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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We'll see you around

We'll see you around traducir español

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Hope we'll see you around here often.
Espero verle por aquí frecuentemente.
But I'll tell you, if we get right down to earth... and we can change these people around into people these folks on the river wanna see... we can make a lot of money.
Pero si somos realistas y conseguimos... convertir esta gente en los personajes... que la gente quiere ver,... ganaremos mucho dinero.
- No. We'll dance around, and you cut in on us. See?
Bailaremos un poco, y luego tú me pides bailar. ¿ Entiendes?
If you come around here again, we'll be glad to see you.
Si viene por acá, tendremos gusto en verlo.
But we'll be in the park just around the corner, all day tomorrow, if you wanna see it.
Pero el parque no está demasiado lejos. Estaremos allí, si quiere pasar...
You see, as soon as father's up and around, you'll come over, get acquainted, and we'll...
En cuanto mi padre deje la cama, las llevaré a presentarlas y...
Now you put your arms around me, and we'll go up and see that horse.
Pon tus brazos a mi alrededor y te alzaré para que veas al caballo.
We'll see you around.
Nos veremos.
You see, what I thought, we'd get a rock wherever we went. When we get to Colorado, we'll put them around the patio and whenever we Look at them, we can think of the wonderful times we've had.
Pensé que si tomamos una roca de cada lugar que visitemos aI llegar a Colorado, las pondremos alrededor del patio y cuando las miremos, recordaremos los buenos momentos.
- I tell you. lieutenant since we know the situation now. we'll just circle around here in the foothills for a couple of days like we was looking. see?
- Mire, teniente ahora que conocemos la situación, nos moveremos en círculos durante unos días como si buscáramos de verdad.
- Well, we'll see you around.
- Bueno, nos veremos por aquí.
All right, let us off around the next corner and then head for a police station. They see we're not with you, they'll let you alone.
Déjenos en la próxima esquina y diríjase a una comisaría.
We'll see how funny you good-time Charlies are... when Frank Burns is number one around here, permanently.
Ya veremos cuán graciosos serán... cuando yo sea el número uno aquí, permanentemente.
I'll see if there's somebody floating around in the typing pool... we can use as a clerk pro tem. You just take it easy.
- Descansa.
Hey, Djordjevic, we'll see you around, okay?
¡ Hey, Djordjevic, nos vemos por ahí, okay?
Yeah, we'll see you around.
Sí, ya nos veremos.
Well, we'll see you around.
Nos vemos.
- Maybe we'll see you around.
- Tal vez nos volvamos a ver.
Then we'll say goodbye and never see you around here again. Understand?
Nos despediremos y no volveremos a verte por aquí. ¿ Entiendes?
We'll see you around, I hope.
Ya nos veremos, espero.
We'll see you around.
¡ Hasta uno de estos días!
If you turn around, you'll see how we looked when we was younger. The people here wanted to make us senators.
Y si miras a tu espalda, podrás ver cómo éramos de jóvenes cuando querían nombrarnos senadores.
Yeah, so I guess we'll see you around school or something.
Hey, Peggy.
and as we move around the corner, on our right you'll see our own house of magic, where our directors truly make the impossible come true.
... y a medida que vancemos, daremos vuelta a la esquina a la derecha verán la casa magica, donde nuetros directores hacen realidad lo imposible.
- We'll see you around, Hatcher.
- Luego te veo, Hatcher.
We'll see you around, boss.
Nos vemos.
Well, we'll ask around. You know, see if anyone's heard anything.
Preguntaremos si alguien escuchó algo.
We'll see how you act around the girls
Me gustaría verte haciendo el tonto delante de las chicas.
Then we'll see how much of the game you recorded with all of your jumping'around.
Y luego veremos cuánto del juego has grabado, con todos esos saltos.
I guess we'll see you around.
Ya nos veremos.
Maybe we'll see you around then.
Bien. Entonces tal vez nos veamos por aquí.
We'll see you around. "
Dijeron, "No es necesario - ¡ Nos veremos en todos."
All right, I see you. We'll go around again and try to drop you a cable and then hoist you out of there. You got that?
Voy a dar otra vuelta y les bajaré un cable para sacarlos de ahí.
We'll see you around, old-timer.
You push, I'll pull. We'll force it and you'll see, it's going to spin around.
Tú empuja y yo giro.
I'll see you then Got to get back to work That'll be great Shall we say around 1 : 00?
- Tengo que volver al trabajo.
We'll see you around 1 : 00.
Te veré sobre la una.
- We'll see you around, buddy.
¡ Así se habla! Nos vemos, colega.
You see, once you marry Donny, you'll still be Dad's physical therapist of course, but we'll need someone around here to do the chores, won't we?
Verás, una vez que te cases con Donny, aún serás la terapeuta física de papá por supuesto, pero necesitaremos a alguien por aquí para hacer las tareas, ¿ no es así?
Take a detour around the mountain, after that you can see the Hwangho River We'll wait for you there.
Rodead la montaña y veréis el río Hwangho... os esperaremos allí.
"You'll see, we both will make this sinking ship..." ... go around the world.
y verás como nosotros dos haremos que este barco que se está hundiendo valla por el mundo
We gotta run,'cause we got this prom committee thing, so I'll see you around.
Tenemos que irnos, porque hay una junta de la graduacion, nos vemos.
You'll be staying here in "J," at least temporarily, until we see how the rest of the population adjusts to you around.
Te quedarás en la unidad J, al menos temporalmente hasta que veamos cómo se adapta el resto de la población a tu presencia.
We'll see you around the bend.
Los veremos a la vuelta.
All right, well, we'll see you around... I hope.
Muy bien, nos vemos... espero.
We'll bury your son with you if we see him one more time hanging around my Julia!
Te enterraremos junto a tu hijo, si vuelve a... juntarse con Julia.
When no one's around but you and me... is a moment I cherish, so you see... let's get naughty the rest, we'll see
Cuando estamos solos tú y yo... es un momento que añoro. Olvidémonos de todo lo demás.
No one's around but you and me, magic moments I cherish, so you see... let's get naughty the rest, we'll see
Cuando no hay nadie más que tú y yo, añoro ese momento tan mágico. Olvidémonos de todo lo demás.
- We'll see you around there, buddy.
- Nos vemos, amigo.
We'll go see carlos tomorrow.I'll turn him around for you.
Iremos a ver a Carlos mañana. Lo pondré de tu parte.
You drive safely, Natalie. - We'll see you around campus.
Maneje con seguridad, Natalie, - y nos estamos viendo.

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