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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We had dinner

We had dinner traducir español

779 traducción paralela
First we had, uh - we had dinner. Then we danced. And then we - we played a little.
Primero cenamos... luego bailamos y después... jugamos.
Come, gentleman officers, it's time we had dinner.
Señores oficiales, hora de cenar.
I took her to a cinema... and then we had dinner and then I took her to another cinema.
Le asustaban mucho las cigüeñas. Bueno, la llevé a un cine.
One night we had dinner with an old Mandarin.
Una noche cenamos con un viejo mandarín.
Cenamos, y luego condujimos hasta un pequeño pueblo, Las Palmas.
We had dinner.
- Cenamos.
I thought it'd be nice if we had dinner together.
Me pareció que podríamos cenar juntos.
We had dinner.
We'd been dancing in the Crystal Room, and then we had dinner in his apartment.
Fuimos a bailar al salón de baile, luego cenamos en su suite y...
We had dinner last night, Joe and me.
Joe y yo cenamos anoche.
We had dinner together that night and a couple of other nights.
Cenamos esa noche y un par de noches más.
We had dinner at Arnauld's.
Cenamos en Arnaud's.
It was in the restaurant where we had dinner last night.
Fue en el restaurante donde cenamos anoche.
Then we had dinner at that fish place on the wharf.
- Fuimos a cenar al muelle. - Es cierto.
The other night, we had some folks to dinner.
La otra noche vinieron unos amigos a cenar.
We had two Soviet delegates to dinner.
Vinieron dos delegados a cenar.
We're having fun. And how many times have we had to wait dinner for them?
¿ Cuántas veces hemos tenido que esperarles?
We've had our dinner. What are we doing up here?
- Ya hemos cenado. ¿ Qué hacemos aquí?
Must have been that fish we had for dinner.
Debió haber sido el pescado que cenamos.
Why, we had cocktails together before dinner.
Pero si nos tomamos unas copas antes de cenar.
Are you sure it wasn't the chop suey we had for dinner?
¿ Seguro que no fue el chop suey que cenamos?
The last time we had champagne in this house was three years ago on New Year's Eve when the boss came to dinner.
No hemos bebido champán aquí desde hace tres años, desde Fin de año, cuando vino a cenar el jefe.
Not really nervous, just... if you only had told me earlier we'd have dinner together.
No, nervioso no, sólo... si me hubieras dicho antes que íbamos a cenar juntos...
Well, now we've had a dinner that you didn't like and saw a movie you didn't like.
Tuvimos una cena que no le gustó y vimos una película que no le gustó.
We took on the license and sent out the announcements... paid calls on all our friends and relatives. Somebody gave a linen shower and I had a bachelor dinner and... I guess by that time we were too tired of each other to get married.
Obtuvimos la licencia, enviamos las invitaciones, llamamos a nuestros amigos y parientes, ella fue a fiestas, yo tuve una despedida de soltero, y supongo que estábamos demasiado cansados para casarnos.
Well, this is the beginning of a vacation we've all looked forward to, and I'm sure we'll all enjoy our holidays more knowing we've helped some unfortunate family who'd have had no Christmas dinner without this basket.
Bien, este el principio de las vacaciones que estábamos esperando, y sé que disfrutaremos más de ellas sabiendo que hemos ayudado a una familia que no tendría cena de Navidad de no ser por esta cesta... ¡ Así que Feliz...
We had a little dinner planned.
Teníamos una cita planeada.
Did you forget we had a dinner date?
¿ Olvidaste que teníamos una cita para cenar?
We had a date for dinner.
Teníamos una cita para cenar.
- No, I tell him that we had it for dinner.
- No le digo que lo hemos comido en la cena.
I had dinner with a girlfriend and we went to the pictures.
Cenar con una amiga e ir al cine.
Seems somehow such a pleasant occasion. I thought it might be nice if we just had dinner up here, and spent the rest of the evening in... together.
Pues no se, parece que en una ocasión tan agradable... estaría bien cenar aquí, y pasar el resto de la noche... juntos.
Now we're moving. I ain't had dinner! Come on.
Partiremos ahora. ¡ No he comido nada!
I think we had quite enough dinner, thank you.
Creo que ya cenamos bastante, gracias.
Am I coming? I seem to recall we had a date for dinner.
- ¿ Teníamos una cita para cenar?
We heard you had dinner with Mr. Vélez.
Nos enteramos que llegó el Sr. Vélez.
─ We haven't had dinner. Please.
- Aún no hemos cenado.
Invité a un par chicas a cenar, luego tomamos unas copas en el Mocambo.
Well, all we know is she had a Syrian or Turkish dinner last night.
Todo lo que sabemos es que anoche se tomó una cena siria o turca.
We had a beautiful dinner at Andre's, and Café Diablo at Amigos.
Tomamos una magnífica cena en Andre's, y café diablo en Amigos.
What would you say if I told you we had a phony to dinner last night?
¿ Qué dirías si supieras que anoche cenamos con un impostor?
We had wine with dinner.
Cenamos con vino.
We've already had dinner.
- Nosotras hemos cenado ya.
Yes, they were here last week. We had a sort of, um, farewell dinner.
Estuvieron aquí la semana pasada y tuvimos una especie de...
If I had a pretty circumvented daughter to make my dinner and we came to disturb us, I should be sorry.
Si yo hubiera embaucado a una joven para que me hiciera la cena... y vinieran a molestarme, me enfadaría.
So I thought it would be nice if we just had a quiet dinner.
Así que creo que no estaría mal cenar en un lugar tranquilo.
We had it for dinner.
Es lo que hemos cenado.
We had to go to dinner together.
Íbamos a ir a cenar juntos.
Last night we had cave rat for dinner.
Anoche tuvimos rata de caverna para cenar.
I thought we'd go to dinner and I had tickets for the theatre but... she had to go out.
Teníamos que ir a cenar y al teatro, pero tenía un compromiso.
You know, I don't suppose it's very romantic of me... to bring it up at a time like this but... you realize we haven't had any dinner yet?
No creo que sea muy romántico decirlo en un momento como éste pero... - ¿ te das cuenta que aún no hemos cenado?

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