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We're going to find her traducir español

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We're going to find her.
Nosotros se la vamos a encontrar.
We're gonna find that dame, see? And I'm going to pay her off, along with that sucker that she hooked up with -
La iremos a buscar y me las pagará, junto con el... imbécil con el que se ha casado.
Okay, Marty, but you'll be seeing her again... because we're going to find her and don't think for a minute we won't.
Está bien, Marty, pero vas a verla de nuevo... porque vamos a encontrarla y no pienses que no vamos a encontrarla.
We're going to find her. And we're going to destroy her.
Y lo destruiremos.
- We're going to find her.
- Vamos a encontrarla.
We're going to find her.
Vamos a buscarla.
Well, you know we're going to find her.
Bueno, usted sabe que vamos a encontrarla.
I know we're going to find her.
Sé que vamos a encontrarla.
We're going to find her and kill her. Look at the floor. There are four holes in the floor.
mira el piso, hay cuatro agujeros en el piso seguramente lo clavó en el suelo.
We're also going to find her a husband. Someone from here.
También vamos a ver si le arreglamos la boda de uno de los nuestros.
We're going to find her.
La encontraremos.
If we grant her asylum, we'll be in the position of having to protect her. If we're going to commit to that, we should certainly find out if she's telling the truth.
Si le concedemos asilo tendremos que protegerla y si nos vamos a comprometer a eso debemos averiguar si dice la verdad.
Jane and her friends are still alive, and we're going to find them.
Jane y sus amigas están aún con vida y las vamos a encontrar.
We're going through her checkbook in an attempt to find out who she is
Estamos examinando su chequera, para averiguar quien es.
We're never going to find her.
Los DRDs nunca la van a encontrar
We're not going to find her by psychoanalyzing the last 60 years of her life.
No vamos a encontrarla psicoanalizando los últimos 60 años de su vida.
She's my daughter, and we're going to find her.
Es mi hija y vamos a ir a buscarla.
We are going to find our missing pilot and we're going to bring her home.
Hallaremos a nuestra piloto y la traeremos de vuelta a casa.
- Thanks, guys. We're going to find her, I know it.
Vamos a encontrarla, lo se.
Alright listen, I know you're worried about your daughter but we're going to do everything we can do to find her.
Bien escuche, yo se que estas angustiado por su hija pero nosotros vamos a hacer todo lo que este en nuestras manos para encontrarla.
We're going to find the people who killed her, I promise.
Vamos a encontrar a la gente que la asesinó, lo prometo.
We're not sure. But we're going to do everything we can to find her.
Aún no lo sabemos, pero vamos a hacer todo lo posible para encontrarla.
Listen, honey... We're going to find her!
La vamos a encontrar,?
We're going to find her, okay? I don't believe they'll do anything...
La vamos a encontrar,?
Hey, we're going to find her, Russ, okay?
Hey, vamos a encontrarla, Russ, ¿ ok?
I knew her hop, skip, and jump over the Atlantic wasn't because she missed her big sister, and if this guy is bothering Lucy, then I'm going to find him, we're going to have a little talk.
Estaba segura de que la razón por la que saltó el charco no era porque echaba de menos a su hermana mayor y si ese tío está molestando a Lucy, voy a encontrarle y a tener una charla con él
We're going to find her I promise you.
Te lo prometo.
We're going to find her, my little Coquelicot.
- Donde está mamá? - Vamos a encontrar a tu mamá.
We're going to- - We're going to... find her, and everything's going to be fine.
La encontraremos y todo estará bien.
How're we going to find her?
¿ Cómo vamos a encontrarla?
We're never going to find her at this pace.
Nunca la encontraremos en este lugar.
We're going to find her, and we're going to talk to her.
La encontraremos y hablaremos con ella.
We're going to find her.
Vamos a encontrarla.
We're going to find her.
Bien, bien.
We're going to find her, Gibbs.
Vamos a encontrarla, Gibbs.
Which is why we're going to go and find her.
Es por eso que vamos a buscarla.
- Don't worry, we're going to find her.
- La vamos a encontrar.
We're not going to fucking find her in the dark!
- No la encontraremos en la oscuridad.
We're going to find her, major.
La encontraremos, mayor.
In her body. We're going to run every toxicology test in the book, and we're going to find it.
Vamos a efectuar cada examen toxicológico del libro y vamos a encontrarlo.
Don't worry, we're going to find her. Look, my team is incredible at what they do, okay?
Mi equipo trabaja de manera increíble.
We'll find her but first you're going to hospital.
La encontraremos pero, primero tienes que ir al hospital.
Which makes it all the more likely we're not going to find Alison until some hiker stumbles on her body months from now.
Lo que hace más probable que no encontremos a Alison... hasta que algún excursionista tropiece con su cuerpo dentro de meses.
We're going to find her, okay?
Vamos a encontrarla, ¿ de acuerdo?
I don't think we're going to find much of anything under her fingernails.
No creo que encontremos nada debajo de sus uñas.
We're going to help you find her.
Te ayudaremos a encontrarla.
We deeply regret not being able to find your daughter, but I promise you, we're going to do everything in our power to recover her.
El lamentarse no va ayudar a encontar a su hija, pero le prometo, Haremos todo lo que este a nuestro alcance para rescatarla.
I know we're going to find her.
Sé qué vamos a encontrarla.
Not only are we going to find her ; we're going to find her, and then we're going to squeeze her to flip on her partners.
No sólo vamos a encontrarla ; vamos a encontrarla, y vamos a presionarla para que delate a sus compañeros.
We're going to do everything we can to find her killer.
Vamos a hacer todo lo que podamos para encontrar al asesino.
It was interesting. Very relative to what we're going through. He had to find it in him to overcome a lot of different obstacles and it definitely sort of hit home and I thought maybe in watching it, it would have hit home for her, too.
Tuvo que creer en él para vencer diferentes obstáculos que lo impactaron y pensé que quizá al ver la película, a ella también le afectaría directamente.

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