Then nearly traducir español
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I mean, speaking for myself, I got out of school, got married... and then nearly 20 years went by, dull, uneventful years.
En mi caso, fui a la escuela, me casé... y pasaron veinte años, años aburridos y anodinos.
Then suppose you found out that he'd been commissioned under his real name in the Army, some other branch that didn't need him nearly as much as you did, and that he was leaving for an embarcation point this morning.
Luego supongamos que descubriera que hubiera sido nombrado teniente bajo su nombre real en el Ejército, otro cuerpo que no lo necesitara tanto como Ud., y que partiera para un punto de embarque esta mañana.
- I remember you driving through a raging blizzard... to deliver a baby at the Wilsons's farm... and then catching pneumonia and nearly dying. - Remember?
- ¿ Te acuerdas?
Then there's the boy with the Sunday papers from Upton. He goes to nearly everyone.
El repartidor de periódicos pasa un poco antes.
You know, I nearly gave up a couple of times but then you'd say or you'd do some little thing that made me feel you still cared.
Casi me di por vencido un par de veces... pero me hiciste sentir que todavía te importo y te preocupas por mí.
And then what does he do? He has us marching till our feet are nearly bleeding.
Nos pone en marcha hasta terminar con heridas en los pies.
Then suddenly, I was very frightened of what I'd nearly done.
Me asusté por lo que había estado a punto de hacer.
Do you know I very nearly called you darling then?
¿ Sabes que estuve a punto de llamarte "cariño"?
Nearly a minute's gone by since then.
Ya pasó casi un minuto.
First it was just a few of the smart magazines... and then it was nearly all of the magazines at one time or another.
Al principio en unas pocas revistas elegantes... y después estaba en todas las revistas a todas horas.
Oh, I worked in the lab until nearly nine, then I came home and phoned the children.
Trabajé en el laboratorio hasta casi las nueve, vine a casa y telefoneé a los niños.
I nearly abandoned the search then.
Casi la dejo marchar entonces.
The General calls his Orderly Syobo Tuymuku, nearly knocks himself out, then he gets up and comes to pay his respects, with the General.
El general llama a su soldado el soldado se golpea y se presenta ante el general.
"Then she nearly ran."
"Y casi echó a correr".
First, the broken glass in the bathroom... then the truck we nearly collided with... and now this Taran Corporation matter.
Primero, el vaso roto en el baño... luego, el camión con el que casi chocamos... y ahora este asunto de la Corporación Taran.
When I was in the prison camp... nearly drowned me, then they brought me round.
Cuando estaba en el campamento de prisioneros... casi me ahogan, luego me trajeron de vuelta.
Then they put a wet cloth over my mouth and kept it wet until I nearly drowned again.
Entonces pusieron ropa mojada sobre mi boca y casi me ahogan nuevamente.
And then he nearly poked out a neighbour's eye with the tree!
Y luego casi le saca un ojo a un vecino con el árbol.
He better start soon then, he's nearly 34.
A ver si empieza pronto, ya casi tiene 34.
She won't be nearly as comfortable with me... Well then why does she...
Estará allí mucho menos cómoda...
Then our journey is nearly over.
Entonces estamos llegando al fin.
You let people flatter you as heir to this house, then went and smeared mud on all our faces, getting one of the young men hurt, and nearly getting arrested.
Dejabas que te adularan como heredero de esta casa y mientras echabas lodo sobre nuestro nombre heriste a uno de los jóvenes y casi te arrestan.
You should know that Mrs. Bice had worked for nearly 30 years as housekeeper, and then as nurse, at a Monsignor who was a Herald in Portugal, and then a Cardinal.
Hay que saber que la Srta. Bice estuvo casi 30 años como ama de llaves, y luego enfermera, de un monseñor que fue un heraldo en Portugal, y luego cardenal.
You very nearly caught me then.
Casi me ha capturado, entonces.
Nearly a year... over by Stalingrad where I lived, and then on the Champs Elysees after I'd bought a car with my money. A Fiat 850 convertible.
Casi un año, cerca de donde vivía, después en los Campos Eliseos, por que con mi dinero había comprado un Fiat 850 descapotable.
Because even then, it was the only way to conquer the resistance of the people... and after that, the Portuguese exploited the island in peace... for nearly 300 years.
Porque para entonces fue la única forma de vencer a sus pobladores... y luego de eso, los portugueses explotaron la isla en paz... durante casi 300 años.
