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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We'll do it again

We'll do it again traducir español

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Well, we'll have to do it again.
Entonces volveremos a hacerlo.
- We'll do it all over again, shall we?
- Vamos a hacerlo de nuevo, ¿ no?
We'll do it all again!
¡ Hacemos todo de nuevo!
We'll confess everything right away, and promise never to do it again.
Admitirlo todo y prometerles que no lo haremos más.
We'll get Mrs. Kidley and do it again sometime. [Band Members] Okay.
Lo haremos de nuevo otro día con la Sra. Kidley.
- And we'll do it again.
- Y volveremos a hacerlo.
We'll have to do it again.
Debemos comenzar de cero.
I know we'll do it again.
Sé que lo haremos otra vez.
We'll do it again.
Volveremos a hacerlo, sí, señor.
We'll do it again.
Lo haremos de nuevo.
Just say the word and we'll do it all over again.
Sólo dilo y lo haremos de nuevo.
Glad you liked it. We'll have to do this again.
- Deberiamos repetirla.
- Well, we did it, and we'll do it again!
- ¡ Lo hicimos y volveremos a hacerlo!
We'll do it all over again.
Desde el principio.
We'll do it again.
A repetirlo.
Listen, if you want it as much as I do, we'll see each other again, but it's the normal thing for you to go back and find them.
Escuche, si lo desea tanto como yo, volveremos a vernos. Pero vaya con él, es normal.
I haven't been to the cinema in weeks. We'll do it again soon.
Hacía meses que no iba al cine.
If things don't work out right, we'll do it all over again next year.
Si las cosas no funcionan, lo repetimos el año que viene.
Anyway we've been through this on the way, we'll do it again on the way back.
Sea lo que sea, si lo hemos pasado en una dirección, podemos pasarlo en la contraria.
Very much, and we'll do it again.
- Mucho y volveremos a hacerlo.
- Okay, we'll do it again.
- Volveremos a hacerlo.
If you don't like it, we'll do it again.
Haré repintar la habitación, y si no le gusta, la cambiamos!
I don't know how you intend to do it, but if you fail and anger him, it will be very dangerous. We'll never be able to get near him again.
Si lleva a cabo su plan y falla, el no permitira que nadie mas se le acerque de nuevo!
We'll do it again tomorrow.
Mañana lo haremos de nuevo.
We'll swap off and do it again.
Cambiémoslos y volvamos a hacerlo.
But soon or later, we'll do it again.
Pero, antes o después, volveremos a empezar.
Friend, I'll thank you for the buggy ride, and we'll do it again some time.
Amigo, gracias por traerme... y ya lo repetiremos algún día.
And may I humbly add, your honor, that we've learned our lesson and that we'll never do it again.
Y permítame agregar, Su Señoría, que hemos aprendido la lección y que nunca lo volveremos a hacer.
But, we'll do it again, and this time with more feeling.
Pero, vamos a hacerlo de nuevo, y esta vez con más sentimiento. ¡ Ah!
We have to do it again. You'll never know.
Tenemos que hacerlo de nuevo.
- I'd do it again. - We'll see about that.
- Lo haría de nuevo.
Then we'll do it again tonight
Entonces lo volveremos a hacer esta noche.
I've done it too and we'll yet do it again!
¡ Y aún pasaremos más hambre!
Thank you. We'll do it again, boys.
Lo haremos de nuevo, chicos.
We'll do it again, right away!
Lo repetiremos, ¡ rápido!
We'll do it again.
Volvamos a hacerlo.
We'll do it again.
A sus lugares.
We'll do it again!
¡ Lo haremos otra vez!
When I get paid at the end of the month, we'll do it again.
Escuche, a final de mes, cuando cobre la paga, lo volveremos a hacer.
We have already managed to break through once and we'll do it again.
Tenemos que arreglarnos para romper el cerco.
Maybe we'll do it again sometime.
"Quizá podamos repetirlo en alguna ocasión."
We'll do it again?
¿ Lo repetiremos?
We'll do it again sometime.
Lo haremos otra vez, algún día.
"All right, we'll do it again. 20 laps this time."
"Lo repetiremos, esta vez 20 vueltas".
Keep your hands out of the way. We don't measure the gonads. I'll do it again.
Quita tus manos No medimos las gonadas.
Hold on, we'll do it again. More officially, okay?
Se ha soltado.
We'll do it again.
Lo haremos otra vez.
We'll do it again.
Empecemos otra vez.
Maybe we'll do it again sometime.
Quizás lo repitamos alguna vez.
- We'll never do it again, sir.
- No se repetirá, señor.
Well, we'll just have to do it again.
Tendremos que hacerlo de nuevo. Mirad.

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