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Now, we're going to also see a drop in temperatures... drivers are encouraged to take alternate routes.
Ahora, vamos a ver también un descenso de las temperaturas... Se anima a los conductores a tomar rutas alternas.
We're going to find casey.
Encontraremos a Casey.
We're going to Iowa.
Vamos a ir a Iowa.
Now, if we move forward with an air strike as originally planned, we're going to kill a lot of civilians, including doctors and children.
Si seguimos adelante con el ataque aéreo como estaba planeado originalmente, mataremos a muchos civiles, incluyendo médicos y niños.
Now, we have to carefully solder the diodes if we're going to perfectly match the frequency of the comms.
Ahora, tenemos que soldar los diodos con cuidado si vamos a coincidir perfectamente con la frecuencia de los comunicadores.
Hey, guys, today we're going to be playing some more Super Columbine Massacre.
¡ JUEGO DE ROL! Hoy seguimos jugando al Super Columbine.
"Now we're going to put a problem on the board that is so simple, that even Bill can solve it."
"Pondremos un problema en el pizarrón... que es tan simple que hasta Bill puede resolverlo".
We're going to do the right thing.
- Haremos lo correcto.
Uh, we're going to see some terrible German film.
Vamos a ver alguna horrible película alemana.
- I don't think we're going to brunch. - [opens fridge door] - That's good.
Mira en el frigorífico.
And this whole wall is gonna go away, and behind this wall is 4,000 square feet where we're going to have the restaurant, and bar and concession stand, so you can actually bring your cocktails into the theater.
Quitaremos esa pared y detrás hay 370 metros para el restaurante, el bar y un puesto de comida. Podrás llevarte el cóctel a la sala.
And we're going to recreate the vaudeville stage right up in front here.
Vamos a reproducir el escenario del vodevil ahí enfrente.
- how we're going to do this.
- cómo lo hacemos. - Te quiero.
And that is that if we're going to adopt this dietary lifestyle... it's really important that we become accustomed to it.
Y es que si vamos a adoptar este estilo de vida basada en alimentos vegetales, es importante que nos acostumbremos de a poco.
The media always approaches things with the idea that if we're going to interview somebody we have to let somebody with a different opinion give their opinion.
- Los medios siempre tienen la idea que si vamos a entrevistar a alguien sobre cierta dieta, tenemos que dejar a alguien con diferente opinión decir su punto de vista.
And so they're going to interview him well then they go find somebody that's promoting a Paleo diet or a low carb diet because we have to have the contrary opinion.
Y lo van a entrevistar, entonces encuentran a uno que promociona la dieta Paleo, o una dieta baja en carbohidratos para tener la opinión contraria.
My big concern is not that we're going to wipe out of sheer ecological stupidity but that we're going to take so much with us.
Mi preocupación no es que nos eliminemos nosotros mismos, por pura estupidez ecológica. Sino que nos llevaremos a varios con nosotros.
I think we're going to drink some more, head back to the office, and hope someone more important than us
Creo que vamos a beber un poco más, volveremos a la oficina y espero que alguien más importante que nosotros
If we're going to keep working together, you have to follow my lead!
Si vamos a seguir trabajando juntos, Tienes que seguir mi ejemplo!
We're going to put on a show.
Vamos a hacer un show.
Sir, I don't understand why we're going to such extremes...
Señor, no entiendo por qué vamos a tales extremos...
We're going to flip.
Vamos a volcar.
We're going to be together soon.
Pronto vamos a estar juntas.
Dembe, please inform Edward we're going to Geneva.
Dembe, por favor, informa a Edward de que nos vamos a Ginebra.
We're going to need you to come with us.
Vamos a necesitar que nos acompañe. ¿ Por qué?
If you want to escort us to the airport, that would be helpful, but we're going back to Washington today.
Si quieren escoltarnos hasta el aeropuerto nos sería de mucha utilidad pero vamos a volver a Washington hoy.
All right, you guys have about five minutes, then we're going to lock it up.
