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They don't know what they're doing traducir español

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These cops, they don't know what they're doing.
La policía no sabe lo que hace.
You don't know what they're doing to me.
No sabes lo que están haciendo conmigo.
They just don't know what they're doing.
Ellos no saben lo que hacen.
Well, don't blame me. If they don't know what they're doing out there that's tough, but this is a tough racket.
No es culpa mía que ellos no sepan conducir.
The laugh is on the guys who're paying the freight. All this loot and they don't even know what they're doing.
Lo gracioso es que pagan toda esa pasta y no saben ni lo que hacen.
They don't know what they're doing!
No tienen idea de lo que hacen!
In fact, half the time I don't know what they're doing or where they are.
De hecho, la mitad del tiempo no sé lo que hacen. o dónde están.
They don't know what they're doing.
No saben lo que están haciendo.
And why, don't they know what they're doing?
Y qué, no sabes qué se hace?
I don't know what you and the censors think they're doing on that bed, but I take the position that they're playing...
No sé lo que usted y la censura pensarán sobre esa escena, pero yo opino que están jugando...
You don't know what they're doing downstairs.
Usted no sabe lo que hacen alla abajo.
Oh, I don't know what they're doing with their prisoners of war at the moment
¡ Oh, no sé lo que hacen con los prisioneros de guerra ahora.
You don't know what they're doing to me.
No sabes lo que me están haciendo.
I don't know what it is they're doing, but I'm sure it's dangerous.
No sé qué están haciendo, pero seguro que es peligroso.
Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing.
Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen.
But they don't know what they're doing.
Pero no saben lo que hacen.
You don't know what they're doing to her.
No sabes qué es lo que están haciendo con ella.
Most of their work is so secret they don't know what they're doing themselves.
La mayor parte de su trabajo es tan secreto que no saben lo que están haciendo ni ellos mismos.
They don't know what they're doing.
No saben lo que hacen.
Now, I don't know what they're doing, I don't care,
No sé lo que están haciendo, ni me importa.
Don't listen to the infidels, they don't know what they're doing.
No escuchéis a los infieles, no saben lo que hacen.
I don't like doing things unless I know what they're for.
No, no me gusta hacer cosas que no sé para qué sirven. Por principio, no me fío.
Kids! Eh, they don't know what they're doing.
Eh, no saben lo que están haciendo.
Oh, Lord, let them see the light, they don't know what they're doing.
Oh, Señor, permíteles ahora que vean la luz, puesto que no sabían lo que hacían...
They don't know what they're doing.
Sírvanle algo...
They don't know what they're doing no more.
Ya ni saben lo que hacen
I don't know what they're doing up there... and, to tell you truth, I don't want to know.
No sé lo que hacen allá, y si le digo la verdad, no quiero saberlo. ¿ Dónde en el centro?
The people who gave those orders don't know what they're doing.
La gente que dio esas órdenes no sabe lo que está haciendo.
The owners of the store don't know what they're doing.
Los propietarios de la tienda no saben lo que están haciendo.
Those guys don't know what they're doing.
No saben lo que hacen.
Ellos no saben lo que hacen, Charlie.
I don't know what you're doing with those 2 assholes but they're out of your league.
No sé qué hacés con esos dos delincuentes pero no están con vos.
They don't know what they're doing, it's all guesswork in a white coat.
¡ Se lo habrás pegado tú! ¡ No saben lo que hacen! ¡ Es todo trabajo de adivino con bata blanca!
It's stupid for environmentalists to plant trees... when they don't know what they're doing.
¡ No tiene sentido que los ecologistas planten árboles sin saber lo que hacen!
Most undercover cops don't know what they're doing... because it's a day gig.
La mayoría de los agentes encubiertos no saben lo que están haciendo. porque no son muy brillantes.
But men don't always know what they're doing.
Pero los hombres no siempre saben lo que están haciendo.
My left hand don't know what my right hand is doing before it does it, and they're my hands, man!
La izquierda no sabe lo que hace la derecha y son las manos mías.
Some of the toughest players don't really know what they're doing.
Algunos de los mejores jugadores no saben lo que hacen.
I don't know what they're doing'cause i never been to one before, but i bet they're introducing themselves to each other.
No sé qué están haciendo, nunca he estado en un ensayo. Apuesto a que se están presentando.
The bombing of the churches in Birmingham, with the death of the little girls was just an act of terrorism in my judgment, and those are the many ways, as we know today, the hardest ones to resolve and the cruelest, because they don't care who it is that gets killed, as long as there's some symbolism in what they're doing.
Las bombas en las iglesias en Birmingham, junto a la muerte de las niñas fue a mi juicio sólo un acto de terrorismo, y esas son las muchas maneras, como sabemos, las más difíciles de resolver y las más crueles, porque a ellos no les importa quién sea que resulte muerto, siempre que haya una simbología en lo que hacen.
I don't know how they do the kitten optically... but they know what they're doing.
No sé cómo harán el efecto para meter el gatito... pero saben lo que hacen.
I don't know what they're doing here.
No sé qué hacen aquí.
So people who don't know what the hell they're doing or who on earth they are can, for only $ 2.95 get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self.
Una persona que no sabe nada de nada puede por sólo 2.95 dólares no sólo recibir una taza de café sino también un sentido absoluto de su identidad.
they are always doing naughty things and making the whole house untidy I don't know what the best stage is for falling in love maybe when you're in love in your teens you really are in love and when you think you're in love later on you're not or maybe I'm still not old enough to really fall in love
cuando me case no quiero tener hijos porque siempre andan haciendo travesuras y ensuciando la casa no sé cual es la mejor etapa para enamorarse tal vez cuando te enamoras en la adolescencia, te enamoras de verdad y cuando más adelante crees estar enamorado, no lo estás
That's for people who don't know what the hell they're doing. "
Es para gente que no sabe lo que hace. "
They're going to find out. I don't know what I'm doing.
Van a descubrir que no sé qué estoy haciendo.
They don't know what we're doing, where we're going.
Ellos no saben lo que estamos haciendo, ni adónde vamos.
It's obvious we don't know what they're doing.
Es obvio que no sabemos lo que estan haciendo.
They don't know what they're doing.
Humo. No tienen ni idea de lo que hacen.
- Why? Because they don't know what they're doing.
Porque no saben lo que hacen.
I don't know what they're doing, but they've been out there for hours.
No sé qué están haciendo, pero hace horas que están ahí afuera.

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