Think of that traducir español
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What do you think of that?
¿ Qué te parece?
All the legislation you could think of that we fight so hard against, "three strikes, you're out..."
Toda la legislación a la que nos oponemos con fuerza, "tres faltas y estás fuera...".
Why didn't I think of that?
¿ Por qué no se me ocurrió?
You didn't think of that before I jumped in the trash?
¿ No se te ocurrió eso antes de que me metiera en la basura?
Just think of me as the ghost that haunts the theater.
Piensen en mí como el fantasma que atormenta el teatro.
That's how I like to think of it, Chidi.
Así me gusta creerlo, Chidi.
I think he kind of thought that you and Flash had Ava X covered.
Creo que él pensaba... que tú y Flash tenían cubierto lo de Ava X.
- He doesn't think of me that way.
- Él no piensa en mí en ese sentido.
I missed a lot of time with Jon, you know, being a single parent, to think that we were gonna get somewhere, and so to end up here, it's sad. Maggie :
Pero resultó ser una pesadilla.
Prior to starting FMT, my... the mental side of it, the anxiety and the depression were so bad that I don't think I ever could have got there with...
Antes de empezar con esto, el lado mental, la ansiedad y la depresión eran tan malas, que jamás hubiera logrado llegar aquí...
No, not that I can think of.
No, no que yo recuerde.
That is incredible, dramatic, just think about what it would mean if you found a single cell microorganism on the surface of Mars?
Eso es increíble, dramático, solo pensar en lo que significaría si encontráramos un microorganismo unicelular en la superficie de Marte.
As I think about the understanding of our universe and what's the next level of connection that we need to make, that's people on Mars, right?
Cuando pienso en la comprensión de nuestro universo y cuál es el siguiente nivel de conexión que deberíamos hacer, es poner gente sobre Marte, ¿ verdad?
I like to think that geology is destiny, where there's the right combination of rocks and water and nutrients and atmosphere, you're going to create a habitable environment and something is going live there.
Me gusta pensar que la geología es el destino, donde haya la combinación adecuada de rocas y agua y nutrientes y atmósfera, vas a crear un entorno habitable y algo vivirá allí.
Few people know for sure what actually happened inside the facility, but it's clear that the prisoners we met with will carry their scars with them for the rest of their lives. I think that as we found out more and more about what we set up down there, that it's time for America, as a matter of policy, to shut it down. Lehnert :
Pocos saben con certeza qué pasó adentro, pero los prisioneros que entrevistamos... llevarán las cicatrices durante el resto de sus vidas.
Harvey, if they think that, then it's just a matter of time until all our clients think that.
Harvey, si piensan eso, tarde o temprano todos nuestros clientes también pensarán así.
That you should even think of all this, the way you stood up to him in that restaurant.
Pero tú no deberías pensar en esto, la forma en la que te le enfrentaste en el restaurante.
And moving forward, I think let's discuss the parameters of continuing - - That won't be necessary.
Y adelantándome, discutamos los parámetros de su continuidad... No será necesario. ¿ Disculpe?
[Cobb] One of the things to bear in mind is that when we think about slavery, it was an economic system.
La gente tiene que tener en cuenta, cuando habla de la esclavitud, es que era un sistema económico.
I think that one of the most brilliant tactics of the civil rights movement was its transformation of the notion of criminality.
Una de las mejores tácticas del movimiento de derechos civiles fue la transformación de la noción de la criminalidad.
Depicting an African American criminal, I think, was deliberate on the part of that campaign.
Representaron deliberadamente a un criminal afroamericano en la campaña.
Well, I think it's important that President Clinton, um, acknowledges that things didn't turn out exactly as he and all of us would've wished.
Creo que es importante que el presidente Clinton reconozca que las cosas no salieron como él y nosotros habríamos deseado.
So it's reasonable to think that Wal-Mart benefited from these Stand Your Ground laws that ALEC pushed that initially prevented the arrest of the killer of Trayvon Martin, uh, and was designed to prevent the arrest, prosecution and conviction
Es razonable pensar que Wal-Mart se benefició con la ley Stand Your Ground que impulsó ALEC que inicialmente evitó el arresto del asesino de Trayvon, y se creó para evitar el arresto, juicio y condena del asesino de Trayvon.
I think that's just, unfortunately, one of these tactics they do on ALEC.
Creo que, por desgracia, es una de las tácticas de ALEC.
I think what most Americans think of,'cause they've watched so many courtroom dramas and things like that, they think that the criminal justice system is about judges and juries.
Muchos ciudadanos piensan, porque han visto ficciones de juicios y cosas así, que el sistema de justicia penal se trata de jueces y jurados.
But as a country, I don't think we've ever been ready to make the admission that we have steamrolled through entire communities and multiple generations when you think about things like slavery and Jim Crow, and all the other systems of oppression that have led us to where we are today.
