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Vogue traducir español

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Vogue over to the hole.
Voguea hasta ese agujero.
- As a very young boy, I found a "Vogue" magazine my mom had on her night table, and it was high fashion daydreams from there.
Cuando era un pequeño niño, encontré una Vogue en la mesita
Looks as though she just stepped out of Vogue.
Parece salida de la revista Vogue.
You wanted Vogue? I'll find it for you.
Pero usted no me mira a mí busca al Sr. Max, y como es bonita, me resulta desagradable.
Vogue Fur Company, United Building.
Pieles Vogue, Edificio United.
Irene, have you seen my copy of Vogue?
Irene, ¿ has visto mi revista Vogue?
I was looking at Vogue, the one with Mary in it.
Ojeaba la Vogue donde aparece Mary.
♪ Something that's always in vogue ♪
Algo que siempre está de moda
I thought we were going to try those new hairdos from Vogue.
Creí que íbamos a probar los nuevos peinados de Vogue.
I know you fairly well... you're an architect, there's a vogue for your work among people who know.
Te conozco muy bien. Eres arquitecto y los entendidos aprecian tu trabajo.
I've got the one you liked so much in Vogue.
Tengo el que te gustó que viste en Vogue.
I never knew you read Vogue.
No sabía que leías Vogue.
What's Vogue got to do with it?
¿ Qué tiene que ver Vogue?
It just so happens that the dress I bought... that you picked out of Vogue that some woman happened to leave on the train... is exactly the dress that Addie Ross wore to the concert two weeks ago!
¡ El vestido que compré, que elegiste de una Vogue... que una mujer dejó en el tren... es el mismo vestido que Addie usó en el concierto hace dos semanas!
I know the dress she should wear! It was in last month's Vogue.
y vi el vestido exacto en Vogue.
They read "Vogue" magazine too.
Ellas también leen la revista "Vogue".
As I was telling you, Mr. Powers was terribly upset... that I couldnt do the bathing suit for Vogue.
Como te decía, el Sr. Powers estaba disgustado... porque no hice el bañador para Vogue.
Why, he would be barred from Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, and all the other fashion magazines!
Le excluirían de las demás revistas de moda.
I am jeopardizing my position with Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, all for a girl who does not appear.
Estoy arriesgando mi puesto en Harper's Bazaar y Vogue por una señorita que no aparece.
They show the same one in theJune "Vogue" magazine... only without these little bows in the back.
El mismo que había en la revista Vogue... pero sin estos lacitos en la espalda.
Feelings are in vogue.
Los sentimientos están de moda.
And "Vogue" magazine and "Screen Romances."
Y la revista "Vogue" y "Romances de Estrellas".
The Beguine just came en vogue.
Empezaba a estar de moda la biguine.
It's a little outfit I found in Vogue.
- Este modelito lo vi en Vogue.
It seems to be in vogue at the moment.
Parece ser la moda del momento.
- Vogue.
En "Vogue".
Yes, I've seen Vogue.
Sí, he visto la Vogue.
- I know you're stuck. - I don't need... - Giveaway shows are back in vogue...
Estuve pensando que los programas con premios están de moda otra vez.
she's as thin as a Vogue model. I like her.
Me gusta.
Bazaar? Vogue?
¿ "Bazaar", "Vogue"?
She's got a cover on Vogue.
Ella está en la portada de "Vogue".
Vogue, the fashion magazine.
"Vogue", la revista de la moda.
That'll give you time to talk to Vogue.
Eso te dará tiempo para hablar con Vogue.
The queen was suddenly stricken with a cruel malady, and neither the physicians well-versed in Greek nor the quacks in vogue could do aught for her.
Quiso el cielo que la reina padeciese repentinamente una penosa enfermedad. Ni la ciencia que, no obstante, estudiaban los griegos ni los charlatanes de turno sirvieron de nada.
In the US, they occupied the offices of Vogue and Newsweek, furious at the paternalism of the men in the Movement who put them up front at demonstrations "just to be nice."
En los Estados Unidos, ocupan las oficinas de revistas influyentes... como Vogue o Newsweek... furiosas por la actitud paternalista de los militantes... o las chicas hacen el té... o las ponemos delante en las manifestaciones por amabilidad... por amabilidad.
He's had work in Holiday, Esquire, The New Yorker, Vogue.
Publicaron su trabajo en Holiday, Esquire, The New Yorker, Vogue.
- Vogue?
¿ Vogue?
Take those models in "Vogue," like Twiggy and all the rest... nothing but skin and bones.
Fíjese en las modelos de "Vogue", como Twiggy... son pura carne y hueso.
Stay in the Vogue, honey.
Quédate en la Vogue, cielo.
So this the new Vogue.
Así que ésta es la nueva Vogue.
The modern man wants to kill with a poison that's in vogue.
Los hombres modernos se suicidan con venenos de moda.
Naturism is recently much in vogue.
Naturismo, cada vez más en boga.
But these days divorce is in vogue, so all is not lost.
Como está de moda divorciarse, todavía todo es posible...
You're on the cover of Vogue!
¡ Estás en la tapa de Vogue!
I've seen you invogue and in women's - why, I am so very pleased to make your acquaintance.
Te he visto en el Vogue y en Woman... me alegro tanto de ser conocida tuya.
Half of them are only interested in making a popular splash like Picabia and the other half just want to do advertisements for Vogue and decorate night clubs. Charles
A una parte de ellos... solo les interesa llamar la atención, como Picabia ;... y la otra solo quiere hacer anuncios para Vogue y decorar clubs nocturnos.
Now, darling, I want you to call the United States and tell Vogue they can't have the photographs of the spring line until after the show.
Dile a Vogue que tendrá las fotos de la colección de primavera después del pase.
Non-star athletes are in vogue.
Los deportistas anónimos están de moda.
No, the strike should be ample, more straight forward.
Pero... es increíble. ¿ Quiere el Vogue?
Do you have Vogue?
¿ Quiere ver mi perfil?
You know, "Vogue," "Cosmo," the layout of Atlanta in
Ya sabes, Vogue, Cosmo

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