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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We're getting out of here

We're getting out of here traducir español

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We're getting out of here.
Nos vamos de aquí.
Come along, Joan, we're getting out of here, fast.
Ven, Joan, nos marcharemos de aquí.
We're getting everyone out of here.
Estamos sacando a todos.
Why not tell them the truth. We're a million miles from civilisation without a chance of getting out of here alive?
Estamos a miles de kilómetros de la civilización... sin posibilidad de salir vivos.
You talk as though we're going to have trouble getting out of here.
Hablas como si fuéramos a tener problemas para salir de aquí.
I said we're getting out of here.
Dije que nos vamos de aquí.
- We're getting out of here.
- Saldremos de aquí.
Paula, we're packing up and getting out of here.
Paula, empacaremos y nos iremos de aquí.
Looks like we're stuck for a while until I figure some way of getting you out of here.
Estaremos aquí hasta que encuentre la forma de sacarlo de aquí.
We're taking the other car and getting out of here.
Cojamos el otro coche y salgamos de aquí.
Chris, we're getting out of here.
Chris, vamos a salir.
Angela, we're getting out of here.
- Angela, vamos a salir de aquí. - No debo marcharme.
We're getting out of here as soon as we can.
Nos marcharemos de aquí tan pronto como podamos.
We're getting out of here.
Nos iremos de aquí.
We're not going to wait for them to come back. We're getting out of here.
No vamos a esperar que vuelvan.Nos largamos
After that, we're getting out of here as fast as we can.
Después, nos iremos en cuanto podamos, ¿ oíste?
We're getting out of here.
Nos largamos de aquí.
Get your clothes on, we're getting out of here.
Nos largamos de aquí.
We're getting out of here.
Nos iremos ahora mismo.
- We're getting you out of here, aren't we?
- La vamos a sacar de aquí, ¿ vale?
We're getting out of here.
No tendrás que esperar.
Saddle up. We're getting out of here.
Ensillen a los caballos.
Lucas, we're getting out of here just as fast as we can.
¿ Lucas? Nos vamos de aquí ahora mismo.
Get dressed, we're getting out of here.
Vístete, nos vamos.
If we run into any more live ones, we're getting out of here.
Si encontramos viva alguna más, ¡ nos vamos de aquí!
We're getting out of here tomorrow.
Nos vamos mañana.
We're getting out of here right now.
Debemos salir de aquí ahora.
There's no way we're ever getting out of here.
No hay modo que salgamos | alguna vez de aquí.
Here, we're getting out of here.
Toma, larguémonos de aquí.
Let's go tell Ortero we're getting out of here.
Vamos a decirle a Ortero que nos marchamos.
We're getting out of here.
¡ Vámonos de aquí!
We're getting out of here.
Ahora vámonos de aquí.
We're getting out of here.
Vámonos de aquí.
I'm going home and pack some things, we're getting out of here.
Iré a casa a empacar algunas cosas para irnos de aquí.
We're not getting out of here and I know it!
¡ Yo sé que no vamos a salir de aquí, lo sé!
We're getting out of here, one way or the other.
Vamos a salir de acá de una u otra forma.
But we're getting out of here if we have to get in the water and drag this damned island back with us!
¡ Incluso si nos tenemos que cargar a esta maldita isla con nosotros!
And we're getting out of here.
Y vamos a salir de aquí.
- 99, we're getting out of here.
- 99, nos vamos de aquí.
Come on, we're getting out of here.
Venga, vámonos de aquí.
We're getting out of here.
Salgamos de aquí.
Hanu's coming, Colonel, and we're getting out of here.
Viene Hanu y nosotros nos marchamos de aquí.
It's lucky we're getting out of here.
Menos mal que nos vamos de aquí.
We're getting out of here, Cochrane.
Nos iremos de aquí, Cochrane.
Everyone, we're getting out of here now.
Vámonos ahora mismo de acá.
I already told you. We're getting out of here right now!
Ya te dije... ¡ vamos a partir ahora!
We're getting out of here.
Vamos a salirnos de aquí.
- We're getting out of here right away.
Estoy cansado de matar por venganza, es inútil.
Lock them up. We're getting out of here.
Nos largaremos.
Come on, Doctor, we're finally getting out of here!
Vamos, doctor,! por fin saldremos de aquí!
Evie, we're getting out of here! The three of us.
Evie, nos vamos de aquí.

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