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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We'd like to talk to you

We'd like to talk to you traducir español

323 traducción paralela
Well, well, we'd like to talk to you for a minute, Mr. Bonaparte.
Bien, bien... queríamos hablar con usted un momento, Sr. Bonaparte.
We've been expecting you, Mr. Shaw. Swell. If you're not too busy, I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes.
Si no está muy ocupada, me gustaría hablar con Vd.
Mr. Mayor, if you don't mind, we'd like to talk to him alone.
Sr. Alcalde, nos gustaría hablar con él a solas.
Oh, I'd like to talk to you, Mr. Bishop, but we're on our way out.
Me gustaría hablar con usted, Sr. Bishop, pero ya nos íbamos.
I'd like to talk to you about Jennifer. We were married last night.
Quisiera hablar de Jennifer, nos casamos anoche
We'd like to talk to you, Mrs. Minnett.
Nos gustaría hablar con usted.
We'd like to talk to you at our office.
Queremos hablar con usted en nuestra oficina.
We'd like to talk to you.
Nos gustaría hablar contigo.
We'd like to talk to you now if we could.
Nos gustaría hablar con usted, si puede ser.
We'd like to talk to you.
Policía. Queremos hablar con usted.
I'm from the police department. We'd like to talk to you.
Quisiéramos hablar con usted.
We'd like to talk to you a minute about Robert.
- Mucho gusto. - Queremos hablarte de Robert.
If you don't mind Miss, we'd like to talk to you for a few minutes.
Nos gustaría hablar con usted.
Before we talk, perhaps you'd like to read... the official record of the expedition.
Antes, quizás quiera leer... el acta oficial de la expedición.
We'd like to talk to you. You've got time?
Queremos hablar contigo.
I'd like to talk to you for a minute, if we can.
Quisiera hablar con usted un minuto.
What do you want? - We'd like to talk to your passengers.
- Hablar con sus pasajeros.
Excuse me just for a minute... but we'd like to talk if you don't mind.
Discúlpame un minutito... pero queremos hablar a solas, si no te importa.
If you'd like to... we could talk.
Podríamos hablar, o escuchar música.
We promise. Chad, I'd like to talk to you.
- Chad, quisiera hablar contigo.
We'd like to talk to you.
Quisiéramos hablar con usted.
Well... While you're still able to talk, I'd like to hear you say when we're going home.
Pues, antes de que te rompas todos los huesos ¿ no sería mejor que volviésemos a América?
I thought we'd catch a movie, then I'd take you for a bite to eat. And then I'd like to talk to you about some exciting ideas I have for redoing my apartment.
Si te parece, vamos al cine, luego vamos a comer algo... y luego quiero contarte... ciertas ideas que tengo para remodelar mi apartamento.
When we go to the ballroom, I'd like to talk to you a few minutes.
Y ahora que pasemos al salón, le agradecería... unos minutos de charla privada.
- We'd like to have a little talk with you.
- Quisiéramos discutir algo con usted.
We'd like to talk to you.
Queremos hablar con ustedes.
- We'd like to talk to you about something.
- Me gustaría hablar contigo de algo.
- We'd like to talk to you for a minute.
- Queremos hablar un minuto contigo - ¿ Que pasa?
We'd like to talk to you brother.
Quisiéramos hablarte hermano.
We'd just like you to talk to the men.
Nos gustaría que hablaras con los hombres.
I'd like to talk to my wife for a few minutes, so maybe you'd go to the beach for a bit, and we'll call you, okay?
Quisiera hablar un rato con mi esposa, quizás tú puedas ir a la playa y luego te llamamos, ¿ sí?
We'd like to talk to you, privately.
Nos gustaría hablar con usted, en privado.
We'd like to talk to you. G-men?
Nos gustaría hablar con usted.
If you'd like, I'll talk to your class later when we know more.
Si gustas, hablaré ante tu clase cuando sepamos más. - Muy bien.
I'd like to talk to you, but we're running very late.
Me gustaría conversar con Uds., pero vamos atrasados.
- We didn't have the time. If you see her, tell her I'd like to talk to her.
Nunca tuvimos tiempo... si la llegas a encontrar dile que quiero hablar con ella.
We'd like to talk to you.
Queremos hablar con Vd., Akiva Israelovitch.
We ´ d like to talk to you, Mr. Bender.
Queremos hablar con Ud., Sr. Bender.
Well, Sam, I guess I'll be going home, unless there's something you'd like to talk to me about, now we're almost alone and we have a private moment.
Bien, Sam, creo que me voy a mi casa, a menos que haya algo que que le gustaría hablar conmigo, ahora estamos casi solos y tenemos un momento privado.
I thought maybe you'd like to sit down and we could talk.
Pensé que quizá quisieras sentarte y podríamos hablar.
we'd like to talk to you for a minute.
Queremos hablarte un minuto.
Okay, I'd like to talk to you about what we're here for... and that's for me to pitch the new C.O.P. program to you.
Bien, quiero hablarles sobre el tema que nos ha traído aquí. He venido a convencerles de que se unan al programa COP.
We'd like to talk to you, please.
Querríamos hablar con Vd., por favor.
We'd like to talk to you about what you may have seen or heard.
Queremos saber si alguien oyó o vio algo.
We'd like to talk to you.
Nos gustaría hablarle.
We have a professional mediator who'd like to talk to you.
Un mediador profesional quiere hablar con ustedes.
We'd like to talk to you if we could. We'd like to talk to you if we could.
¿ Podríamos hablar con usted?
- So if you had an idea for, like a TV show for yourself, well, we'd just love to talk about it.
- Si se te ocurre algo para un programa de TV, nos encantaría conversar contigo.
We'd like to talk to you.
Queremos hablar contigo.
We could talk. You could talk to me. I'd like to talk!
Podemos hablar, puedes hablarme, me gusta hablar.
We'd like to talk to you in private, Mr Malcolm.
Nos gustaría hablar con usted en privado, Sr. Malcolm.

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