The good wife traducir español
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Three years of playing the good wife. Here's where I cash in.
" Después de tres años, sacaré mi tajada.
I'm not the good manager your wife is. "
Yo no administro el dinero tan bien como tu esposa. "
They say that the best thing after being single he / she is a good wife.
Dicen que lo mejor después de estar soltero es una buena esposa.
Well, you may say I'm prejudiced, sir John, but I've been stage manager now for 10 years, and it is a fact that a wife, even a good one, is not always the right thing to have in a company,
No hay rol imposible para ella con 24 horas de preaviso, desde una Gladys Cooper a una Mollie Lloyd. - Pero...
Such a devoted wife, and so good at putting the employees to work.
Una esposa tan fiel y tan buena en hacer trabajar a los empleados
My good wife is quite unable to make me experience the joys of the flesh.
Mi excelente esposa es incapaz de darme los placeres de la carne.
This is the wife of my good friend since early school days.
Esta es la mujer de mi buen amigo del colegio.
Run out on by his wife, Minami the Knife Thrower is not in a good mood.
Minami el lanzador de cuchillos no estaba de buen humor por los cuernos que le había puesto su mujer.
Moreover... how could anyone object to the wife of a doctor... riding to keep in good health?
Además, ¿ qué pueden decir, si la mujer de un médico monta a caballo para conservarse en buen estado de salud?
I'll come again at a more suitable hour, your majesty you just stay here, Chevalier what you were talking about with my wife regards me too the Chevalier has brought us good news from England really?
Vendré a una hora más apropiada, Majestad. ¡ Quédese aquí, Chevalier! Lo que tenga que hablar con mi esposa, seguramente me atañe a mí también.
And she'll be a good wife to him, but they'll have the worst-spoiled lot of children this town will ever see. How on earth do you figure that out, Mrs. Foster? She couldn't love Wilbur, could she?
Será una boda al estilo de los Amberson... ostras crudas sobre hielo picado una orquesta de postín, y luego la mejor luna de miel que imaginarse pueda.
I was thinking, you might take advantage of any lull in the conversation tomorrow just to mention what a good wife Judith would be.
He pensado que podrías aprovechar cualquier pausa en la conversación... para mencionar lo buena esposa que sería Judith.
We have the good fortune to have with us tonight, sitting right up here the honorable Thomas McCreevy and his very charming wife, Mrs. McCreevy.
Les pediré que me entreguen un objeto. Estoy seguro de que todos ustedes saben que ni el honorable Thomas McCreevy ni su encantadora esposa son mis compinches.
And if the last chapter's as good as the other six, then my wife will be as rich as she is lovely.
Si el último capítulo es tan bueno como los otros seis, mi mujer será tan rica como encantadora.
If I told you once, I told you 50 times, I'm doing good at the office and I'm not playing around with the boss's wife.
Te lo dije una vez y lo diré 50 más. Me gusta el empleo y no me liaré con la mujer del jefe.
And she'll be a good wife to him but they'll have the worst spoiled lot of children this town will ever see.
Y ella será una buena esposa para él pero tendrán los peores niños malcriados que este pueblo alguna vez verá.
You think my wife feels good with me on the sea and my boy in England in the Air Force?
¿ Crees que a mi mujer le gusta que yo navegue... y mi hijo esté en Inglaterra con la Fuerza Aérea?
Oh, good heavens, and here am i about to call on the wife of a commissar.
iDios mío! Y voy a visitar a la mujer de un comisario.
You got a good-looking wife with all the dough not locked up in the mint.
Tienes una esposa bonita con todo el dinero fuera de la casa de la moneda.
I want to be a good wife, not only because it's right, but because I once read a book, or maybe I heard it, that when you fall in love, somewhere, or somehow, you hear the sound of a flute, way off in the distance.
Quiero ser una buena esposa, no sólo porque está bien, sino porque una vez leí en un libro, o quizá lo oí, que cuando te enamoras, oyes el sonido de una flauta en la distancia.
Didn't I read in the paper about his wife being a pretty good looker?
Leí en el periódico que su mujer es un bombón.
There was the father, a blacksmith... and his good wife, Mona Maria.
El padre era un herrero... y su esposa, una buena mujer, se llamaba Mona María.
Why, a wife like Miriam would bring out the good in you.
Vaya, una esposa como Miriam sabría sacar lo que hay de bueno en ti.
The sheriff's wife is a good housewife.
La mujer del sheriff es una buena ama de casa.
I may not be the perfect worker, but I'm a good wife.
