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This is all wrong traducir español

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This is all wrong.
¡ Todo esto está mal!
But my darling... can't you see that this is all wrong?
Pero querida, ¿ No ve que esto está mal...?
This is all wrong.
Es un error lo que hacemos.
This is all wrong.
Esto es todo al revés.
Mr. Leyden this is all wrong.
Sr. Leyden está equivocado.
This is all wrong.
Totalmente equivocado.
this is all wrong
Esto es un error
This is all wrong.
Esto es un error.
This is all wrong.
Esto está mal.
Dave, this is all wrong.
Dave, no podemos marcharnos.
Oh, Mahlon, this is all wrong.
Mahlon, esto está mal.
Oh, this is all wrong.
Aquí falla algo.
No, no, my dear, this is all wrong.
No, no, querida, esto está mal.
No no, my dear, this is all wrong.
Esto está mal. Yo...
667345, this is all wrong you miserable failure!
667345, es demasiado. Mal simulador!
This is all wrong.
Está todo mal.
This is all wrong.
Esto está todo mal.
- This is all wrong.
- Está todo mal.
This is all swell, but you're peddling your fish in the wrong market.
Todo eso está muy bien, pero está llamando a la puerta equivocada.
This is going all wrong.
Sí, sí... de mal en peor.
All that worries me is that I came on this trip for my health but I seem to have come to the wrong place.
Me preocupa que hiciera este viaje por mi salud, y me haya equivocado de lugar.
Looks like this method of mine is all wrong.
Es como si mi método fuera equivocado.
Of course, gentlemen, this is all very flattering, but to be perfectly Frank with you, senator, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Caballeros, esto es muy halagador, pero para ser franco con usted...,... creo que se equivoca de hombre.
But this contract we are to sign, if something is wrong with crops, all our land will belong to Mr. Bender?
Eso no me convence para firmar. Si el trigo se pierde, nuestras pertenecerán a Bender.
Maybe we got the wrong joint. This is it, all right.
A lo mejor nos hemos equivocado de casa.
If this is wrong, why is it all right to rob the coach?
Cuando robas un coche, hay aventura, hay peligro.
Doc, this marriage is all wrong.
Doc, esta boda no está bien.
This story is all wrong, Mr. Bannion.
Toda esta historia está mal, Sr. Bannion.
But this is wrong, all wrong!
Pero eso no es cierto, no es cierto!
Oh, I see. Look, sir. All we have to do is take a card, punch holes in it, one for each wrong thing this Major Cargill did, send it through an IBM machine and come up with the right answer.
Mire usted no tenemos mas que coger una tarjeta, perforarla por cada falta que haya cometido ese mayor Cargill, introducirla en una máquina automática, y esperar las respuestas concretas.
What you wore when you saw him this morning is all wrong now.
Lo que llevabas puesto cuando le viste esta mañana ya no vale.
It wasn't me. You got it all wrong. This is all a mistake.
No fui yo, es un error.
At this moment, all I intend to say... is that at the time of the murder Lieutenant Winston could not distinguish right from wrong.
Por ahora, sólo pienso decir que en el momento del homicidio... el Tte. Winston no era capaz de distinguir entre el bien y el mal.
I wanna set you straight, because you got it all wrong. This is no game.
Quiero que quede bien clara una cosa, no estamos jugando.
- No, this is where they all go wrong.
- No, aquí es donde ellos se equivocan.
- This all is wrong.
- Esto no está nada bien.
You've proved to me all this ultra-violence and killing is wrong, wrong and terribly wrong!
Me ha probado que toda la ultra-violencia y asesinato está mal, mal y terriblemente mal.
Tonight I'd like to talk to you about... oh, uh... Excuse me, this is all wrong.
Perdonen, esto no va así.
I figure all 300 better pray like hell this guy is wrong.
- No. Mira de qué nos sirvió despertar.
This dude offers us into three mil, and all you can think of is what's wrong with it.
Nos ofrecen 3 millones de dólares y tú preguntas qué es lo que falla.
All this is so wrong.
Todo eso es absurdo.
This shade is just wrong against all these slick surfaces.
La pantalla no destaca en estas superficies tan lisas.
This dress is cut all wrong.
Este vestido está mal cortado.
You will do as you please, and I am ready to suffer all your violence but I beg of you to believe that if there is any harm done, I am the only one guilty and that your daughter has done nothing wrong in all this.
Hará lo que quiera, estoy listo para todas sus violencias, pero le ruego de creer que, si hay mal, el acusado soy yo, y vuestra hija no es en nada culpable.
This one really is all wrong.
Encuéntrala. En verdad esta multitud está totalmente extraviada.
Either this map is wrong or all of a sudden I can't find my way around the block.
O este mapa es un asco o no tengo la menor idea de donde andamos...
This is all wrong.
Esto no está bien.
This is wrong, all wrong.
Esto está mal, todo mal.
You mix the wrong things, this is really not gonna come together... and you're gonna wind up launching your lunch all over the damn place. In from Europe for two weeks. Very high concept, guys.
y vas a terminar haciendo tu lonche para cualquier lugar en Europa por dos semanas, muy alto concepto chicos.
And you wanting to bring him back in this family is all wrong, Christina.
Y que quieras acercarlo a la familia es un error, Christina.
Ryan, this place is all wrong for you.
Ryan, este lugar no es para tí.

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