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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We'll see you soon

We'll see you soon traducir español

339 traducción paralela
You'd be a sensation on the big screen, and I hope we'll see one another soon.
Serías una sensación en la pantalla grande,.. ... y espero que pronto volvamos a vernos.
As soon as we land, I'll manage it so you can see Johnny.
En cuanto desembarquemos, lo arreglaré todo para que puedas ver a Johnny.
We'll see what you can do soon.
Pronto veremos qué sabes hacer.
You'll see it soon enough when we get to the station.
La verás tan pronto lleguemos a la comisaría.
Well, we'll see you soon, I hope.
Nos veremos pronto, espero.
As soon as you get your eye fixed, we'll go down and see Madge.
Cuando te cures el ojo iremos a ver a Madge.
- We'll see you soon.
- Adiós, señora.
You see, we'll be stopping construction soon because of the snow.
Verás, muy pronto pondremos alto a la construcción por la nieve.
For instance, I met you... I liked you... and now so soon we have to part... and perhaps we'll never see each other again.
Por ejemplo, te conocí, me gustaste, y ahora de pronto tenemos que separarnos y tal vez nunca más volvamos a vernos.
You see, as soon as father's up and around, you'll come over, get acquainted, and we'll...
En cuanto mi padre deje la cama, las llevaré a presentarlas y...
We'll be up to see you as soon as you get settled.
Iremos a verlos en cuanto se instalen.
And the sea's nearby, and the village pub. We'll come down and see you quite soon.
Iremos muy pronto.
Good-bye, mr. Van steed. Oh, i'll see you again soon, since we're living under the same roof.
La veré pronto, ya que vivimos bajo el mismo techo.
We'll come see you as soon as we get settled.
Vendremos en cuanto nos instalemos.
We'll soon see how you get on without me, the lot of you.
Veremos cómo lo pasáis sin mí, todos vosotros.
If you want to add impertinence to your eavesdropping we'll soon see about that.
Si quiere añadir impertinencia a su entrometimiento... esto no quedará así.
We'll see you soon, then.
Nos veremos pronto, entonces.
We'll see you soon!
¡ Los veremos pronto!
We'll hope to see you again very soon.
- No, esperamos verle pronto.
You'll see, Anders will soon get that thought out of his head and we'll easily find the right girl, who will...
Ya verás, Anders pronto se sacará esa idea de la cabeza. y fácilmente le encontraremos la chica adecuada, que será...
But you'll see, soon I'll get up, and we will go away.
Pronto estaré en pie, ya verás. Y nos iremos.
Well, If you are innocent, we'll soon see.
Bueno... Si es usted inocente, lo vamos a comprobar enseguida.
Well, we'll see you again soon, Alta, I hope.
Espero que nos veamos pronto, Alta.
- I hope we'll see you soon.
- Espero que nos veamos pronto.
You'll see how soon we decent people pay back our debts!
¿ Ves qué pronto cumplimos las personas decentes? Ae.
We'll see you again soon, sir.
Bueno, le veré pronto, señor.
- We'll come see you soon.
- Nosotros vendremos a verte pronto. Claro.
We'll be waiting. - See you soon!
Muy bien, ¡ hasta pronto!
- We'll see you soon?
- ¿ Nos veremos pronto?
We'll be there soon enough, you'll see.
Estaremos allí pronto. Ya verás.
We'll come see you again soon.
Vamos a ver venir de nuevo pronto.
We'll see you soon?
- ¿ Pronto la veremos por allí?
Don't cry, we'll meet again! I'm not saying goodbye, but see you soon!
No lloréis, mujeres, esto no es un adiós, sino un hasta pronto.
And we'll see you very soon.
Nos vemos pronto.
Don't worry, I'll see that you get your leave, as soon as we're finished.
No se preocupe, veré que consiga su licencia tan pronto hayamos terminado.
We'll see you soon.
La veré pronto.
That's not for you to decide, we'll soon see who is innocence and who isn't.
Eso no lo decidís vosotros. Pronto veremos quién es inocente y quién no.
We'll get there, see you soon.
Tenemos a quien nos lleve. Hasta ahora mismo.
Charlie Keller and his Clan of Lunatics. And me, yes sirree, in person, Jackie Flash, saying we'll be back to see you again real soon.
Charlie Keller y su Clan de Lunáticos, y yo, en persona, Jackie Flash, les decimos que volveremos a visitarles muy pronto.
We'll see you soon.
Nos veremos enseguida.
You'll see, we'll be able to leave soon.
Vas a ver, vamos a ser capaces de salir pronto.
We'll soon get news about him, you'll see.
Verás que en poco tiempo... tendremos noticias suyas.
We'll all go home soon, you'll see.
Pronto nos iremos a casa, ya veras.
We must do the rest and soon you'll see what that is.
Nosotros haremos el resto. Ya veràs de qué se trata.
We'll come back and see you soon.
Nos veremos por aquí pronto.
We'll soon see if you deserve that title.
Pronto veremos si usted merece ese título.
We'll see you soon.
But you'll see that pretty soon, we can go wherever you want.
Pero ya verás que muy pronto vamos a ir a donde tú quieras.
You'll see we'll soon have saved that much, buddy.
Ya verás que los juntaremos pronto, carnal.
We'll see you soon.
Te veremos pronto.
Good night, and we'll see you all again... very soon.
Buenas noches, y hasta muy pronto.

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