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We're gonna get him back traducir español

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We're gonna have to hurry if we wanna get him patched up before Arliss gets back.
Tenemos que darnos prisa si queremos curarlo antes de que vuelva Arliss.
Oh, yes. We're gonna get back to him in a couple of days and get another contribution.
Regresaremos con él dentro de un par de días por otra contribución.
- We're gonna slow these Barbarians down... so we can get back to the sheriff and help him dig in for the attack.
- Lentificaremos a esos Bárbaros para ayudar al sheriff a prepararse para el ataque.
I know you're worried, but we're gonna get him back. There ain't no question about that.
Se que estas preocupada, querida, pero lo recuperaremos.
So, in the morning, when we get our birds back, we're gonna go in and get him.
Así que por la mañana, cuando regresen nuestros pájaros, iremos por él.
And if you're wondering, we made it to shore... but then I made Krieg turn around and come back... because I told him I was gonna run away and get a tattoo... and join the Italian Navy.
llegamos a tierra pero hice que Krieg regresara... Ie dije que escaparia y me tatuaria y me alistaria en la marina italiana...
Look, I know we're gonna go back Monday and we're gonna get him.
Sé que regresaremos por él el lunes.
- Shit. - Back up Squeaky. We're gonna take Hiko, get him to a sick bay.
Llevaremos a Hiko a la enfermería...
We're gonna get him back.
Vamos a traerlo de regreso.
We're gonna do everything we can to get him back to you.
Haremos lo posible por recuperarlo a salvo.
But wait, we know where the king is now, so we're gonna get Phoebe so we can go back and get him.
Espera, ya sabemos quién es el rey, así que cojamos a Phoebe y volvamos por él.
Once he feels he is being challenged, I think he'gonna wanna fight back and show us we cant get at him but he will make a mistake and when he does we're gonna be there to get him
Debo darle al secretario algo que informar al presidente, no hay tiempo.
It's okay, we're gonna get him back. How?
vamos a traerlo de vuelta
We gotta get him back out there fast or we're gonna be a lap down, and we'll never win this race!
Tenemos que regresarlo rápido o perderemos una vuelta, y nunca ganaremos esta carrera!
We're gonna get him back.
Vamos a traerlo de vuelta.
- We're gonna get him back. Lex was there.
Es él.
We're gonna get him back.
Lo rescataremos.
We're gonna... We're gonna get him back.
Porque lo vamos a rescatar.
Take a look at him cause I'll tell you what, we drove a long way to get down here, I don't know when we're gonna get back.
Échale un vistazo porque le diré que hemos conducido un largo camino hasta aquí, y no sé cuando volveremos.
We're gonna get him back.
Lo encontraremos.
We're gonna get him back.
Vamos a recuperarlo.
- They're gonna want money so then we can get him back.
- Querrán dinero para liberarlo.
Once we get him out, we're gonna drop the rope and pull you back up, okay?
Ya que lo saquemos te sacamos a ti, ¿ sí?
We want you to get back to him, but you're gonna have to talk to us. I...
Queremos que regreses con él, pero tendrás que hablar.
Come on! We're gonna get him back for everything that he done, Tommy.
Lo detendremos por todo lo que ha hecho, Tommy.
- I know he did. We're gonna do everything we can to get him back, but we need to move.
Sé que lo hizo, ahora haremos lo posible por recuperarlo pero ahora debemos irnos.
We're gonna need to put our heads together to get him back, and we need him to do it.
Ryan, vamos a necesitar pensar juntos y descubrir cómo traerlo de vuelta... -... y lo necesitaremos para hacerlo.
We're gonna go somewhere where you can get whatever you need to fix him, and then we're gonna go back to your house, and you're gonna work on him there.
Vamos a ir a algún sitio donde puedas conseguir lo que necesites para curarlo, volveremos a tu casa y lo tratarás allí.
Then we're gonna get our money back from that hack. And kill him.
Luego recuperaremos nuestro dinero de ese segurata y lo mataremos.
We're gonna go finish the deal with Keller and get him to transport our secret stash of treasures back to the States.
Vamos a cerrar el trato con Keller y conseguir que transporte nuestro alijo secreto de tesoros a los Estados Unidos.
We're gonna get him back.
Lo traeremos de vuelta.
You're not gonna be happy until we get him back in rendition camp, are you?
No vas a ser feliz hasta que consigamos que regrese en el campo de rendición, ¿ no?
If I'm gonna get him back, if we're gonna win this war then I need to stick a dagger into the heart of Anna's plan.
Si voy a recuperarlo, si voy a ganar ésta guerra... necesito enterrar una daga en el corazón del plan de Anna.
If he is, he'll wish we would ha killed him instead of what we're gonna do to him when we get back.
Y si miente, deseará que lo hubiéramos matado en vez de hacerle lo que le haremos cuando volvamos.
Now, the only way we're gonna get Sterling off your back is to give him the painting.
La única manera de quitarte a Sterling de encima será dándole la pintura.
- We're gonna get him back. - This have a raw egg in it?
¿ Esto tiene un huevo crudo adentro?
We're gonna get him back.
Lo vamos a recuperar.
Now then, until I can figure out how to get him back to normal, we're all gonna take turns helping, so I've drawn out a simple rota system.
Ahora bien, hasta que pueda averiguar cómo hacer que vuelva a la normalidad, todos vamos a tomar turnos para ayudar, así que he elaborado un sistema sencillo de rotación.
We're gonna get him back for you.
Vamos a recuperarlo.
- We're gonna get him back.
- Lo recuperaremos.
We're gonna get him back.
Vamos a traerle de vuelta.
We're gonna bring him back in and get to the bottom of this.
Vamos a volver a traerlo y llegar al fondo de esto.
We're gonna get him back, I promise.
Vamos a traerle de vuelta, te lo prometo.
Ali, we're just gonna get some sustenance, and then we'll go back out and keep looking for him.
Ali, vamos a tomar algo y luego volveremos a salir y seguiremos buscándole.
Now, I formed a resistance, and I can get him back, but, uh, we're gonna need something from you first.
He formado una resistencia y puedo recuperarlo, pero primero necesitaremos algo de vosotros.
We're gonna get him back.
Vamos a hacer que regrese.
So we're gonna get you back to him, okay?
Así puede regresar con él, ¿ de acuerdo?
I think we're gonna have to get him back.
Creo que vamos a tener que llevarlo de vuelta.
One of ours is missing, guys, and we're gonna get him back.
Uno de los nuestros está desaparecido, chicos, y lo vamos a traer de vuelta.
We're gonna get him back.
- Lo rescataremos.
That's why we're gonna get Stein back before Vostok can break him.
Por eso vamos a recuperar a Stein antes de que Vostok lo quiebre.

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