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Snappy traducir español

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Come backstage, doc. Make it snappy.
Venga a los camarines, doc. Rápido.
And make it snappy.
Y rápido.
How about you and I giving this joint the air and indulging in some snappy necking?
¿ Qué tal si tú y yo quitamos el aire y nos permitimos unos energéticos besos?
Well, make it snappy, will ya?
Que sea rápido, ¿ sí? Tengo una cita.
- Make it snappy.
- ¡ Rápido!
Well, all right, but make it snappy. - We're sailing in five minutes. - Yes, sir.
De acuerdo, pero que sea rápido.
Why don't you turn on something snappy?
¿ Por qué no pones algo alegre?
Make it snappy, baby.
Que sea rapidito, nene.
Tell them to make it snappy.
Diles que se apuren.
Come on, boys, make it snappy.
Vamos, muchachos, rápido.
Be happy Choose snappy music to wear
Sé feliz eligiendo música moderna para vestir.
Make it snappy!
¡ Vamos!
Make it snappy up there!
¡ Daos prisa ahí arriba!
Come on, and make it snappy.
Vamos, con calma.
Listen now, as a favor, will you please make it snappy and tell Stew Smith I've gotta see him, because if you don't my whole family's gonna die.
Escuche, por favor, ¿ será tan amable de decirle a Stew Smith que tengo que verle, porque si no lo hace toda mi familia morirá?
Make it snappy or you'll find out what it's for.
Apúrate o probarás mis músculos en tu cara.
- Make it snappy there now.
- Apúrense.
Make it snappy, Gramps.
Deprisa, abuelito.
We'll have dinner at the St Regis, go to a nice snappy show, then to a nightclub, sit and listen to the soft music, and who knows?
Cenaremos en el St Regis, iremos a ver un alegre espectáculo, luego a una sala de fiestas, un poco de música suave y, ¿ quién sabe?
Make it snappy. Hurry up.
¡ Deprisa!
Make it snappy, will you?
Date prisa, ¿ vale?
Make it snappy, Ruth.
- Apúrate, Ruth.
Excessively snappy service.
Servicio excesivamente rápido.
Well, hurry up. Make it snappy.
Bueno, apurate.
Well, let's make it snappy.
Bueno, muévete.
Well, make it snappy now, and we'll show you what a real send-off's like.
Dáte prisa y verás una despedida de verdad.
Snappy, everybody.
Con alegría.
Regular dinner for her and nothing for me, and make it snappy.
Un menú para ella y nada para mí, ¡ y date prisa!
Get me Pat Rafty at the Federal Building and make it snappy.
Póngame con Pat Rafty, de la Oficina Federal, y dese prisa.
Make it snappy!
¡ Deprisita!
- Make it snappy, Finny.
- Deprisa, Finny.
- Morris, Morris to see Finn. Go on, make it snappy.
- Morris, quiero ver a Finn.
No hay nada como una buena partida de ajedrez para aplacarte.
- Go on. Make it snappy.
Date prisa.
Come on, kids, make it snappy.
Venga, chicas, rapidito.
I'll see you at the hotel, room 1061, and make it snappy!
Te veo en el hotel, habitación 1061, ¡ y rápido!
Come on, girls, make it snappy. Forgotten Man number, on stage.
El número del "Hombre olvidado".
Come on. - Come on, make it snappy.
- Venga, háganlo rápido.
- Well, let's make it snappy.
- Espabílese.
Make it snappy.
¡ Vamos!
- Make it snappy.
- Date prisa.
- Make it snappy, I might need you.
- Date prisa, igual te necesito.
Snappy's singing, honey.
Snappy está cantando, cielo.
Good old Snappy.
El bueno de Snappy.
Hey Snappy, I want to tell you something.
Eh Snappy, quiero decirte algo.
- You know Snappy, a man needs a change.
- Sabes Snappy, un hombre necesita un cambio.
Let me give you some advise, Snappy.
Permíteme darte algunos consejos, Snappy.
Hold that, will you Snappy?
Sostén esto, ¿ quieres Snappy?
Snappy did it for me.
Snappy lo hizo para mí.
I'll slip on a dress make it snappy, honey.
Dáte prisa.
Make it snappy there!
¡ Rápido!

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