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We were very sorry to hear about Claude Dumoulin.
Sentimos muchísimo enterarnos de lo de Claude Dumoulin.
We were shooting on location in Malaysia, and your brilliant boyfriend thought it'd be a good idea to hide his pot in his underwear.
Estábamos rodando en Malasia, y tu brillante novio pensó que sería una buena idea esconder su hierba en sus calzoncillos.
In, we were in the dumpster.
Dentro, estábamos dentro del contenedor.
We were lucky enough the first time.
Tuvimos mucha suerte la primera vez.
As far as we were concerned, that op was as close to foolproof as it gets.
Por lo que a nosotros respecta, esa operación estaba lo más cercana a la infalibilidad posible.
Actually, I can't even begin to tell you what we were discussing.
De hecho no puedo contarte de lo que estábamos hablando.
Yesterday, we were fine.
Ayer no pasaba nada.
I really thought we were gonna do great things.
De verdad que creía que haríamos grandes cosas.
And we were talking about sport, about many relevant or auxiliary things.
Y estábamos hablando de deportes, sobre cosas importantes y no tanto.
Of the set of samples suspected of being swapped... we were able to confirm... 100 % had evidence of tampering.
Del grupo de muestras sospechosas de haber sido intercambiadas... pudimos confirmar... que el 100 % tienen indicios de haber sido violadas.
We were worrying all day.
Estuvimos preocupados todo el día.
Today, we were the first group ever to test out this new Mars Mission.
Hoy somos el primer grupo en probarse para la nueva misión a Marte.
If we were to start today on an organized and well supported space program, I believe a practical passenger rocket could be built and tested within 10 years.
Si hoy iniciáramos un programa espacial bien organizado, creo que se podría construir y probar un cohete de pasajeros dentro de 10 años.
We were scared to death when Sputnik went up.
Nos sentimos aterrados cuando Sputnik ascendió.
And then we were scared to death when the Russians beat us to orbit with a human.
Y luego nos aterramos cuando los rusos consiguieron poner a un ser humano en órbita.
So everything we were talking about doing in extremely short order, by 1981, getting people on Mars, was actually perfectly consistent with the extremely short order work we had done to get to the Moon.
Todo lo que estábamos hablando de hacer a corto plazo para 1981, llevar gente a Marte, en realidad era coherente con el trabajo a corto plazo que habíamos hecho para llegar a la Luna.
We were born at exactly the right time.
Nacimos en el momento indicado.
The thing is, if we were to use the cotton we would lose so much.
Si usáramos algodón perderíamos demasiado.
One time, we were doing an experiment in science class and my partner picked me because she said apparently I looked smart.
Una vez, hacíamos un experimento en clase de ciencias y mi compañera me eligió porque dijo que parecía inteligente.
Its engine's the RS25, the same engine that we were running for 30 years on the Space Shuttle.
Su motor es el RS25, el mismo que usamos durante 30 años en el transbordador espacial.
If we were to discover evidence of life, or stranger still, something alive on Mars today, it would change the course of human history in the same way astronomy has humbled us in the past.
Si descubriéramos evidencia de vida, o, más extraño aún, algo vivo en Marte hoy, cambiaría el curso de la historia humana de la misma manera que la astronomía nos ha humillado en el pasado.
Well, me and Ryan, we were all geared up waiting in our work car.
Bueno, Ryan y yo estábamos preparados esperando en nuestro auto de trabajo.
And we were heading north on Ashland, and then just... this minivan came out of nowhere, ran a red light.
Y estábamos tomando Ashland y entonces... esta minivan apareció de la nada, pasó una luz roja.
Gonna do the old stand-by, like when we were dating?
¿ Vas a utilizar ese viejo truco como cuando estábamos juntos?
We were robbed, but whatever.
Nos robaron, pero da igual.
When you told me we were having dinner in the Techtropolis parking lot, I thought you were kidding.
Cuando me dijiste que cenaríamos en el estacionamiento de Techtropolis, creí que era broma.
Who said we were low-income?
Quién dijo que tenemos bajos ingresos?
That conversation we were having ain't hardly done.
Puede que me haya vuelto un poco loca.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were singers.
Oh, lo siento, pensaba que éramos cantantes.
You didn't act like this when we were kids.
No actuabas así cuando éramos niñas.
- We were so broke, we had to share each other's shoes.
Éramos tan pobres, teníamos que compartir los zapatos.
I think we found what we were looking for.
Creo que encontré lo que estábamos buscando.
I think we found what we were looking for.
Creo que encontramos lo que estábamos buscando.
You're the reason we were torn apart again!
Eres la razón de que nos separen otra vez!
Okay, but I think we were gonna celebrate, right?
Vale, pero creía que íbamos a celebrar, verdad?
We were lucky.
Tuvimos suerte.
Keegan's clubs were my territory, so we were finalizing our negotiations.
Los clubes de Keegan eran mi territorio, estábamos finalizando las negociaciones.
We were waiting for Ben.
Esperábamos a Ben.
We were so scared.
Estábamos muy asustados.
So... we're saying Michonnet and Anderson were working together?
Entonces, ¿ estamos diciendo que Michonnet y Anderson trabajaban juntos?
We, the US, would invite Soviets to come to the US and pick and choose athletes that they wanted to test, bring'em in and test them where the Soviets were watching.
Nosotros, los EE.UU., los invitamos a venir al país, elegir a los atletas que querían analizar, y traerlos para analizarlos con los soviéticos como testigos.
He and his team were talking about : how do we get to Mars?
Él y su equipo estaban debatiendo cómo llegarían a Marte.
Not a lot of Americans know that we took a... a Nazi, someone who helped designed rockets that were intended to kill us, relocated him and his team eventually to Huntsville, Alabama, where they became founding fathers of the spaceflight program.
No muchos estadounidenses saben que capturamos a un nazi, alguien que ayudó a diseñar cohetes destinados a matarnos, y eventualmente lo trasladamos a él y a su equipo a Huntsville, Alabama, donde se convirtieron en los precursores del programa espacial.
By the time we got back to the university, the Monks were waiting for us... of course.
Para cuando volvimos a la universidad, los monjes nos estaban esperando... por supuesto.
Uh, we thought they were just like filming something here or something?
Creíamos que estaban grabando algo aquí o algo.
We know that the plates were stolen.
Sabemos que la matrícula era robada.
When Aly and I were first partners, we got called to break up a drug deal in a bus station bathroom.
Cuando Aly y yo empezamos a ser compañeros, nos avisaron para que impidiéramos una entrega de droga en el baño de una estación de autobuses.
Who would have thought the first moment that we ever were intimate with each other, you know?
¿ Quién lo habría imaginado la primera vez que intimamos el uno con el otro?
Spend time together, just the two of us, you know, get back to where we were before all of this.
De volver a ser lo que éramos antes de esto.
Where were we?
Dónde estábamos?
Alexandra, I know that I was the child and you were the parent. And I wish I could say that I've been a great mother to you, but we both know that's not true.
Alexandra... sé que yo era la niña y tú eras la madre y desearía poder decir que fuí una gran madre para ti, pero ambas sabemos que no es cierto.
we were here 38
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were just friends 20
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were friends 142
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were just friends 20
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were friends 142