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There is nothing wrong traducir español

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And there is nothing wrong visiting a beautiful young lady.
Y no hay nada malo en visitar a una preciosa señorita.
There is nothing wrong with conditions.
El contexto no es bueno.
There is nothing wrong with your kidneys.
No hay nada de malo con sus riñones.
We are all agreed, I think, that there is nothing wrong with Dr. manson purely as a doctor.
Todos estamos de acuerdo en que no hay ningún problema con el Dr. Manson como médico.
There is nothing wrong with you a job won't fix and I got it
No hay problema para pillarte un curro. Yo lo tengo.
There is nothing wrong with her that doctors can cure.
Lo que tiene no lo curan los médicos.
When Itchen, Boles, Coombe put up a house for rent, you may be sure there is nothing wrong with the drains.
Cuando Itchen, Boles y Coombe ofrecen una casa en alquiler... puede estar segura de que no tiene problemas de desagüe.
I'm the fellow with all the diseases, but there is nothing wrong with me.
La medicina es un fraude.
Now, please, there is nothing wrong with jealousy.
Mire, los celos no tienen nada de malo.
There is nothing wrong with Nicolo that a good woman couldn't make right.
Nicolo no tiene nada que una buena mujer no pueda solucionar.
There is nothing wrong with the city's credit, and you know it.
No hay nada malo con el crédito de la ciudad, y Uds. lo saben.
There is nothing wrong with you that a woman...
No te pasa nada porque una mujer...
Darling, darling, there is nothing wrong.
Cariño, cariño, nada va mal.
As we can see, Dad, there is nothing wrong with your legs.
- Vamos, papá, que no te pasa nada. - No puedo.
There is nothing wrong with that building!
¡ Ese edificio no tiene nada de malo!
We make a little check of the staff, now let's be fair, there is nothing wrong there
Investigamos al personal. En justicia, todo está en orden.
Kitty, my dear, there is nothing wrong with Henry that rest and yourself cannot cure.
Kitty, querida, Henry no tiene nada malo que el descanso y tú no podáis curar.
Professor, I assure you... that there is absolutely nothing wrong.
Profesor, le aseguro que no hay nada de malo en absoluto.
Now, there's nothing wrong in that, is there?
No hay nada malo en eso, ¿ verdad?
There's nothing wrong, is there?
¿ Pasa algo malo quizá?
There's nothing wrong in that, is there?
No hay nada de malo en esto, ¿ cierto?
Nothing wrong, Stepan, is there?
No pasa nada, ¿ verdad, Stepan?
- Nothing wrong, is there?
- Nada malo ¿ no?
There's nothing wrong here. Is there, Olivia?
No hay nada malo en ello. ¿ Olivia?
Esta mañana cuando te dejé... casi no pude decidirme a marchar.
Well, nothing wrong with your appetite, is there?
Vaya, sí que tienes apetito, ¿ eh?
Nothing wrong with His Lordship, is there?
¿ Le pasa algo al señorito?
I'll have you know he said there's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfect. That is good news.
Sí, señor, me ha dicho que estoy perfectamente que no me ocurre nada.
Nothing wrong with that, is there?
En el fondo no hay nada malo, ¿ no?
I shall wake her up while she is actually playing and then she will know there is nothing really wrong with her hands.
La despertaré para qué crea que está tocando... y que no le pasa nada malo en las manos.
There's nothing wrong with our plumbing, is there, Alice?
No les pasa nada malo, ¿ no?
Quirt, there is nothing we're not allowed to do it's just we don't believe in doing what we know is wrong.
Quirt, nada está prohibido, es que no creemos que haya que hacer algo que está mal.
No hay nada malo en ello, ¿ no?
No, that's all, there is nothing left to do than to admit that they are wrong So they are riding away
No les queda más remedio que admitir su error, por eso se van.
There's nothing wrong, is there, Sergeant?
Nada anda mal, ¿ verdad, sargento?
There ain't nothing wrong with you, is there?
¿ No te ha pasado nada?
There's nothing quite so warming as a... is anything wrong?
No hay nada más reconfortante que... ¿ Va algo mal?
Nothing wrong in a man having some fun, is there?
¿ Qué hay de malo de divertirse?
Nothing wrong with the baby, is there?
¿ Problemas con el bebé? No.
- Nothing wrong with his nerve, is there?
- ¿ Tiene problemas neurológicos?
Nothing wrong, is there?
Nada malo, supongo.
There's nothing wrong with Sensei's health, is there?
¿ Tiene algún problema de salud el maestro?
Nope. But when we're alone, duchess... ain't nothing wrong with me doing a little gawking, is there?
No, pero cuando estamos solos, duquesa... no hay nada malo en que yo te espíe un poco, ¿ no?
Nothing wrong with looking at a pretty woman, is there?
¿ Qué tiene de malo que mire a una mujer bonita?
Dr. Wylie, there's nothing wrong with Vitajex, is there?
Dr. Wylie, Vitajex no tiene nada malo, ¿ verdad?
There's nothing wrong with your car. This is crazy.
¡ Esta sí que es buena!
No hay nada malo en eso, ¿ verdad?
But there is nothing wrong with my mother.
- Adiós.
- Is there anything wrong, Sam? - No, nothing wrong. It's just...
- No, no ocurre nada, sólo es que- ¿ Lamentas haberme pedido?
There is nothing wrong.
- No esta sucediendo nada.
Nothing wrong, sir, is there?
¿ Le pasa algo, señor?

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