No seré la reina del trabajo, pero soy una esposa.
It's no good a man's wife supporting him, his mother and the rest of the family.
Que una mujer mantenga a su marido y a toda la familia.
As a soldier's wife, you have good reason to hate the king who keeps your husband from your side.
Como esposa de un soldado, tienes motivo para odiar al rey... que mantiene a tu esposo lejos de ti.
Well when your wife complains about you reading the paper at the table you'll have a pretty good excuse.
Si tu mujer se queja de que lees la prensa en la mesa tendrás una excusa perfecta.
It's about a man wanted by the police, who comes to a house - a lonely house on a yorkshire moor - and insinuates himself into the good graces of a talented and beautiful woman-his wife.
Es sobre un hombre buscado por la policía, que llega a una casa, una casa solitaria en los páramos, y se le insinua a una bella e inteligente dama, su esposa.
Because I'm tired of being the good little wife who sits down and waits things out.
Estoy harta de ser una buena mujercita que solo hace esperar.
Good, because the Postmaster General of the United States... Clarence F. Dow, your wife's old boss, is paying us a little visit today.
Bien, porque el gran jefe, Clarence F. Dow, nos va a hacer una visita hoy.
Sounds like the perfect wife. Good in the office, great around the house.
Que eres la mujer perfecta en la oficina y en casa.
Be that as it may... if any knight will say that the Queen is not a true wife... I will make it good upon his body.
Sea como sea... si un caballero dijera que la reina no es una esposa fiel... mi espada le haría pagar la ofensa.
The wife of the last scientist who was here weighed 180 pounds of pure muscle had a good start on a mustache and every time she spoke to her husband every lion in the territory took off.
La mujer del último científico que vino pesaba 80 kilos de puro músculo tenía un buen bigote y cuando hablaba a su marido espantaba a todos los leones.
A good song is better than an ugly wife. Sing, everybody! Songs help the rich digest and the poor ingest.
Carrusel Napolitano
So I have an anniversary present for my good wife and on the card it says,
Así que tengo un regalo de aniversario para mi esposa y en la tarjeta dice :
Mr Marshall's anxious to have the house in good repair by his wife's birthday. I'm sure he would pay the highest rate.
Quiere la casa lista para el cumpleaños de su esposa... y está dispuesto a pagar lo que sea.
I was just saying to my wife the other day, I never had it so good.
El otro día le decía a mi esposa... que nunca había estado mejor.
To hear that a relative of the director recognizes the merit of my wife is something that'll make me feel good all day long.
.. escuchar que una parienta del director general te reconoce una virtud..... es algo que me hace estar bien toda la jornada.
It was 1923. My brother in law managed the mills, my wife the house. They were very good.
Era el año 1923, mi cuñado se ocupaba de los negocios... mi mujer de la casa.
The son of Clarence have I pent up close... his daughter meanly have I matched in marriage... the sons of Edward sleep in Abraham's bosom... and Anne my wife hath bid this world good night.
He encerrado bien al hijo de Clarence, he casado a su hija de mala manera ; los hijos de Eduardo descansan en el seno de Abraham, y Ana, mi esposa, ha dado ya las buenas noches a este mundo.
No one was ever good but one : The wife of another man.
el desea siempre la mujer de los otros :
- I'm glad you had a good time! Tonight my brother and his wife dragged me to the beach.
Esta noche, mi hermano y su mujer me arrastraron a la playa.
But the first wife, was she good at least?
Pero esta primera mujer, ¿ estaba bien?
I'm dreaming of my wife, the good, constant Penelope.
Sueño con mi mujer, la buena y constante Penélope.
I'm not the woman good for you as a wife.
No soy la mujer que te conviene como esposa.
Good. Do you intend to support your wife in the manner to which...
¿ Tiene intención de mantener a su mujer de la forma en que,
It's time he settled down with a good wife with a bit of money, of course. To make him suffer like the rest of us, uh.. Barrin'your presence of course, Mrs. Folsey.
Ya es hora de que se establezca con una buena esposa, con algo de dinero, naturalmente que le haga sufrir como a todos.
She must be a good cook... The ideal wife... Good evening.
Debe saber coser cocinar. Debe parecer una buena esposa y un ama de casa perfecta. - Buenas tardes.
I see you walking through the rooms, closing the doors, telling your wife good night, and going to bed.
Te veo recorriendo los cuartos cerrando las puertas dándole las buenas noches a tu esposa y yéndote a la cama.
Give your wife the good news too.
Y dé la buena noticia a la señora.
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the great gatsby 18
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the games 17
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