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Want to try it traducir español

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Do you want to try it again?
¿ Quiere probar ahora?
And now you want to try it again.
¿ Y ahora está dispuesto a intentarlo de nuevo?
- You want to try it?
- ¿ Quieres intentarlo?
I want to try it, Mark.
Quiero probarla, Mark.
You might want to try it.
Deberias probar.
I wouldn't want to try it twice.
No lo volvería a hacer.
"Just want to try it on".
"Sólo quiero probármelo".
if you want to try it, try it with me.
Si quieres probarla, lo harás conmigo.
Yes, I was hoping you might want to try it again.
Tenía la esperanza de que quisieras volver a tratar.
- Want to try it yourself?
- ¿ Quieres probar tú misma?
Do you want to try it again?
¿ Quieres que se repita?
- Want to try it?
- ¿ Quiere probar?
You want to try it on?
¿ No quieres probártela?
You want to try it?
¿ Quieres intentarlo?
You want to try again? It's not just me, Will.
- ¿ Quiere volver a intentarlo?
- We need to try. - I can resolve it. Want to see how?
- Yo puedo. ¿ Sabes cómo?
You want to try it out?
If they want to destroy you, Sid, let them try it in the real world.
Si quieren destruirte, Sid, que lo intenten en el mundo real.
I want to give it a try.
Quiero intentarlo.
- You want to try it again?
- Ahora?
I'm willing to give it a try, if you still want me to.
Estoy dispuesto a intentarlo si aún te interesa.
I don't know if I really want to try it again.
Ella tuvo la gentileza de hacer un escáner de mi cuarto.
I want to try and persuade people that it ´ s all right to name names.
Hice como siete. Sí, bueno. Yo hice nueve, así que te gano. ¿ Algo más para discutir?
I want to talk to him and tell him we ´ re sorry... and that we ´ re going to try and make up for it.
Quisiera hablarle y decirle que estamos muy apenados... y que vamos a tratar de acomodar todo para el.
You might want to try buttering it first.
Por lo menos pongale un poco de manteca antes.
If I try to learn what you want... what you desire... it's only so that I may act accordingly.
Si intento comprender lo que quieres... tus deseos... es sólo para poder obrar en consecuencia.
It's only your door in the inside, it's anyone's door out here... and I'll stand by it as long as I want to and you just try and stop me.
Es tu puerta por adentro, pero por afuera le pertenece a cualquiera... y aquí me quedaré el tiempo que quiera. Sólo intenta detenerme.
And you've got to try and understand it when she needs her freedom to want what she needs.
- Y debe comprender... cuándo ella necesite que su libertad necesite lo que ella quiera.
If you and Hallie want, we could try to hold it maybe.
Por si Hallie y tú quieren mudarse allí.
You want to try a hyper-spanner above the matrix? It might open it up a bit.
Podriamos abrirlo un poco haciendo presión sobre la matriz.
Might want to try and use it again.
Quizas quiera empesar a usarla nuevamente.
I want you to know that I try to look into it.
Sólo quiero que sepas que intento hacer algo.
Go ahead, try and sell it, you want to be a dumbsky.
Vamos, trata de venderlo,
It's good for your heart and everything. - Want to try?
Es bueno para el corazón.
It's mine and I just want to try some.
Es mío y quiero probarlo.
I told you I didn't want you to try and sell it and you just big, fat did it anyway!
Te dije que no quería que la vendieras y tú, bola de grasa, lo hiciste.
I want you to try it.
No te preocupes Ponte bien pronto Ok
I want you to try it. I think you're more prepared on it than me.
Su madre me puso una demanda por paternidad
I want to try to control it.
Quiero tratar de controlarlo.
I knew she didn't want to be a rancher's wife, but I wanted to give it a try.
Ella no quería ser esposa de un ranchero, pero yo quería probar.
You want to give it a try tonight?
¿ Quieres usarlo esta noche?
I really want to give it a good try.
Quiero intentarlo.
I want you to try it on and help me.
Póntela y ven a ayudarme.
- Unless... you want to try to sell it yourself and give me half of what you get.
A menos que quieras venderlo por tu cuenta y me des la mitad.
If you want something, try to get it straightaway. Otherwise, the desire will disappear before long.
Si quieres algo trata de obtenerlo de la manera correcta de otra manera el deseo desaparecerá al poco tiempo.
It seems the older I get, the less I want to try anything new.
Parece que me hago vieja, lo menos que quiero es intentar algo nuevo
Me try the best I can. It don't want to stick back on!
- Lo hago lo mejor que puedo.
Uh, yes, they are, but I, uh- - I don't want you to worry about it,'cause I'm gonna try to come up with something new for you.
Sí, están bajando, pero... no quiero que te preocupes, porque voy a buscar algo nuevo para ti.
Nice try but I want to hear it from him.
No cuela, quiero oírselo a él.
He'd want us to try, I know it.
Él querría que lo intentáramos, lo sé.
You want to give it a try?
¿ Quieres probarlo?

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