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We've been there traducir español

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- We've been there.
- Ya hemos ido.
We've all been there
Ya lo hemos vivido.
We've always been there for each other.
Quizás sea ingenuo, pero siempre nos hemos apoyado.
But, you know, we've been out a few times now and the more time I spend with her, I realize that there's nothing there.
Pero ya salimos varias veces y cuanto más tiempo paso con ella más me doy cuenta de que no hay nada.
We've all been there.
A todos nos pasa.
Pete, we've been there.
Pete, ya hablamos de eso.
Siempre hemos estado ahí el uno para el otro.
Ah, es la primera vez desde que estamos juntos que he estado allí.
- We've all been there.
- A todas nos pasó.
We've already sent a message asking for their help. There hasn't been any reply.
Les hemos enviado un mensaje solicitando su ayuda, pero no hemos obtenido respuesta.
- We've been ordered to. There's a memo.
- Nos lo ordenaron en un memorándum.
I'm very curious as to how they've been living the last 19 days. With their shelter, with their eating, you know, there's a lot of things I want to know to see if that's where we want to be. ELISABETH :
Tengo curiosidad por cómo han vivido estos 19 días con su refugio sus alimentos Hay muchas cosas que quiero ver para saber si queremos vivir ahí.
Usually, when we've left Tribal Council, there's been a wide range of emotion, such as Mad Dog.
Siempre que salimos del consejo tribal, hay toda una variedad de emociones.
We got to Tribal Council last night, hadn't been there probably five minutes, I guess, and then all of a sudden, here come the awfulest downpour, the heaviest rain we've had since we,
Anoche fuimos al consejo tribal no llevábamos ahí ni 5 minutos, me parece, Cuando de repente empezó a caer un diluvio apestoso.
I think right now, everybody's pretty happy that Keith is there to cook the fish that we've been catching.
Creo que ahora todo el mundo esta muy feliz de que aquí este Keith para que cocine el pescado que atrapamos.
We've all been there.
A todos nos ha pasado.
Look, we've been over this. There is no intestate 60.
Mire, ya verifiqué, no existe la interestatal 60.
We've been sleeping down there.
Dormimos allí.
We've been asked to transfer our embassy there as well. I have no other choice.
Nos pidieron transferir nuestra embajada a la ciudad, donde estarán las nuevas oficinas del gobierno.
There, once again, the sad footage we've been watching all day.
Una vez más, una triste escena que hemos estado mirando todo el día
They've been there since we got back they're watching us
Han estado ahí desde que volvimos. Nos observan.
There's a man who's been following us and we've lost him several times, but... he keeps coming back.
Un hombre nos ha estado siguiendo. Lo hemos perdido varias veces pero siempre aparece de nuevo.
I know where you've been and God knows we've all been turned into assholes there.
Yo sé dónde ha estado y Dios sabe que todos nos volvimos patanes allí.
There are scholarships, grants, financial aid... everything we've been talking about all year.
Existen becas, premios, préstamos... lo que hemos estado discutiendo todo el año.
- We've been on'n year is no longer there.
- Hemos estado en " el año n, ya no está allí.
We've been there.
Eres muy poco original.
We've been advised to wear these masks... however, there seems to be little danger of gas at this time.
Nos aconsejaron usar estas máscaras. Sin embargo, parece haber poco peligro de gás en este momento.
There must be a way to get a message out and let people know we've been invaded.
Habrá algún modo de transmitir que hemos sido invadidos.
Arthur, we've been through all this, and I have told you, a week from now, there will be no law.
- Arthur, ya lo hablamos : dentro de una semana no habrá ley.
As long as there's a mole at the CIA, you can't tell Vaughn a thing, not that you've been contacted or that we have spoken.
- Lo sé. Con un topo en la CIA, no digas nada a Vaughn. Ni de la llamada, ni de este encuentro.
But if we hadn't been there I'm sure your good friend Wesley would've stepped right in.
Por supuesto, si no hubiéramos estado allí, estoy seguro que tu buen amigo Wesley hubiera andado bien. Vamos.
Listen, we've all been there.
Escuche, todas hemos pasado por eso.
We've all been there.
Todas lo vivimos.
- Yeah, get out of here. - This weekend there's a big... NRDC benefit that we've been working on for months.
Este fin de semana está el beneficio enorme para el NRDC en que estuvimos trabajando durante meses.
We've all been there.
Todos hemos estado ahí.
We've been there.
Estuvimos allí.
I wish there were another way, but this is the hand that we've been dealt.
Ojala hubiera otro modo, pero esto es con lo que tratamos.
There's a house set aside for you We've been looking for a doctor for a good while, so things are ready
Hace mucho tiempo que buscamos un médico. está todo listo.
Sí, vamos todos los veranos 2 semanas desde que tenía 9 años.
- We've been down this block 3 times. - Unless you see a black Navigator there should be nothing coming out of your mouth.
- A menos que me señales el auto no abras la boca.
Oh, uh, yeah. We've been there for almost 10 years now.
Sí, llevamos ya diez años allí.
I've been torn up about this, but unless there's something you know that I don't, it looks like we gotta face facts.
También me ha impactado, pero, a no ser que sepas algo que yo no sé, no nos queda otra que afrontar los hechos.
We rebel when we find out that they've been lying to us all along. That there isn't any Santa Claus at all.
Nos rebelams cuando nos dams cuenta de que nos mentido todo el tiempo que no hay ningún Santa Claus.
We've been up there.
Hemos estado allí.
We've been there for five months and you haven't seen a cent.
Hemos estado allí durante 5 meses y no has visto un centavo.
Well, we've all been there.
Bueno, todos hemos estado allí.
Hey, yo, P., while we got this minute... there's somethin'I really been meanin'to tell you...
¡ Ve! ¡ Ve! ¡ Ve!
I'm not either, but... we haven't had sex once since we've been married. And there is something very, very wrong with that.
Pero no lo hemos hecho ni una vez desde que nos casamos y eso no está nada bien.
Well, you see, my little Matthew, there's something Theo and I have been meaning to do for a long time, but we've been waiting for the right person to do it with.
Bueno, mi pequeño Matthew, hay algo que Theo y yo hemos querido hacer por mucho tiempo. Estábamos esperando a la persona indicada.
We appreciate you've been humping out there, but we have to put you back in.
Apreciamos el que hayan salido de allí. Pero debemos mandarlos de nuevo.
We've never been there.
Nunca hemos estado allí.

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