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Sports illustrated traducir español

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Now they say, "I saw your picture in Sports Illustrated."
Ahora dicen : "Vi su foto en el Sports Illustrated".
- Oh that's okay. It's good for me to read'Sports Illustrated
Ah sí, es bueno leer revista para deportes
Give them a nice start. Make an interesting article for Sports Illustrated. Find out who started all this patting on the ass business.
Sería un buen artículo en deportivo, es decir : ¿ quién comenzó esto de las palmaditas en el culo?
I brought you Sports Illustrated.
Te traje la revista de deportes.
Sports lllustrated.
Sports Illustrated.
He was on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Ha estado en la portada de Sports
You don't see her on the cover of Sports I llustrated do you?
No la ven a ella en la tapa de Sports Illustrated.
If that's Sports Illustrated, tell them to call back tomorrow.
Si son los de la prensa deportiva, diles que llamen mañana.
I'd like, uh, Sports Illustrated, Popular Science, some of this gum... and that giraffe up there.
'Deportes Ilustrados','Ciencia Popular', chicles y la jirafa de arriba.
Hope you end up on the cover of Sports Illustrated... or maybe a cereal box.
Espero verte en la portada de Sports Illustrated o en una caja de cereal.
Okay, well, give her a Sports Illustrated, and tell her I'll be right there.
Ok bien, pásale un Sports Illustrated, y dile que estaré en un momento con ella.
No offence, but this is the top-ranked high school paper in the country, and I intend to keep it that way, so I suggest you put aside your dreams of editing the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated.
Sin ofender, pero este es el mejor diario escolar del país y quiero que siga así. Entonces sugiero que dejes el sueño de editar el número de trajes de baño de Sports Illustrated.
Which must on the frontpage a magazine about boxing.
Digna de Sports Illustrated. No de bañadores, de boxeo.
I've seen your picture in Sports Illustrated.
He visto su foto en Sports Illustrated.
They were shooting the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue right in the hotel pool.
Estaban fotografiando el número de bañadores de Sports Illustrated en la piscina del hotel.
In order to capitalize on the momentum created by the Sports Illustrated cover, we've compiled a mailing list of around 1,300 opinion makers :
Con el fin de aprovechar el impulso creado por la portada de Sports Illustrated, hemos compilado una lista de correo de alrededor de 1.300 líderes de opinión :
If we don't do something to follow up... that Sports Illustrated cover, it's gonna look like we don't believe in our peers.
Si no hacemos algo para dar seguimiento a... la portada de Sports Illustrated, va a parecer que no creemos en nuestros jugadores.
I saw you on the cover of Sports Illustrated, so you're probably worst than most.
Te vi en la portada de Sports Illustrated, por lo que probablemente seas peor que la mayoría.
We begin with Sports Illustrated cover boyJoe Kane of ESU, who led his team to an impressive victory this afternoon.
Comenzamos con el chico de la portada de Sports Illustrated Joe Kane de ESU, quién lideró a su equipo a una impresionante victoria esta tarde.
Will Garth ever get his Sports Illustrated football phone?
¿ Garth recibirá su balón teléfono de Sports Illustrated?
I guess they sent it to the wrong house. My Sports Illustrated football phone...
Supongo que lo mandarón a la casa equivocada. ¡ Mi teléfono balón!
My Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue...
La edición de trajes de baño de Sports Illustrated.
Yes, he received a Sports Illustrated football phone.
Sí, ya recibió el teléfono balón.
Yo, Kyle, check out my Sports Illustrated pose after me and you win the championship, sweetie.
Kyle, mira mi foto para la Sports Ilustrated para cuando ganemos el campeonato.
- Uh, Sports Illustrated.
- Uh, Sports Illustrated.
I read about those colorful intimidation techniques in Sports Illustrated... it's called "dissing."
He leído sobre esas técnicas de intimidación en Sports Illustrated... se llama "picar".
Back in 1965... Sports Illustrated said I would be the next Arnold Palmer.
Allá, en el año 1965 las revistas especializadas pensaban que yo sería el próximo Arnold Palmer.
People couldn't see it, it was so fast Sports Illustrated got a slow-motion camera, they clocked the punch and the punch flew at 4 / 100ths of a second.
La gente no podía verlo, era tan rápido que Sports Illustrated tuvo que conseguir un cámara lenta, cronometraron el golpe y el puñetazo voló a 4 centésimas de segundo.
I never lost my Sports illustrated swimsuit phone.
Aún tengo el teléfono que me dio Sports Illustrated.
Write me a check for Sports Illustrated, will you?
Hazme un cheque para "Sports Illustrated", ¿ quieres?
Ever read Sports Illustrated?
¿ Has leído Sports Illustrated?
I'm about to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Estoy a punto de estar en la portada de Sports Illustrated.
Our town in Sports Illustrated.
Nuestra ciudad en Sports Illustrated.
And isn't it exciting for Charlie... And isn't it exciting for Charlie... getting his article published in Sports Illustrated?
Y no es emocionante para Charlie conseguir su artículo publicado en Sports Illustrated?
Sports Illustrated, for God's sakes.
Sports Illustrated, por el amor de Dios.
No, "Hey, great article in Sports Illustrated"?
¿ No, "Oye gran artículo en Sports Illustrated"?
And that's when Spors Illustrated put him on the cover... saying that Michael Jordan has embarrassed baseball.
y eso es cuando lo pongan en la tapa de Sports Illustrated... diciendo ese Michael Jordan a avergonzado al baseball.
Here's your pillow, sir. And your Sports Illustrated.
Aquí está su almohada, señor, y su revista deportiva.
I was basically just steering you away from my Sports Illustrated.
Solo trataba de que no te vomitaras en mi Sports Illustrated.
Like, did you ever see Paulina in her first Sports illustrated layout?
¿ Vio a Paulina en Sports Illustrated?
- Sports Illustrated?
- ¿ Son de Sports Illustrated?
You'll have your first Sports Illustrated cover.
Pronto tendrás tu primera portada nacional.
Come on, get this shot for Sports Illustrated.
Saquen las fotos para las revistas nacionales.
Hay un Sports Illustrated de 15 años En el baño
The "Sports lllustrated" Swimsuit Issue!
El número de trajes de baño de "Sports Illustrated".
I got a package from one of your ex-wives, subscription renewal notice from Sports lllustrated... and this, from Beecher.
tengo un paquete de una de tus ex esposas. un aviso de renovacion de suscripcion para sports illustrated... y esta. de beecher.
You know that editor from Sports Illustrated that you have been shamelessly flirting with on the phone for... a month now?
¿ Recuerdas ese editor de "Sports Illustrated"... con quien coqueteabas descaradamente... por el teléfono hace... ya un mes?
These include the swimsuit issue of "Sports lllustrated," copies of "Vanity Fair," "Maxim" and "Rolling Stone,"
Estos incluyen la edición de trajes de baño de "Sports Illustrated" copias de "Vanity Fair", "Maxim" y "Rolling Stone"...
Why would Sports Illustrated even publish an issue that's not a swimsuit issue?
¿ Por qué es Sports Illustrated publicaría una historia que no se trataba de trajes de baño?
- Sports Illustrated.
- Sports Illustrated.
- You can do it on Sports Illustrated.
- Puede usar el "Illustrated" si quiere.

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