To get there traducir español
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Sure, if we want to get there yesterday.
Claro, si queremos llegar allí ayer.
We have to get there by 12 : 30.
Vamos. Tenemos que llegar antes de las 12 : 30 p.m.
And it'll take around two hours to get there.
Nos tomará 2 horas llegar allí
We need to get there the earliest arrival.
Necesitamos llegar lo más pronto posible.
We got to get there. Alright, Blair, we're still in it so far. If we can just get to the Pit Stop.
Muy bien Blair, seguimos en esto, solo debemos llegar a la parada.
It means you and I are gonna have to get there and do this.
Significa que tú y yo deberemos ir allá y hacerlo.
- to get there.
- que lo hagas.
I need to get there and shut those servers down.
Tengo que llegar allí y cerrar todos los servidores.
Someone has to get in there early, or sometimes the kid turns out funny.
Alguien tiene que llegar allí temprano, O, a veces el niño resulta divertido.
Maybe there's another way for the murderer to get to the caboose and back.
Tal vez haya otro modo para que el asesino vaya hasta el vagón de la cola y vuelva.
Where did you get there, from "I like this whiskey" to...?
¿ Dónde consiguió allí, De "me gusta este whisky" a...?
why not use it to get around up there?
¿ Por qué no usarlo para ir allá arriba?
Okay, Paige, you got to get out of there.
Está bien, Paige, tienes que salir de allí.
or because There's a hot surgeon with a murdering hand Obviously trying to get in that box!
O, porque hay un cirujano sexy, con una mano asesina ¡ obviamente, tratando de meterse en ti!
There's a much easier way to get in, Smith.
Hay una forma mucho más fácil de entrar, Smith.
I need to get him out of there.
Tengo que sacarlo de allí.
There's no way we'll be able to get a conviction with a boneless body.
No hay modo de que consigamos una condena con un cuerpo deshuesado.
Plus he's leaving the country, so there's no time for me to romanticize the whole thing and get attached.
Ademas esta dejando el pais, asi que me quedo sin tiempo de romantizar todo y aferrarme a el.
We'll get it off to the lab and go from there.
La llevaremos al laboratorio y de ahí veremos.
All right, listen, we got to get that bullet out of there, okay?
Vamos a sacar esa bala, ¿ vale?
Better get back to school or there's gonna be hell to pay with Miz Mimi.
Mejor que vuelva a la escuela o va a ser un infierno a pagar con la Srta. Mimi.
I mean, it was kinda stupid, but sometimes you have to get stupid over there. Hmm, what was it like?
Hmm, ¿ cómo fue?
And I remember in all the chaos in the clubhouse, I went in the training room to get away from, kin da everybody, and just gather my thoughts a little bit and thurman followed me in the there, munson.
Y recuerdo que entre todo el caos fui a la sala de entrenamiento para alejarme de todos y poder pensar tranquilo, y Thurman Munson me siguió.
Better curve ball than a fast one, or when you get out there and a base hit might hurt you, in a ball game when a good batter up or something like that, well then you want to throw him a curve if you have a real good curve.
Mejor una bola curva que una rápida, cuando sales y una bola podría pegarte en un juego donde hay un buen bateador, querrás lanzarle con curva si tu curva es buena.
They need to grab a helmet, grab a bat and get in the box,'cause they don't understand what's going on up there.
Tienen que conseguirse un casco, un bate e ir a jugar, porque no entienden lo que está pasando.
And this is hard to believe and as you get older, the stories get bigger, but I was there.
Y es difícil de creer, y pasa el tiempo, y las historias son más increíbles, pero yo estuve ahí.
I felt so bad about him because... When he was trying to get it back, you could walk downtown at 1 : 00 in the morning and you'd find Steve sitting down there with a bottle of wine.
Me sentí muy mal por él porque... cuando trataba de recuperarse, podías ir al centro a la una de la madrugada y allí estaba Steve, sentado con una botella de vino.
You got... you got, like, four minutes to get in there.
Tienes menos de cuatro minutos para entrar ahí.
I wanted to say something, voice my rage, tell my husband to get the hell out of there, but I didn't.
Quería decir algo, poner voz a mi furia, decirle a mi marido que saliera del infierno de allí, pero no lo hice.
Hmm... Would it be possible for this particular plate to go missing and for you to rush back and get another one for the darling doctor over there?
