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So, I haven't done anything since I was here in October.
No he hecho nada desde que vine en octubre.
Now, this job, I can do. You know, growing up, I had five brothers and sisters, and since I was the least attractive, I had to clean all the dishes.
puedo hacerlo. tenía que fregar los platos.
Fuck, I hadn't fought with anyone since I was a kid. And tonight it's been twice already.
Joder, no me pego con nadie desde que era un crío y esta noche llevo dos.
It has been since I was born.
Lo ha sido desde que era crío.
I'd always had a crush on him since I was a... a kid, but I thought I was over it, and then, you know, we met, and he just swept me off my feet.
Siempre tuve debilidad por él desde que era una... una niña, pero pensaba que lo había superado y, entonces, bueno, nos encontramos y me hizo perder la cabeza.
I have been at the side of Henry since I was a boy.
He estado al lado de Enrique desde que era un niño.
Hand to God. I've been into sewing since I was eight years old.
Me fascina la costura desde los ocho.
- Since I was a child.
Desde niño.
The good news for all of you is that Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership has been high on my agenda since I was a young Senator.
La buena noticia para todos es que la Alianza de comercio Trans-Pacífico a sido una de mis prioridades desde que era un joven senador.
Not since I was a 15-year-old launch boy at the yacht club.
No desde que era un niño de 15 años en el club de yates.
Since I was 20.
Desde que tenía 20 años.
I remember it being there since I was a kid.
Recuerdo haber estado ahi desde que era una niña.
Oh, on the other hand, ever since I was a little boy, I had my heart set on a princess cut.
Por otra parte, desde que era un chico, siempre he tenido mi corazón en un corte de princesa.
Ever since I was a little girl, you always told me these funny stories about Grandpa, but you never once took me to see him.
Desde que era una pequeña... siempre me contaste esas historias divertidas sobre el abuelo... pero jamás me llevaste a verlo.
♪ Rapper-slash-hijacker bombin'tracks ever since I was young ♪
( Que te bombardea y hace pedazos con sus rimas, desde que era jóven )
And since I was the least drunk person there, I had to take him to hospital.
Y como yo era la persona que estaba menos borracha, tuve que llevarlo al hospital.
Just grab me and go for it. It's been a long time since I was... adjusted.
Ha pasado tiempo desde que fui... ajustada.
For about a week now since Kevin told us you were arriving at the stash to come sign some comics, I've been practicing how to tell you how much your portrayal of Batman has meant to me since I was a child.
Desde hace una semana que Kevin nos dijo que venía a la tienda a firmar cómics, he estado practicando para decirle lo mucho que su interpretación de Batman ha significado para mí desde que era un niño.
I'm one of those people who has been picturing my wedding since I was a teenager.
Soy una de esas personas que ha estado imaginando su boda desde que era adolescente.
And since I was missing you, I also had couple of drinks.
Y ya que le faltaba, yo también tuve par de copas.
Yeah, probably since I was your age.
Sí, probablemente desde que tenía tu edad.
You know me since I was 4. Come on.
Lo sé, lo sé.
My father is a fireman, so it's been a dream of mine since I was a little kid.
Mi padre es bombero, así que, siempre ha sido un sueño para mí desde que era niño.
He's been my doctor since I was a little girl.
Ha sido mi médico desde que era una niña.
Ever since this all started, I've known that I was that baby.
Desde que todo esto empezó, he sabido que yo era ese bebé.
You know, ever since I was a little boy,
¿ Sabéis?
I had hoped to sail to Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, since that was where Chekura's ship had been heading, but there was only one ship for me to take, and it was going to Shelburne.
Since all I wanted was a ride home!
¡ ya que solo quería un viaje a casa!
Alex, do you know where Haley is? Mm... I mean, I know she was babysitting Lily last night, but I haven't seen her since.
Alex, ¿ sabes dónde está Haley? Es decir, sé que estaba cuidando anoche a Lily, pero no la he visto desde entonces.
Well, since Bash was so talkative, I hope that he also happened to mention that it was an unfortunate error.
Bueno, ya que Bash fue tan hablador, espero que también mencionara que fue un desafortunado error.
I didn't think they would believe me since it was so close to what happened to Daddy.
No creo que fueran a creerme dado que se parece mucho a lo que le pasó a papá.
I admit I was blinded by rage, but since the only thing you respond to is fear and intimidation, I sank to your level because you're still preventing my child from growing up in a world that knows who Daniel truly was.
Admito que estaba cegada por la rabia pero dado que a lo único que tú respondes es al miedo y a la intimidación tuve que bajarme a tu nivel porque sigues evitando que mi hijo crezca en un mundo que sepa quién era en realidad Daniel.
