfera de influencia a Lucky Luciano no sólo porque estuviera harto de disputas y luchas mafiosas sino porque fue cautivado por la búsqueda del Oro de Babilonia.
That dreadful business of the Abernetty family.
Aquel terrible asunto de la familia Abernetty.
Your Aunt Kate has just concluded some business and asked to be excused until the family assemble downstairs. Ah...
Su tía Kate acaba de terminar con unos asuntos y ha pedido que la disculpen hasta que la familia se reúna abajo.
Nο. The family all seem very shοcked by this business.
No, la familia está muy afectada con esto.
You see, from this year on the royal family buys its business cars from Miguren Motors.
Mira, desde este año la familia real compra automóviles comerciales de Miguren Motors.
They keep their business in the family.
¡ Así se queda todo en familia!
the family 112
family business 42
business 577
businessman 37
businessmen 24
business as usual 75
business is booming 22
business partners 16
business or pleasure 40
business trip 19
family business 42
business 577
businessman 37
businessmen 24
business as usual 75
business is booming 22
business partners 16
business or pleasure 40
business trip 19
business is business 82
business is good 48
business partner 23
the floor is yours 27
the first one 115
the flash 89
the first time i saw you 26
the first of many 20
the forest 35
the final frontier 122
business is good 48
business partner 23
the floor is yours 27
the first one 115
the flash 89
the first time i saw you 26
the first of many 20
the forest 35
the final frontier 122
the floor 53
the first time we met 43
the future 293
the first 240
the french 76
the front 31
the fool 54
the food 120
the front door was open 16
the facts 28
the first time we met 43
the future 293
the first 240
the french 76
the front 31
the fool 54
the food 120
the front door was open 16
the facts 28
the father 151
the first day 25
the fuck is this 18
the four 34
the feds 64
the funeral 36
the fight 31
the fire 114
the fear 48
the fuck 145
the first day 25
the fuck is this 18
the four 34
the feds 64
the funeral 36
the fight 31
the fire 114
the fear 48
the fuck 145