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They don't know yet traducir español

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They don't know this yet, so just between you and me, you know, and whoever is watchin', we'll let them know.
Ellos no lo saben todavía, así que sólo entre tú y yo, usted sabe, y el que está watchin', se lo haremos saber.
And further... yet I don't know if a woman's conflicting feelings are of interest to you or whether they provoke your scorn, Duke?
Y luego... mas no se si la vacilacin de una mujer concitara vuestro interes o, en cambio, evocara en vos la ironia, duque.
They don't know downstairs yet that you've soured on your assistant.
Ahí abajo todavía no saben que que ha traicionado a su ayudante.
That's only because they don't know you yet.
Es porque aún no lo conocen.
They don't even know where they're taking themselves yet.
Ni siquiera saben adónde van.
They don't know me yet, but they WILL.
Soy simplemente desconocida. Pero intentaré que me conozcan pronto.
They don't know about the president yet.
Aún no saben nada del Presidente.
They don't know about Grandmother Forrest yet.
No saben cómo saldrá la abuela todavía.
They don't know anything yet.
Todavía no pueden decir nada.
I don't know yet, but there's no reason why four people... should pass their lives in misery when they could all be so happy.
- No lo sé. No creo que nada pueda impedir que los cuatro seamos felices.
The doctors don't yet know if they'll permit her to fly.
Los médicos todavía no saben si le permitirán volar.
They don't know you're coming, yet you think you're expected.
No saben que vas a ir, pero crees que te están esperando.
Head Office don't consider you a second Montagu Norman yet, you know, and they like to have some idea of what's happening here.
El Banco todavía no lo tiene como un nuevo Mazarin, ya lo sabe. Y me gustaría tener una idea de lo que pasa aquí.
It's just that they don't know you yet so they just wonder who you are.
Ellos no te conocen. Se preguntan quién eres.
They don't know it yet, but you just heard the walls of Rome begin to crumble.
Aún no lo saben pero acabas de oír cómo empiezan a derrumbarse los muros de Roma.
Nobody knows where that Chinaman come from, not yet they don't know.
Nadie sabe de dónde viene ese chino, aún no.
Why aren't the others back yet? - I don't know, but they'll return.
¡ Padre, déjame a mí!
Don't know yet what they wanted a bridge for, both sides of the river being the same, but why does a chicken cross the road?
No sé para qué querían un puente, si de ambos lados hay lo mismo, pero ¿ por qué cruza la gallina?
They don't know yet. They're making x-rays.
Lo sabrán después de los rayos X.
But they don't yet know what this is about.
Espera, todavía es necesario explicarles de qué se trata.
They don't know yet.
Aún no lo saben.
They haven't seen you yet, they don't know what you look like.
Recuerde que no la conocen.
I don't know yet, but maybe it's the guy they put the bandage on.
- No sé, tal vez al tipo al que vendaron.
And yet in Polly's case they don't know?
¿ Y en el caso de Polly no lo saben?
I don't know what they'll be yet. But when we get them up, it'll look like our living room and not miss inch's.
No sé cómo serán, pero si lo conseguimos, esto parecerá nuestro cuarto de estar, no el de la señora Inch.
Well, something they don't know about yet.
Algo que por ahora ellos también desconocen.
They don't know yet about us.
¡ Qué diablos! Aún no saben que somos nosotros.
- I saw it coming, but in the Asylum they don't know anything about it yet, although they should be the first to get it.
Lo predije, pero en el manicomio todavía no saben nada de ello, a pesar de que debieran tener la noticia de primera mano.
They don't know it yet, but they're all gonna be Fighters for Fuller.
Aún no lo saben, pero serán todos Luchadores por Fuller.
Well, the children don't seem to know about it yet, do they?
Los niños no parecen estar enterados aún, ¿ verdad?
And they don't even know it yet.
Y ni se han enterado.
Well, I-I don't really know yet. I guess they're...
No lo sé todavía, supongo.
I don't know yet in which areas of space they exist.
No sé todavía en qué áreas de espacio se encuentran.
Speak quietly, it's better that they don't know yet.
Hablar más bajo. Es mejor que no se enteren de nada.
- They don't know what's the matter yet.
- Aún no saben qué le pasa.
They don't know yet.
¿ Hasta que punto? Todavía no sabemos.
They don't know you yet, and, besides, boys are shy at first too.
No te conocen todavía y, además, los muchachos son tímidos al principio.
In their language? I don't know it yet, and they don't know ours, but they know mathematics.
Mientras tu te estabas preocupando en pegar un motor, yo estaba haciendo contacto.
Hmm? They don't know yet.
¿ Supongo que han empacado sus cosas?
You know, they can control, they can frighten and yet they don't attempt to kill you.
Verá, les pueden controlar, les pueden asustar, y sin embargo no tratan de matarles.
He says they don't know that he's there yet but expects someone any time now.
Dice que aún no saben que está ahi pero ahora espera a alguien en cualquier momento.
They don't know yet.
No lo saben aún.
They do. They don't know it yet, but that's what they want.
Sí la quieren, pero aún no lo saben.
They still don't know yet.
Todavía no lo saben.
- They don't know you are here... yet.
- Ellos aún no saben que Ud. está aquí.
Maybe you don't know what the score is yet... but Big O thinks you turned them in, and they have got to kill you.
Tal vez usted no sabe mas de lo que cuenta aún... pero Big O piensa que usted los traiciono, y ellos tienen que matarle.
We don't know how they'll react yet.
- Todavía no sé cómo van a reaccionar.
They don't know anything yet.
Aún no saben nada.
I don't know. They didn't send the marriage license yet.
Después de que envíen la licencia matrimonial.
We don't know yet and we don't know how they're going to do it.
- Aún no lo sabemos. Ni el cómo.
They don't know anything yet.
Todavía no saben nada.

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