The Cardinal thought it was time for a reckoning, but your family impeded the investigation and I ask myself, "Has anything changed since then?"
El cardenal pensó que era hora de ajustar cuentas, pero vuestra familia impidió una investigación y me pregunté : "¿ Ha cambiado algo desde entonces?".
I think it was since that moment that she started climbing up the ladder.
Después de eso todo le fue bien.
Since you brought it up, I just went through a terrible breakup, and I was trying to make jokes to keep me from talking about Duke, because now that I've started talking about him, I'll never stop.
Ya que has sacado el tema, acabo de salir de una horrible ruptura, y estaba intentando hacer bromas para evitar hablar sobre Duke, porque ahora que he empezado a hablar sobre él, nunca pararé.
I was looking forward to seeing you, ever since I heard you lost everything due to your financial misadventures.
Tenía ganas de veros desde que me he enterado de que perdisteis todo debido a vuestros contratiempos financieros.
All these years, I remembered her dumping me when I was the one who ended it, and since Nikki and I broke up, I've either dated the wrong women or screwed up the right ones.
Todos estos años, la recuerdo dejándome cuando fui yo quien lo terminó, y desde que Nikki y yo rompimos, o he salido con la mujer equivocada o la he cagado con las correctas.
Uh, ah, I was thinking, since you have to work, maybe Danielle should come with me and spend the night at my place.
Estaba pensando que, ya que tienes que trabajar, tal vez Danielle debería irse conmigo y pasar la noche en mi departamento.
I have known Vijay since he was a kid.
He conocido a Vijay desde que era un niño.
I assumed it was bound to happen, since Barry was such a douche.
Asumí que iba a suceder, ya que Barry era un imbécil.
Since each photo is time-stamped, I was able to plot his movement at the venue.
Puesto que cada foto tiene la hora grabada, he podido trazar sus movimientos en el evento.
I've known Sarah since she was six years old and I couldn't be happier- - or more proud of her- - than I am right now.
Conozco a Sarah desde que tenía seis años y no podría sentirme más feliz o estar más orgulloso de ella de lo que estoy en este preciso momento.
Since we're being honest, I did not know what bunting was.
Como estamos siendo sinceros, no sabía lo que era hacer toque.
So, ever since I retired from baseball, I've been getting offers to do endorsements and stuff, and since you do such great work for Oscar, I was hoping you could represent me.
Desde que me retiré del baseball, recibo ofertas para hacer promociones... y, ya que haces tan buen trabajo con Oscar... esperaba que pudieras representarme.
Well, I can't speak to the last few days, since he was at a conference in Boston.
Bueno, no puedo hablar de los últimos días ya que estaba en una conferencia en Boston.
I'm so sorry, but since you made the sacrifice, maybe you can tell us why, according to a witness, you and Thomas Warner were duking it out two days before he was murdered?
Lo siento mucho, pero ya que ha hecho el sacrificio, quizás pueda decirnos por qué, de acuerdo con testigos, usted y Thomas Warner estuvieron intercambiando puñetazos dos días antes de que fuese asesinado.
[Breathes deeply] I was seeing Haley for the first time since she came to visit me in the hospital.
Iba a ver a Haley por primera vez desde que vino a visitarme en el hospital.
I've known her since she was so high.
La conozco desde que tenía este tamaño.
Ever since I started managing the restaurant, things have been going real good, so I was thinking maybe I could get a small raise.
Desde que empecé a manejar este restaurante, las cosas han ido realmente bien, así que estaba pensando que tal vez me podrías dar un pequeño aumento.
I didn't tell him shit, but he knew it was Rusty, so I figured you'd want to know since they're gonna grab Rusty over this.
le dije una mierda, pero él sabía que era de Rusty, así que, supuse que debería saberlo ya que va a trincar a Rusty por esto.
I haven't ridden a bike since Lance Armstrong was a good guy.
No montaba en bicicleta desde que Lance Armstrong era un buen chico.
since i was a child 16
since i was a kid 33
since i met you 22
since i'm here 26
since i've been here 18
since i 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
since i was a kid 33
since i met you 22
since i'm here 26
since i've been here 18
since i 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was just passing by 33
i was kidding 211
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i was just leaving 200
i was born with it 17
i wasn't looking 38
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was just passing by 33
i was kidding 211
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i was just leaving 200
i was born with it 17
i wasn't looking 38
i was so scared 191
i wasn't there 230
i wasn't ready 79
i wasn't alone 27
i was drunk 199
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181
i wasn't there 230
i wasn't ready 79
i wasn't alone 27
i was drunk 199
i wasn't sure 126
i was going to 181