¿ Sería posible que este plato en concreto se perdiera y que fueras a todo correr a buscar otro para nuestro querido doctor?
- at home or... - Look, I'm going to move to Seoul for three years, learn Korean and try and get work out there.
Mira, voy a pasar a Seúl por tres años, aprender coreano a continuación, tratar de conseguir trabajar por ahí.
You guys should get pretty excited'cause there's some Blake Chesterfield Hender-nachos about to come out the oven!
Deberíais emocionaros porque hay unos nachos a la Blake Chesterfield ¡ a punto de salir del horno!
You don't need a ticket to get through that door there.
No es necesario un boleto a conseguir a través de esa puerta.
[narrator] These guys are part of a group struggling with Internet porn addiction. Yeah, so we want to get to this side,'cause there's, like, wasps that like living over there. Oh, goodie!
En las redes sociales, comenzará como una cosa de orgullo, como si alguien trata de eludirte enfrente de alguien, entonces es igual en Facebook, y luego la gente comenta, y...
Finally we get to the border and there are hundreds of refugees waiting to cross.
Este es el lado griego... y ahí se ve el ejército macedonio.
This is on the Greek side of the border, and just along the way, you see the Macedonian army. They've tried to cross several times, and every time they cross they get there, and whether or not the Macedonian army actually pushes them back forcefully, they find themselves back here because the border's closed.
Intentaron cruzar varias veces y cada vez que llegan... el ejército macedonio los devuelve a la fuerza... y vuelven aquí otra vez, porque la frontera está cerrada.
or what they're going to do when they get there.
Y las tensiones siguen aumentando.
There's something I need to get to Emma, and her father won't let me see her.
Hay algo que necesito darle a Emma y su padre no me permitirá que la vea.
There's no time to get everything done after work.
No tendremos tiempo de hacer nada después del trabajo.
Or... you just want to get laid because it feels good or there's nothing on TV.
O... simplemente quieres echar un polvo porque sienta bien o no echan nada en la tele.
You said it yourself, they're trying to piece together some kind of spell, so if they think I can help them get what they want, then that's gotta be worth every person in there.
Eso lo dices tú, están intentando juntar piezas, algún tipo de hechizo, si piensan que les puedo ayudar a salirse con la suya, entonces eso valdrá cada una de las personas que hay dentro.
Wouldn't you want to have some say of whether or not you can get it out of there?
¿ No querrías tener algo que decir... por si o por no quieres que siga allí?
You have been trying to find a way to get rid of her for months, and to use this, you go right past somebody who you know deserves it more... someone who has been there for you, who stepped in when you couldn't even handle doing your job.
Has estado intentando encontrar una manera de librarte de ella durante meses, y para hacerlo, has pasado por encima de alguien que sabes que lo merece más... alguien que ha estado ahí para ti, que te ha apoyado cuando no podías arreglártelas para hacer tu trabajo.
Tell the baker to put the bread in the oven as soon as you get there.
Dile al panadero que ponga el pan en el horno apenas llegues.
Enough to kill him if the bullet didn't get there first.
Suficiente para matarlo si la bala no lo alcanzaba primero.
Everything is gone except for Tom's hobby stuff in the basement, and that... I just... I can't be there when the buyer comes to get it.
Todo se ha ido excepto las cosas del hobby de Tom en el sótano, y que... yo solo... no puede estar allí cuando el comprador llega a llevarselo.
Look, to get in there and do what we need to do we have to blend, which you are unable to do.
Mira, para llegar allí y hacemos lo que tenemos que hacer tenemos que mezclar, que no es capaz de hacer.
She is also a distraction I cannot afford right now, given there is a witch that needs to get dead.
También es una distracción que no puedo tener en este momento dado que hay una bruja que tiene que morir.
We need to get in there and shut the servers down, freeze'em up.
Tenemos que llegar allí y cerrar... el servidor, pararlo todo.
We need to get that beef pipe back in there and find my phone before someone else does.
Tenemos que volver a dejar esa pipa conflictiva y encontrar mi teléfono antes de que lo haga otro.
We need to get you out there.
Tenemos que sacarte de aquí.
to get back at me 18
to get married 39
to get by 20
to get in 18
to get 23
to get out 26
get there 58
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
to get married 39
to get by 20
to get in 18
to get 23
to get out 26
get there 58
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22