And then quite recently, the Kenyan minister for agric. and fish, fell nearly 12 miles, during a Nairobi debate in parliament ; although this hasn't been ratified yet.
Y el ministro keniata de Agricultura y Pesca ha caído desde unos 19 Km... en Nairobi, en un debate, pero no ha sido confirmado.
Then he tried to kill Smith and very nearly killed you.
Luego intentó lo propio con Smith, y por poco no le mata a usted.
Come now, Professor, we're nearly finished, then we'll go.
Ánimo, profesor. Ya casi hemos acabado. Dentro de poco, no le molestaremos más.
He wasn't really much like a king, not nearly as much as you, but then none of them were.
Tampoco era como un rey, no tanto como tú. Ninguno lo era, vaya.
Well, we're nearly home then.
Entonces casi estamos en casa.
I nearly dropped my bag then.
- Y yo casi dejé caer la cartera...
# Then watch TV and pass out at nearly two #
Then watch TV and pass out at nearly two
First, a puncture in the middle of nowhere, then I nearly ripped the sleeve off my jacket trying to change the wheel.
Primero, un pinchazo en el neumático, luego rasgué el hombro de mi chaqueta tratando de cambiar la rueda...
'And then, one day,'nearly 2,000 years after one man had been nailed to a tree'for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change,'a girl sitting on her own in a small café in Rickmansworth
Y entonces, un día, aproximadamente 2.000 años después de que un hombre fuera clavado a un árbol por decir cuán maravilloso sería portarse bien con los demás, para variar, una mujer que estaba sola, sentada en un pequeño café en Rickmansworth,
Nd if she's still thinking about a gas station, then she's nearly out of the woods.
Y si ella sigue pensando sobre la gasolinería, entonces practicamente no tiene salida.
Father says I'm nearly 18 anyway, so, like, it's up to me what I do. Can't stop you, then, can they?
Dice que casi tengo 18 años, así que, es una decisión mía.
Then since nearly ten weeks have elapsed, it is not unfair to suppose then that the treaty for some reason has not reached them.
Entonces ya que han pasado casi diez semanas, no es imposible pensar entonces... que el tratado, por la razón que sea, no está en sus manos.
I nearly missed him as a matter of fact as I was dealing just then with a very nasty brute of a dandelion.
Me fijé muy poco en él. Porque estaba trabajando en un diente de león.
Not nearly as much as I am gonna Then he had a gun?
no tanto como ahora tenia algún tipo de arma?
Carla Emmons swears one nearly ran into her house and then went flying off.
Carla Emmons asegura que uno casi entra en su casa. y luego se fue volando.
I ate a cockroach, my best friend disappears. Then I'm nearly assassinated by an elevator.
Comí una cucaracha, mi amigo desaparece... y fui casi asesinado por un elevador.
I sometimes think if I could assemble a cat-like ladder then he could make his own way back. It's nearly 30 feet.
A veces pienso que tendria que inventar una escalera para gatos... para que pudiera subir solo.
He wasn't nearly as ugly then. Holy shit!
Fue hace mucho tiempo, antes no era tan feo.
If not very nearly dead, then very actually dead.
Si no a punto de morir, totalmente muerto.
So then! The deal is nearly done.
- Creo que hay acuerdo.
Then he nearly killed me.
Me pegó sin miramientos.
I didn't know then... the way drink had nearly ruined him... nor the danger burning in him.
Yo no sabía que el alcohol casi lo había arruinado... ni conocía el peligro que quemaba adentro de él.
Then your ship appeared. We nearly hit you.
Después apareció su nave y casi chocamos.
And then I nearly killed her.
Y después casi la mato.
It nearly killed her then.
Aquella vez casi la mató.
nearly 283
nearly there 118
nearly done 34
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then you're wrong 16
then what 1564
then i 166
nearly there 118
nearly done 34
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then you're wrong 16
then what 1564
then i 166
then you know 40
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then it's settled 125
then you're right 18
then leave 77
then i'll wait 16
then what are you doing here 94
then do it 228
then you die 16
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then it's settled 125
then you're right 18
then leave 77
then i'll wait 16
then what are you doing here 94
then do it 228
then you die 16
then yes 211
then you're on your own 16
then i will 133
then what's the problem 77
then who 210
then go ahead 63
then you can 17
then tell me 167
then one day 195
then i'm out 28
then you're on your own 16
then i will 133
then what's the problem 77
then who 210
then go ahead 63
then you can 17
then tell me 167
then one day 195
then i'm out 28