Think of me traducir español
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Just think of me as your personal Trojan horse.
Piensen que soy su Caballito de Troya personal.
Cos I know he's been canvassing opinion about me and passing it on to Praveen cos of things this therapist said about what my colleagues think of me.
Porque sé que ha estado sondeando opinión acerca de mí y de pasarlo a Praveen cos de las cosas esto terapeuta dijo acerca de lo que mis colegas piensa en mi.
Well, I bid you farewell, Mr Wegg, and I hope I've served you well and that you will think of me kindly, from time to time.
Bueno, le despido, Sr. Wegg, espero que le haya servido bien y que piense de mí bien de vez en cuando.
Whatever you think of me, I'm not a man to shirk his responsibilities.
Lo que usted piensa de mí, que no soy un hombre de eludir sus responsabilidades.
Whatever else you may think of me, Mr Houdini, I am first and foremost a scientist.
Sea lo que sea que piense de mí, Sr. Houdini, soy, primero que nada, un científico.
Think of me as your prison psoriasis.
Piensa en mí como tu psoriasis carcelaria.
Me, I can't think of any reason in the world why you wouldn't have wanted to be across all this yourself and why there is no record of the investigation.
Yo, no puedo pensar en un motivo en el mundo del porqué no querría llevar todo el proceso usted mismo y por qué no hay registros de la investigación.
I think you have the wrong impression of me, Reverend.
Creo que tiene una mala impresión de mí, reverendo.
You think a few weeks of me being laid up in the hospital makes you the boss now?
¿ Crees que estar unas semanas ingresada en el hospital te hacen ser la jefa ahora?
Do you think that's the type of person I want to love me?
¿ Crees que ese es el tipo de persona que quiero que me ame?
'Cause I can only think of one reason...
Porque solo se me ocurre una razón...
I looked in every scenario there is to think of.
Busqué en cada situación que se me ocurrió.
I like to think I was somewhat of a mentor to him.
Me gusta pensar que fui como un mentor para él.
But it's the only thing I can think of that can help you.
Pero es lo único que se me ocurre para ayudarte.
- It was not for me to think of.
- No me correspondía pensar.
You think we're screwed'cause of me?
¿ Creen que estamos en problemas por mí?
Denny's was left for dead in a dumpster, and you didn't think that maybe you shouldn't abandon her on the first night of being her daddy?
¿ Me he perdido algo?
You think that you're not like me, but I've seen the darkness inside of you, Caitlin.
Crees que no eres como yo, pero he visto la oscuridad en tu interior, Caitlin.
But, as a friend... as Albert Windsor, you are the one person I can think of to whom he might listen.
Pero como amigo, como Alberto de Windsor, es la única persona que se me ocurre a quien él escucharía.
You think an out-of-work reporter makes me nervous?
¿ Cree que un reportero desempleado me pone nervioso?
Come to think of it, he's everything you wanted me to be.
Ahora que lo pienso, Es todo lo que querías que fuera.
As I sat in that room with all those people yelling at me for overreacting, all I could think of was, "Any one of you could be the terrorist."
Mientras estaba sentada en esa habitación con toda esa gente gritándome por reaccionar de forma exagerada, solo podía pensar en : "Cualquiera de vosotros podría ser el terrorista".
And to think I let my uncle persuade me against pressing a charge of murder!
Y pensar que yo dejo que mi tío me persuadir contra pulsando un cargo de asesinato!
You didn't think you'd be rid of me that easily, did you?
No pensarías que te liberarías de mí tan fácilmente, ¿ no?
Do you really think so little of me?
¿ De verdad tiene tan bajo concepto de mí?
I do hope they won't think badly of me.
Espero que no piense mal de mí.
I'm not overjoyed to think of Sir Hugh in possession of Emma.
No me entusiasma pensar que sir Hugh se quede con Emma.
God knows, he'd be as surprised as me to think that any of what he taught me had sunk in, but that's the truth of it.
Bien sabe Dios que estaría tan sorprendido como yo de saber que algo de lo que me enseñó ha arraigado, pero esa es la verdad.
I mean, it's not a long-term solution, but it'll have to do until I think of something better.
Quiero decir, no es una solución a largo plazo, pero tendrá que hacer hasta que se me ocurre algo mejor.
