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They're all the same traducir español

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They're all the same.
Son todo lo mismo.
Whether they're bikers, neighbors, kids, or hipsters, the people who gather here are all spokes on the same wheel.
Ya sea que sean motociclistas, vecinos, niños, o los hipsters, las personas que se reúnen aquí todos hablan el mismo idioma.
They're all the same.
Son todas iguales.
They're all the same.
- ¿ Son todos iguales?
No pueden escoger una que sea más bonita que las demás porque son todas iguales, por lo que ocupan la número 26...
They're the same, all right.
Son iguales, sin duda.
I hope they're not all the same one.
Espero que no se trate de la misma.
All the same, I wonder what they're going to say, those aristocrats.
¡ A los señores no les hará gracia!
They're all shipped from the same firm.
Todos los envía la misma empresa.
I know they're all thinking the same thing, that they're all comparing me with her, with Rebecca.
Sé que todos piensan lo mismo. Todos me comparan con ella, con Rebecca.
No, they're all the same, beautiful when you leave them.
No, son todos iguales, hermosos cuando los dejas.
They're all the same!
que era morena, sin embargo.
Chicago, Boston, Detroit, they're all the same.
Chicago, Boston, Detroit, todas son iguales.
They're all tarred with the same brush.
Están todos cortados por el mismo patrón.
But, dear, don't you think it's odd that they're all living in the same apartment house? - I've got that all figured out.
¿ Pero no es extraño que vivan todos en el mismo edificio?
All they ask is the same guarantee of assistance against hitler that they're willing to give.
Sólo piden una garantía mutua de asistencia en caso de ataque.
They're all drifting down together in the same place.
Todas van flotando hasta el mismo sitio.
They're all the same to me.
Para el caso es Io mismo.
And the people, well, maybe they dress a little differently or talk a little differently here but underneath they're the same as your next-door neighbor, and you probably know them all, the cop on the beat, the kid selling papers,
Y quizá las personas vistan de forma diferente... o hablen de forma diferente aquí... pero en el fondo son iguales que sus vecinos... y seguramente ya los conocen ;
If they're good for the mother-in-law... isn't it all the same soup?
Mientras le vayan bien a la suegra, todo irá sobre ruedas.
Yes, and every time you look up, they're all the same.
No te has perdido nada. Son todos iguales.
They're all the same.
Todos son iguales.
They're all the same to you.
Para ti, todas son iguales.
But they're all the same.
Pero son todas iguales.
They're all partial to the same color, green.
Parcialmente, todas son del mismo color. Verde.
They're all the same!
- ¡ Pero si son todas iguales!
They're all the same to you. They're all creditors.
para ti son todos acreedores.
Sons-in-law, they're all the same, not like me.
Los yernos son todos iguales, no son como yo.
All the time, whenever I meet anyone, Maxim's sister or even the servants, I know they're all thinking the same thing.
La hermana de Maxim, los criados... sé que me comparan con ella...
You would be watching them all day, in control of them, not allowing them to do anything. You wouldn't let them go, so they're the same as prisoners.
Porque los futuros criminales pueden ser detectados, vigilados cuidados e incluso a veces, curados y, en todo caso, volverlos inofensivos.
They're all the same. When they fancy a man, they take him.
Todas esas mujeres son iguales, cuando un hombre les gusta se lo ofrecen.
They're all on the same latitude.
Están todos en la misma latitud.
They're all the same, these old things.
Son todos iguales.
- But sure they're, but... since a while ago we were all of the same opinion, sir.
- Pero seguro que lo son, pero... Hace un tiempo teniamos todos la misma opinión, señor.
They're all the same.
Todas son iguales.
Honey, every guy thinks he's something special, but they're all at the same assembly line.
Querida cada tipo se cree que es algo especial, pero todos salen de la misma fábrica.
They're are all the same, just wag your finger... - What happened to your finger?
- Las criadas son todas iguales, "les das un dedo"... - ¿ Qué te has hecho en el dedo?
A word to the director, they're all the same, anyway.
Una palabra al director... Son todos iguales, cuando se trata de sacar un pellizco...
They're all the same, no matter what their age.
Son todos iguales, da igual qué edad tengan.
But they're all of the same opinion!
Entonces están todos de acuerdo.
You look at gunslingers like they're all peas outta the same pod.
Usted nos ve como si todos fuésemos iguales.
They're all the same base... alcohol.
Todos tienen la misma base :
they're all the same these bastards.
son todos iguales los desgraciados!
They're all the same.
- Todas como la de calle del Biscione.
And after that, they're going to do the same thing all along Deneen's line.
Y después, van a hacer lo mismo a lo largo del límite de Deneen.
Rich boys who think they're up to date. You're all the same. You always end up showing your true self.
Los niños de papá que os creéis mejores, sois todos iguales.
They're all the same.
Son todos iguales.
The same way. They're all alike.
Son todos iguales.
Men are all the same when they're down on one knee.
Los hombres cuando están de rodillas son todos iguales.
- They're all the same.
Como todos.
The French always say things are the same when they're not at all.
Los franceses siempre dicen que es lo mismo aunque no lo sea.

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