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Untie him traducir español

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untie him.
¡ Soltadle!
Untie him.
- Untie him, will you?
- Desátalo, ¿ quieres?
I said untie him!
¡ Dije que lo desates!
- I'll untie him myself.
- Lo desataré yo mismo.
- Untie him, quickly.
- Desátelo, rápido.
Better is rather that you untie him and entrust him to me.
Mejor es que lo desates y me lo confíes a mí.
Untie him!
¡ Desatadlo!
I said to untie him, go!
He dicho que lo desatéis, vamos.
Quickly, untie him.
Deprisa, desátalo.
Untie him.
Untie him, Giuseppe.
Cállate, Giuseppe.
The order to tie him like a pig came from senor Rubriz himself. - Untie him.
Tengo la orden del Sr. Rubriz de tenerlo atado como un cerdo.
All right, untie him.
Ahora desatadle.
- Untie him, Jamie.
- Desátalo, Jamie.
Cass, untie him.
Cass, desátalo.
Cilucio, untie him, and put a candle on his hand.
Tiburcio, desátale, y ponle una vela en la mano.
Untie him!
¡ Desatarlo!
Okay, untie him.
Bueno, desátenlo.
Untie him.
- Go and untie him.
- Anda y desatalo.
Go and untie him and give him something to eat.
Anda y desàtalo y dale algo de comer.
Now. untie him.
Venga, desatadle.
Untie him!
¡ Desátenlo!
Untie him.
Untie him.
¡ Suéltalo! .
Don't worry, we'll untie him again.
Pero no te preocupes, lo desataremos enseguida.
Untie him..
Untie him!
- Untie him!
- ¡ Desátenlos! - ¿ Qué hacen mirando?
Untie him and bring to the Commander.
Desátale y llévalo al comandante.
Quick, untie him.
Rápido, desátalo.
No... it's just that... you must not untie him!
No... pero... no debes desatarle.
If he's such a great magician, let's see him untie himself.
Si él es un gran mago, vamos a ver si se desata.
Untie him.
Desátale las manos.
Cholo, untie him.
Cholo, desátalo.
Untie him!
¡ Desátalo!
Bailiff, untie him.
Alguacil, desátalo.
Then untie him.
- This is the one. Untie him.
Es éste, desatadle.
Untie him.
- Soltadles.
Untie him.
Untie him, Bushrup.
Desátale, Bushrup. Mr.
Then untie nozaki and explain to him, all right?
Después desata a Nozaki y explícaselo, ¿ de acuerdo?
Say, how in blazes did you get tied up? Well, let's untie him.
¿ Por qué estás atado?
You got any idea about following us, forget it. I'll untie Flood and give him a gun.
Si tiene idea de seguirnos, olvidelo me cansaré y le voy a dar un arma a Flood.
- Untie him.
- Desátenlo.
Let's help him to breathe, come on, Mr Accountant, let's untie his necktie...
Respire, contable... Aflojémosle la corbata...
Here, untie him.
Okay, untie him. Hurry!
Untie him.

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