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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We're going to make it

We're going to make it traducir español

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We're going to make it.
Lo lograremos.
We came here to make an honest business deal... but if you're going to get rough about it... we'll handle it another way.
Hemos venido aqui para hacer un trato justo, Pero si no quieres entrar en razon procederemos en otra forma.
If we're going to be generous, let's do it properly. Come on downstairs and make a speech about it.
Pero si vamos a ser generosos, seámoslo debidamente
We're going to make a darn good stab at it.
Vamos a hacer todo lo posible.
Think of the day you found the clover, and the good luck it's going to bring us. Think of the vows we heard Nichette and Gustave make and that we're going to make to each other.
Recuerdo el día que encontraste el trébol de buena suerte y la suerte que nos dará y los juramentos que Nichette y Gustavo hicieron y que nos haremos el uno al otro.
Or we're going to shoot! Frank, let's make a run for it.
¡ Salid con las manos en alto, o dispararemos!
It's the only way I could make it if we're going to leave at 7 : 00 in the morning.
Era la única solución si zarpamos a las 7 : 00. ¿ Quiere un trago?
I don't see how we're going to make it.
No sé cómo nos arreglaremos.
If we're going to try this new caper, let's make it a good one.
Si vamos a embarcarnos en esta nueva aventura, hagámoslo bien.
We're going to let him make it, Mrs. Neall.
Dejaremos que él haga algo.
If we're going to make the airport, we'll have to do it on foot.
Para llegar al aeropuerto, debemos seguir a pie.
Just to make it a better story when you tell it in the states, we're going out the back way.
Para que la historia sea mejor cuando la cuentes en América vamos por la puerta de atrás.
We're not going to ruin that town. We're going to make it.
Haremos próspera a esta ciudad.
Now, this may be the last Christmas party we're going to throw here, so let's make it a lulu.
Quizá ésta sea la última fiesta navideña... que demos aquí, hagamos que sea excelente.
To make sure it's dead, we're going to saturate the area with depth charges.
Para asegurarnos que ha muerto, vamos a saturar la zona con cargas de profundidad.
We're not going to make it.
... a ese follon sin nombre. Ni siquiera llegaremos alli.
Ellen, we're going to make it.
Ellen, vamos a conseguirlo.
I'm beginning to hope we're going to make it.
Comienzo a creer que lo lograremos.
You sure we're going to make it?
¿ Estás seguro de que lo lograremos?
I think we're going to make it. We're picking it up again.
Comandante, creo que no llegamos!
We're going to make it, buddy.
Nosotros lo vamos a lograr, amigo.
We're going to make it.
Lo vamos a lograr.
Leave your packs We're going to make a run for it.
Deja tus paquetes Vamos a hacer un recorrido por ella,
We're not going to land and we'll never make it.
No aterrizaremos. No lo lograremos.
If we're not going to make love, why do you need to give me it?
Si no hacemos el amor, ¿ por qué tienes que dármelo?
We're going to make it now, frank.
Ahora vamos a consequirlo, Frank.
We're going to make it.
Vamos, ahora sólo esperemos.
We all know we're going to die... but you make a marvelous game out of it that includes the whole world.
Todos sabemos que vamos a morir.. pero usted lo convierte en un juego maravilloso que incluye al mundo.
We're going to make a record of it.
Haremos un disco con ella.
We're going to make a dash for it.
Vamos a hacer un guión para esto.
We're going to make it disappear just a little bit sooner, that's all.
Vamos a hacer que desaparezca un poco antes, eso es todo.
We're not going to make it, Max.
No sobreviviremos, Max.
We're not going to make it for dinner at the San Fermín Embassy.
Que barbaridad. A ese paso no vamos... llegar a tiempo a la cena en la Embajada... de San Fermín.
Listen, we're not going to make it together see.
Está visto que a los dos juntos no nos llevan.
We're going to make him bring it to us.
Haremos que nos lo traiga.
When I get finished, we're going to take him to the car and make it look like an accident.
Quizás iba a llevarle el informe a alguien. Incluso si lo sabe, razón de más para no matarlo.
Well, I'm afraid we're not going to make it... to Valley Stream before the banks close.
Jamás llegaremos a Valley Stream antes de que cierre el banco.
I think there is a chance to make it through this course and I think we're going to do it.
Creo que hay una posibilidad de salir de este recorrido y vamos a conseguir llegar.
I don't think we're going to make it this time.
No creo que vayamos a hacerlo.
He's going to succeed. He's an ace at this kind of thing, and we're going to make it easy anyway.
Tendrá éxito, es el número uno en este tipo de cosas,... y nosotros se lo pondremos aún más fácil.
We're going to make it.
Vamos a hacerlo.
- We're going to make it.
- Lo vamos a lograr.
We're going to make it come true!
Haremos que sea realidad!
Cornbread no Io logró, pero trabajaremos duro para sacarte de aquí.
It doesn't make any difference what we're going to eat because we're gonna drink the driest martinis I've ever made in my life.
Da igual lo que vayamos a comer porque vamos a beber los Martinis más secos que he preparado en mi vida.
- we're not going to make it!
- No lo vamos a lograr.
But don't worry. It may look like we're rushing things a bit, but the fact is if you're going to walk and talk at the same time, it's necessary that we find somebody that if you do fall on your ass, it won't make any difference.
Puede parecer que estamos apurando un poco las cosas, pero el hecho es que si vas a caminar y hablar al mismo tiempo, es necesario que encontremos a alguien que si te caes de culo, no note la diferencia.
- I think we're going to make it.
- Creo que lo vamos a conseguir.
We're going to make it. I'll get rid of anyone who stands in our way.
Di de comer a cada persona importante con ese veneno llamado dinero.
I'm beginning to believe we're going to make it.
Estoy empezando a creer que lo conseguiremos.
If you say we`re going to make it, then we`ll make it?
Dices que lo hacemos y lo hacemos, ¿ no?

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