Muy bien chicos, tenéis cinco minutos y luego cerraremos.
You're going to need sutures, which means we should probably clean this before it gets infected, okay?
Vas a necesitar puntos lo que significa que es probable que tengamos que limpiar esto antes de que se infecte, ¿ de acuerdo?
We're just going to go down to Bondi station for questioning.
Solo vamos a llevarte a la comisaría de Bondi para ser interrogado.
Rohan, we're going to need...
Rohan, vamos a necesitar...
We're going to keep you safe.
Vamos a mantenerte a salvo.
In this White Rabbit Project... we're going down the rabbit hole of superpower tech to see which one can best turn fiction... into fact.
En el programa de hoy... nos meteremos a la madriguera de los superpoderes tecnológicos para ver cuál de ellos puede convertir mejor a la ficción... en realidad.
Kid, we're going to a remote location outside of Tempe, where we're spelunking to save bats.
Chico, vamos a un mando a distancia Ubicación fuera de Tempe, Donde estamos espeleología Para salvar los murciélagos.
We're going to Med.
Vamos al Med.
If you're going to drive across Italy, which we're going to do, taking in some culture...
Si usted va a conducir a través de Italia, Que vamos a hacer, teniendo en alguna cultura...
- So, we are going to... skewer our hotdogs and then... we're gonna roast'em... on an open furnace flame.
- Y vamos a... ensartar nuestros perritos calientes y... asarlos... en la llama de una caldera.
We're going to school.
Vamos al colegio.
As soon as they stop fighting about whatever stupid new thing that they're fighting about, we're getting the car and we're going to Luke's.
En cuanto dejen de pelear por la estúpida cosa por la que estén peleando, nos metemos en el coche y vamos a la fiesta de Luke.
Enhanced interrogation techniques will also be used on you if you're ever caught, so today we're going to teach you how to survive, evade, and resist them.
También se utilizarán las mejores técnicas de interrogación si alguna vez os atrapan, así que hoy vamos a enseñaros cómo sobrevivir, evadir y resistiros a ellas.
If we're just going to drive around aimlessly, the least you could do is take me for ice cream.
Si vamos a conducir sin un destino, lo mínimo que puedes hacer es llevarme por un helado.
We're going wall-to-wall.
Vamos a dárselas.
Mom said we're going to take a train.
Mamá dijo que iremos a tomar el tren.
So, instead of, "We're all going to die,"
Así que en vez de "Vamos a morir todos",
I wrote, "We're all going to diet."
He escrito "Vamos a hervir todo".
- We're going to class.
- Vamos a clase
And then we're going to a Broadway musical.
Y luego vamos a un musical de Broadway.
- Yeah, we're going to dinner. Indian.
- Sí, vamos a cenar, Indio.
We're gonna end up going to Barcelona.
Vamos a terminar yendo a Barcelona,
And how perfect that we're going to San Francisco.
Y qué casualidad que nos dirijamos hacia San Francisco.
We need to figure out where we're going.
Tenemos que resolver a dónde vamos.
We're down to 24 minutes and counting- - how's it going back there?
Tenemos menos de 24 minutos y contando... ¿ cómo va ahí atrás?
we're going to paris 19
we're going to be late 92
we're going to dinner 19
we're going to go 18
we're going together 17
we're going to war 25
we're going to the hospital 23
we're going to die 65
we're going to have a baby 27
we're going to win 21
we're going to be late 92
we're going to dinner 19
we're going to go 18
we're going together 17
we're going to war 25
we're going to the hospital 23
we're going to die 65
we're going to have a baby 27
we're going to win 21
we're going to be okay 29
we're going to help you 17
we're going to get you out of here 26
we're going to be fine 25
we're going to the movies 17
we're going to make it 21
we're going to find her 17
we're going to do it 16
we're going shopping 19
we're going out tonight 29
we're going to help you 17
we're going to get you out of here 26
we're going to be fine 25
we're going to the movies 17
we're going to make it 21
we're going to find her 17
we're going to do it 16
we're going shopping 19
we're going out tonight 29