Underestimated traducir español
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It seemed Hatchet underestimated you lot... and it seems to have cost him.
Parece que Hatchet los subestimó... y parece que lo pagó caro.
I underestimated you, Jack But it did not stop us.
Te he subestimado, Jack, pero No has detenido esto, sólo demorado.
I shouldn't have underestimated a man of your calibre.
No deberia haber valuado en menos del valor real a un hombre de su calibre.
Maybe I underestimated you.
Tal vez lo subestimé.
Obviously you underestimated me.
Es evidente que me subestimabais.
I underestimated you.
Te subestimé.
Oh, boy, I underestimated you, huh, Boomer?
Oh, chico, te subestimé, ¿ eh, Boomer?
These Jedi are not to be underestimated.
No se debe subestimar a esosJedi.
Seems I underestimated you.
Parece que te subestimé
They got to you first, but they've underestimated how important you are.
Ellos llegaron antes, pero subestimaron tu importancia.
But I underestimated your ambition.
Pero subestimé su ambición.
We underestimated the storm...
Subestimamos a la tormenta.
It would appear that I underestimated you. Sometimes, I'm too clever for my own good.
A veces soy demasiado inteligente para mi propio bien.
Well, my dear friend and worthy foe, once again... I've foolishly underestimated you.
Bueno, mi querido amigo y enemigo digno, una vez más... tontamente te he subestimado.
My parents underestimated the collective.
Mis padres subestimaron al Colectivo.
I think we've greatly underestimated you over the years, Arnold.
Creo que le hemos submestimado inmensamente todos estos años, Arnold.
- You've always underestimated him.
- Siempre lo has subestimado.
I think we've underestimated him because of our own human limitations.
Pienso que lo hemos subestimado debido a nuestras propias limitaciones humanas.
Your master underestimated us women.
Tu maestro subestimaba a las mujeres.
- You just underestimated me.
- Se te hizo fácil subestimarme.
- I underestimated you?
- ¿ Subestimarte? ¿ De qué estás hablando?
You underestimated me!
Me subestimaste.
Looks like Dayan and Golda underestimated them.
Parece que Dayan y Golda les han subestimado.
We underestimated Telford.
Hemos subestimado a Telford.
I think you've underestimated its value up till now. - Me?
- Creo que se ha desestimado su valor hasta ahora. - ¿ Yo?
Obviously, we underestimated him.
Obviamente, lo subestimamos.
We may have underestimated what we're dealing with.
Puede que hayamos subestimado con lo que estamos tratando.
You've always underestimated us.
Siempre nos has subestimado.
I think I underestimated you, Nikolai, and I don't usually do that.
Creo que te subestimé, Nikolai, y generalmente no lo hago.
Looks like we've underestimated Mr. Gar again.
Parece que subestimamos al Señor Gar de nuevo.
The benefit of seeing each other's faces just can't be underestimated
El beneficio de ver a los demás rostros no puede ser subestimado
You underestimated the market, Derek.
Desestimas el mercado, Derek.
Or underestimated it?
¿ O la subestimé?
C.W. Briggs, I seem to have underestimated you.
C.W. Briggs, parece que le había subestimado.
It appears you underestimated Bishop's feelings for her.
Parece que subestimó los sentimientos de Bishop hacia ella.
Yeah, I underestimated.
Sí. Los subestimé.
I had underestimated. my, wife's profession.
Había menospreciado el trabajo de mi mujer.
Unfortunately, I underestimated it.
Desafortunadamente, la subestime.
Yeah, I underestimated that.
Sí, subestimé eso.
One not to be lightly underestimated.
No debe ser subestimado.
I had underestimated the power of the thrust.
He subestimado el poder de la estocada.
It's you who underestimated us.
Es usted quien nos subestimo.
You underestimated Tippin.
Subestimaste a Tippin.
I underestimated you, Captain.
Te subestime, Capitán.
I underestimated you once, but never again.
Los sobreestimé una vez, pero nunca más.
Apparently, I underestimated you, brother.
Al parecer, te subestimé, hermano.
I underestimated you, Agent Doggett.
Te subestimé.
Freud believed he had underestimated the aggressive instincts within human beings ;
Creía que había subestimado los instintos agresivos del ser humano.
A woman's courage should never be underestimated.
La bronca de una mujer nunca debe ser subestimada.
We've underestimated them.
Los hemos tomado muy a la ligera.
We all underestimated Tarawicz.
Todos subestimamos a Tarawicz.
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understand 2529
underground 88
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understanding 63
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underwater 36
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under the bridge 22
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understandable 121
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understand me 81
under the table 51
under the sea 16
understand this 55
understand what i'm saying 17