Pero como país, nunca estuvimos listos para admitir que hemos arrollado comunidades enteras y múltiples generaciones cuando piensas en cosas como la esclavitud y Jim Crow, y los sistemas de opresión que nos condujeron a donde estamos hoy.
Mike, why do you think part of the dream was finding out that you didn't have to inform on him anymore?
Mike, ¿ por qué crees que parte del sueño era enterarte de que ya no tenías que dar informes sobre él?
Because I wouldn't be doing my job, if I didn't inform you that actions have consequences, and you seem to think that the only consequence of what you're doing is getting out of here early, but it's not.
Porque no estaría haciendo mi trabajo si no te informara que las acciones traen consecuencias y parece que crees que la única consecuencia de lo que estás haciendo es salir de aquí antes de tiempo, pero no lo es.
So I think it's time that you took care of this yourself.
Así que creo que es hora de que te encargues tú mismo.
- Harvey- - 'Cause it sounded like you just said that think that you told me was rock solid was nothing more than a bucket of shit.
Porque sonaba como que acabas de decir que eso que no tenía dudas no era nada más que un balde de mierda.
Tara, I didn't think today could get any better, But whatever you did to that water pressure is thing of beauty.
Tara, no creí que este día se pueda mejorar, pero lo que hicieras a la presión del agua es algo hermoso.
No offense, kid, but don't you think that's a bit of a stretch.
Sin ánimo de ofender, niño, pero ¿ no crees que es un poco exagerado?
Yes, and from the looks of that, great minds really do think alike.
Sí, y por el aspecto de eso, las mentes geniales piensan parecido.
Do you think that someone who has felt this is afraid of death?
¿ Crees que alguien que ha sentido esto tiene miedo a la muerte?
Do you think she... that because of our fight, she took all those pills?
¿ Piensa que ella... por nuestra pelea, tomó todas esas pastillas? No.
I think she loves you very much, and it's because of that she's gonna make a full recovery.
Creo que te ama demasiado, y es por eso que se va a recuperar totalmente.
I think that we have a pretty decent chance, and we are going to need you to testify, to stand up there, tell that jury the depths of Metcalf's deceit.
Creo que tenemos una chance bastante decente, y vamos a necesitarla para testificar, en el estrado, decirle a ese jurado lo más hondo del engaño de Metcalf.
I didn't think of it like that.
No lo pensé así.
Judges and prosecutors are supposed to enforce the laws that exist, not the ones they think should exist, and when they lose sight of that, they run the risk of getting their pants pulled down in public and having their sterling reputations sullied.
Se supone que los jueces y fiscales defiendan las leyes que existen, no las que creen que deberían existir, y cuando pierden eso de vista, corren el riesgo de que les bajen los pantalones en público y manchen sus impecables reputaciones.
I think he's carrying around a lot of guilt that we made it home safe and friends of ours didn't.
Creo que está cargando con mucha culpa de que lo hiciéramos sentirse a salvo mientras que amigos nuestros no.
$ 12 million is a lot of dough, man, so I'm gonna need time to think about that.
Doce millones es mucho, necesito pensarlo.
If you give Dr. Reese a minute, I think that you'll find that she has an excellent grasp of...
Si le da un minuto a la Dra. Reese, pienso que descubrirá que tiene una excelente comprensión de...
Of course you think that, you're a surgeon.
Por supuesto que crees eso, eres un cirujano.
I know you think surgery has the best odds, but I also know that Williams patients have a much higher chance of not surviving general anesthesia.
Sé que piensa que la cirugía tiene las mejores posibilidades, pero también sé que los pacientes con Williams tienen un mayor riesgo de no sobrevivir a la anestesia general.
What do you think the chances of that are, Turbo?
¿ Qué opciones crees hay, Turbo?
So you think that if you right whatever wrong your uncle was trying to fix that you can get rid of... it.
Entonces piensas que si arreglas lo que fuera mal con... lo que tu tío quería arreglar podrías librarte de... ello.
Think of her brain as a computer that's been compromised by...
Piensa en su cerebro como un ordenador... que se ha visto comprometido por...
'Cause I don't think you can control that thing inside of you.
Porque no creo que puedas controlar esa cosa dentro de ti.
Think of all the good that we can do.
Piensa en todo el bien que podemos hacer.
You think I give a rat's ass about any of that?
¿ Crees que me importa una mierda todo eso?
I thought, maybe... maybe you... could think of something that I didn't.
Pensé que, quizá... quizá a ti... se te ocurriría algo que a mí no se me ocurrió.
think of something 72
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think of me 47
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think of it 118
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
think of something else 28
think of me 47
think of it this way 55
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think of it 118
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
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that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
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that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
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that's my girl 410
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that's good 7000
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that's all 8171
that's 10531
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that is 2872
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