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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We'll talk soon

We'll talk soon traducir español

221 traducción paralela
I'm going to Europe pretty soon. I'll be back in the fall, and then we'll talk it over.
Me voy a Europa, ya hablaremos.
My dear Count, as soon as I open my eyes tomorrow, we'll talk things over.
Mi querido Conde, en cuanto abra los ojos mañana, lo hablaremos todo.
Soon we'll laugh about this talk we're having tonight.
Tus preocupaciones de hoy, dentro de muy poco tiempo serán motivo de risa.
We'll talk about it again soon.
Lo veremos dentro de poco.
We'll talk soon.
Hablaremos pronto.
Let's go. As soon as Samo gets home we'll talk it over.
Verás como aprobamos el examen.
We'll talk together soon.
- Y sediento. Tenemos que hablar, hijo.
In any case, we'll talk it over soon.
Ya hablaremos.
- Yeah. Look, that talk you mentioned. We'll have that as soon as you get here.
Sobre lo de tratar lo que dijiste, hablaremos en cuanto llegues.
We'll talk soon.
No te inquietes.
Jeanne, darling, you'll be under surveillance very soon, so we won't be able to talk.
Jeanne, querida, estarás bajo vigilancia muy pronto, así que no podremos hablar.
And as soon as we're finished, we'll talk about it, okay?
Pronto discutiremos el tema.
She'll talk as soon as we lock her up!
Si encerramos a una pequeña chica como esa, ella hablará de una vez!
- We'll talk about it soon.
- Hablaremos pronto.
We'll want to talk you again soon.
Nos queremos hablar de nuevo pronto.
We'll talk again soon, Commander.
Hasta la próxima, comandante.
We'll talk again soon.
Volveremos a hablar. Pronto.
- Clark, we'll talk soon?
- Clark, ¿ hablamos pronto?
Volveremos a hablar... pronto
And we'll talk again real soon.
- Sí. Hablaremos muy pronto.
It was nice talking to you. We'll talk again soon.
Fue un placer hablar con Ud. Hasta luego.
We'll be leaving as soon as we talk to the oncologist.
Nos iremos en cuanto hayamos hablado con el oncólogo.
We'll talk soon? Okay.
- ¿ Hablamos pronto?
- Soon. We'll have our talk soon.
- Pronto tendremos esa charla.
We'll talk again soon.
Volveremos a hablar pronto.
- Mrs. Reilly we'll talk again soon in a few minutes.
- Sra. Reilly hablaremos dentro de unos minutos.
Now take the shoes, we'll talk soon.
Acepta los zapatos. Luego hablamos.
Prem, you're here! They're waiting "'talk to her, we'll be back soon
Nos esperan, tú habla con ella, volveremos pronto.
So we'll talk soon.
Hablaremos pronto.
- We'll talk soon, I hope.
- Hablaremos pronto.
Well, we'll talk soon.
Bien, hablaremos luego.
We were just here to talk. I'll soon be here with you.
tomamos un íntimo La buena conversación
We'll talk as soon as I finish here with Cicero.
Terminando un asunto con Cícero y enseguida hablamos.
Let's get you back into bed, and then we'll talk, OK? - SG-1 will be back soon.
- El SG-1 regresará pronto... entonces...
We'll talk soon.
Hablaremos luego.
We'll talk again soon.
Vamos, ya hablaremos.
Ok, I'll let you sleep, and we'll talk again soon, sure...
Te dejo dormir y hablamos en otro momento. Seguro...
Soon as we kill these creatures, I'll talk to Angel. Maybe he'II...
En cuanto matemos a estas criaturas Hablaré con Angel.
All right. We'll talk again soon.
Muy bien, hablemos después.
I'm sure we'll talk again soon, Clark.
Pronto hablaremos, Clark.
We are going to talk to the family. As soon as we know something we'll let you know. Purdy :
Vamos a hablar con la familia y en cuanto sepamos algo se los comunicaremos.
We'll talk. Soon.
Hablaremos pronto.
- We'll talk soon, Or.
- Hablaremos pronto, Or.
This is a big one, so as soon as I get back we'll stay up as late as you want, talk as late as you want, all right?
y eso es está bien, así que en cuanto vuelva... nos quedaremos hasta la hora que quieras, hablaremos hasta la hora que quieras, esta bién?
- We'll talk soon, okay?
- Hablaremos pronto, ¿ sí?
We'll talk more as soon as you...
Seguiremos hablando en cuanto tú...
Looks like you're covered, Professor. We'll talk soon.
Nos vemos después profesor.
We'll talk to you again soon, okay?
Te hablaré pronto, ¿ bien?
We'll go out for dinner soon, so let's talk then.
Saldremos a cenar, así que hablaremos luego.
We'll talk again. Soon.
Volveremos a hablar, pronto.
I'll start preparations to talk to Drake myself as soon as we have his location.
Yo mismo hablaré con Drake cuando lo ubiquemos.

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