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Send him home traducir español

341 traducción paralela
Emily : I have to fall in love with curtis In order to send him home.
Tengo que enamorarme de Curtis, para poder enviarlo a casa.
I have to take cee lo's advice And pretty much fall in love with curtis In order to send him home.
Debo tomar el consejo de Curtis, y enamorarme de Curtis para poder mandarlo a casa.
send him home, back to his country.
flétenlo para su tierra.
Let him win 12 G and send him home in one of our cabs.
Déjale ganar doce de los grandes y envíale a casa en uno de nuestros taxis.
You can send him home.
Puedes dejar que se vaya.
Send him home, darling.
Mándalo a casa, cielo.
When bill fisher got it, The doctor wanted to send him home in a box after an hour.
Cuando le pasó a Bill Fisher el médico cedió a la hora.
They should send him home.
Ahora lo mandarán a casa.
What you send him home for?
¿ Por qué le dices que se largue?
We found him wandering around. We were going to send him home when we heard about the accident.
Le encontramos vagando por ahí... íbamos a enviarle a casa cuando oímos lo del accidente.
Put his head under the pump and send him home.
Métele la cabeza debajo del grifo y mándalo a casa.
Well, buy him some badge polish and send him home. Anyone can tell this boy isn't a thief.
Pues que se Limpie La insignia y que vuelva a su casa.
I tried to send him home soon after getting him drunk.
Traté de enviarlo a casa antes que se emborrachara.
Well send him home. I'll have Lubin find a replacement.
Envíalo a casa, Lubin encontrará un sustituto.
~ Send him home, then.
- A casa, entonces.
I might send him home... ... with his appearance altered.
Podría enviarle a casa con su apariencia alterada.
- Then, send him home.
- Pues llevadlo a casa.
Send him home.
Mándale a su casa.
Send him home. Just send him home, that's all.
- Mándelo a casa.
Why don't you send him home to clean out his cage?
Mándalo a su casa a limpiar su jaula.
- I'll send him home.
- Yo lo enviaré a casa.
Hey bartender, don't give my friend another drink, you'll have to send him home in a cast.
Camarero le da un poco más de beber a mi amigo.
Give him this money for a carriage and send him home
Déle este dinero por el servicio y mándelo a casa.
Send him home, ref!
¡ Árbitro, mándalo a casa!
Now, when he wakes up, would you put him in a cab and send him home?
Cuando despierte, ¿ podrían enviarlo a casa en un taxi?
We've got to send him home to his mother.
Tenemos que devolvérselo a su madre.
Tuve que enviarlo a casa.
- Send him home. at least!
- Al menos, envíale a casa.
Master Cecil, pay James Stuart 3,000 crowns in gold and send him home on a fast horse.
Maestro Cecil, pague a James Stuart 3.000 coronas de oro y envíelo a casa en un caballo rápido.
Send him home.
¡ Que se largue!
We decided to send him home.
Le hemos enviado a su país.
- Well, send him home.
Enviadle a casa.
I got a card. See, the card says, "If in case of a fit... " please put this man unharmed in a cab and send him home to his wife.
Sólo busco una tarjeta que dice : " En caso de ataque ponga a este hombre, ileso, en un taxi y envíelo a su mujer.
Send him home, Henry.
Mándalo a casa, Henry.
First appearance - send him home for a test attendance for whatever good that'll do!
Primera aparición - lo mandan a casa para una prueba de asistencia para que salgo algo bueno de eso!
You know, I remember when we used to slap a guy like that in the head, throw him a beatin', send him home cryin'to his mother.
Recuerdo cuando, a alguien como él, le dábamos un sopapo... luego una paliza y lo mandábamos llorando con su mamá.
Holy St. Tony, help us to find the boy and send him home.
San Antonio, haz que le encontremos mándalo a casa.
I pray send him home.
Por favor, mándele a casa.
Send him home to mama.
Envíenlo a casa con mamá.
Martin can wait there until I send him word that it's safe to come home.
Esperará allí hasta que sea seguro volver.
I'm not going to send him back to the rest home.
No voy a mandarle otra vez al sanatorio.
Go to your home, and I'll send him to you.
Ve a casa y te lo enviaré.
The one small thing that Tamás can find time to do for the Imredi family is to send one of the young boys who knew him at school to take them home.
Todo lo que Tamàs puede hacer por la familia Imrédi es enviar a un joven de la escuela para que les lleve a su casa.
If you take my advice. You'll go home and wait for him to send you his code address.
Le daré un consejo, regrese a casa y espere a que le envie su dirección.
We can't just send him swimming home.
No le podemos pedir que vuelva nadando.
Now, he used to threaten to send me away all the time... and I would threaten him with running away from home.
El me amenazaba con enviarme lejos todo el tiempo... y yo lo amenazaba con escaparme de casa.
I don't want to send him back to an unhappy home, but we're grandmothers.
No quiero mandarlo a un hogar infeliz, pero somos abuelas.
He lived at home with his mother, who used to assemble matchboxes, forty-six cents a thousand, to send him to school.
Su madre hacia cajas de cerillas... Para que ella pudiera estudiar.
Viktor Rosta must've pissed off a lot of commissars... for them to send someone all this way to baby-sit him home.
Viktor Rosta debe haber irritado a un montón de comisarios para que hayan enviado a alguien desde allá a buscarlo.
Send him a VHS home video recorder.
- Un aparato de video.
Even if he made an agreement with me, the army would rip him to pieces if he wanted to send it back home without a fight and prey.
Aunque llegáramos a un acuerdo, el ejército se lo comería vivo si quisiera volver a casa sin luchar y sin una presa.

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