Now, I don't know what kind of stunt you think you're pulling here, but if you screw this up for me,
Ahora, yo no sé qué tipo de truco crees que estás tirando de aquí, pero si te equivocas esto para mí,
Actually, I think I'm all out of steam for today.
De hecho, creo que ya no me queda energía por hoy.
We were just starting to get a sense of the structure when she disappeared a few weeks ago, which makes me think they had her killed.
Recién empezábamos a encontrarle sentido a la estructura cuando desapareció hace unas semanas, lo que me hace pensar que la mataron.
I appreciate your interest in me, sincerely, and... if you're willing to accept the terms of my counter, I think we can wrap this up.
Agradezco su interés en mí, sinceramente, y... si está dispuesto a aceptar las condiciones de mi contrapropuesta, creo que podemos cerrar esto.
Makes me think I'm not getting enough out of the deal.
Me hace pensar que no estoy recibiendo suficiente de la oferta.
Now, if you'll look in the pocket of your hoodie, I think you got something for me.
Y ahora si miras en el bolsillo de tu sudadera, creo que tienes algo para mí.
I don't think she heard me over the sound of her own yelling.
No creo que me haya escuchado por encima de sus propios gritos.
If you think I'm bluffing, you little son of a bitch, try me.
Si cree que estoy mintiendo, pequeño hijo de perra, pruébeme.
Oh, no, I think she summoned me to haul me over the coals for my handling of the fog, but then the fog lifted, and she had to make a decision right then and there, in the room.
No, creo que me convocó para reprenderme por mi gestión por la niebla, pero entonces, la niebla se disipó, y tuvo que tomar una decisión en ese mismo momento, en esa habitación.
I think someone's trying to get rid of me.
Creo que alguien está tratando de deshacerse de mí.
I think you just like making fun of me.
Parece que solo te gusta burlarte de mí.
Well, I really do think that we need to update our wills, and I'd like to talk to you about Brandon having access to his hand money when he turns 18 just in case anything happens to the both of us.
Pues, sí creo que debemos actualizar nuestros testamentos, y me gustaría hablarte de que Brandon tenga acceso a sus fondos cuando cumpla los 18. solo en caso de que algo nos pase a ambas.
But I am going to see Rachel, and if you think you're gonna stop me, you are out of your mind.
Pero iré a ver a Rachel y si crees que me detendrás, estás muy equivocado.
I think I was wrong about you and Mr. Ross fabricating a letter of resignation.
Creo que me equivoqué contigo y con el Sr. Ross con lo de falsificar la carta de renuncia.
I can't think of anyone.
No se me ocurre nadie.
Yeah, that Hello Kitty cell phone cover really saved my ass with Marge, and when I think of it, what do we have children for if not to sacrifice them for our needs?
Sí, esa carcasa de móvil de Hello Kitty me ha salvado realmente el culo con Marge, y cuando pienso en ello, ¿ para qué tenemos niños si no es para sacrificarlos por nuestras necesidades?
Now, instead of telling me not to testify against you, why don't you think about testifying against Harvey?
Ahora, en lugar de decirle a mi no declarar en su contra, ¿ Por que no se piensa en testificar en contra de Harvey?
I can think of no one I'd rather have pretend to be me.
No puedo pensar en nadie que yo prefiero he pretender ser yo.
I mean, i spoke with one of the local detectives, And he seemed to think That randy was killed by a burglar or...
Bueno, he hablado con uno de los detectives locales y me dio a entender que a Randy lo asesinó un ladrón o...
And i don't know. I think she was afraid of disappointing me.
Y no sé, creo que tenía miedo de decepcionarme.
Don't you think you had to let me know about the kind of people who lived there?
¿ No crees que tenías que avisarme sobre... el tipo de gente que vivía allí? - ¿ Que ha pasado?
Sports, chores, board games, outings, music, pillow forts, anything I could think of.
Deportes, quehaceres, juegos de mesa, salidas, música, fuertes de almohadas, lo que se me ocurriera.
think of something 72
think of something else 28
think of it this way 55
think of the children 17
think of that 30
think of it 118
of me 146
mexico 335
metro 61
menu 31
think of something else 28
think of it this way 55
think of the children 17
think of that 30
think of it 118
of me 146
mexico 335
metro 61
menu 31