We were in love traducir español
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He thought we were in love.
Creía que estábamos enamorados.
We knew very little about each other when we were in love in Paris.
Nos conocíamos muy poco en aquel entonces.
And, uh, I looked into her eyes... she looked into mine, and we knew we were in love.
Y la miré a los ojos... ella me miró a los ojos y supimos que estábamos enamorados.
Well, I started to give her a demonstration, and before either one of us realized it, we were in love.
Empecé a hacerle una demostración, y antes de que nos diéramos cuenta, estábamos enamorados.
We were in love before we knew it, deeply and instantly.
Nos enamoramos antes de darnos cuenta, profundamente.
We were in love, weren't we?
Nos amábamos, ¿ verdad?
Anyone looking at us could tell we were in love.
Cualquiera que nos vea sabría que estamos enamorados.
The reason your boss is being so charming to me is a long time ago we were in love with the same girl.
- Su jefe es tan simpático conmigo... porque hace tiempo, ambos estábamos enamorados de la misma chica.
We were in love.
Nos casamos por amor.
Did you told your husband we were in love as children?
¿ Le dijiste a tu marido que estábamos enamorados cuando chiquillos?
When a young girl, me and count Sartori, yes, Fabrizio Sartori, we were in love and you were born before..... I got married, you're his daughter.
Yo era una niña y él, el conde Sertori. Sí, Fabrizio Sertori. Nos amamos.
Maybe a little bit down about us being separated for a while because we were in love.
Algo triste porque no íbamos a vernos algún tiempo. Porque nos queríamos.
For heaven's sake, that we were in love with each other. And that we're going to be married.
Por Dios, le dije que estamos enamorados... y que nos vamos a casar.
I remember having heard them before. Before, when we were in love, when we were happy.
Me acuerdo de haberla oído antes, mientras nos amábamos, durante nuestra felicidad.
I remember having seen before, when we were in love, when we were happy.
Me acuerdo de haber visto antes, mientras nos amábamos, durante nuestra felicidad.
I left you at 3 : 30 and we were in love.
Me he ido a las 3 : 30 y estábamos enamorados.
Why, we couldn't walk a street or sit in a restaurant without everybody knowing that we were in love.
No podíamos caminar por la calle o sentarnos en un restaurante... sin que todos vieran nuestro amor.
When we were in love we didn't whistle, we fought!
En el amor no silbamos, sino que luchamos.
There was one thing about us we always knew we were in love.
No había nada que...
As long as we were in love, we understood each other.
Mientras nos quisimos, sí.
Thank you, Kriemhild! Although we were never one in love, we are at last united in hate!
Gracias, Krimilda. ¡ Aunque nunca estuvimos unidos por amor, por fin estaremos unidos por el odio!
"We were deeply in love, and wanted children... but..."
Estábamos muy enamorados y queríamos tener hijos pero...
You know, when we were in the car I understood to love you.
Sabes, cuando estábamos en el auto, comprendí que te amaba
We knew what love and respect were in those days.
Sabíamos lo que el amor y el respeto eran en aquel tiempo
Now, when I first realized that I was in love, with Irene of course why, we were sitting right here.
Cuando me di cuenta de mi amor... por Irene, claro, estábamos sentados aquí.
See, before we came along, people were looking at liberty like a man in love with a woman, standing before her, prohibited from even speaking to her.
Antes, los pueblos miraban a la Libertad... Gracias a nosotros, nuestro hombre puede abrazar a su amada.
That night at the train, when we were truly in love and everything that happened became unimportant.
Esa noche en el tren, cuando estábamos verdaderamente enamorados y todo lo que sucedió se convirtió en poco importante.
You seem afraid to marry me. Maybe you don't love me anymore. It was only last month when we met in Ancona, and you were saying you couldn't live without me.
Tienes mucho miedo y eso te está haciendo daño, parece que no me quieres lo suficiente, y me juraste que me querías cuando nos vimos la primera vez, y que no podías dejar de pensar en mí.
We were terribly in love from the moment we met.
Estábamos terriblemente enamorados al conocernos.
We were very much in love.
Estabamos muy enamorados.
You were away a great deal and we fell in love with each other.
Estuviste ausente mucho tiempo y nos enamoramos.
Remember, my dear, how young we were, how very, very much in love.
Recuerda, querida, lo jóvenes que éramos. Y cuánto nos amábamos.
Well, after all, we were just two people who met at a fair... And fell in love, didn't we?
Después de todo, nos conocimos en una feria, y nos enamoramos, ¿ no?
When we were deeply in love, my wife found out all about it.
Pues cuando estábamos en pleno idilio mi mujer fue informada de todo.
He was the most promising young cellist in Europe and we were so happy and so much in love.
Era el chelista más prometedor de Europa... ... éramos tan felices y estábamos tan enamorados.
Estuve a punto de separarme muchas veces, pero volvía al decirme que había vuelto a enamorarse de mí.
"We were, I remember, very much in love."
Estábamos, según recuerdo, muy enamorados. "
From then on, we were happy, like any two people in love.
Desde entonces fuimos felices, como dos enamorados.
And we thought there were no two people in the world as much in love as we were.
Y en ese momento pensamos que no había nadie en el mundo que se amase más que nosotros.
"Love is one thing we were never starved for in the South."
"El amor es algo de lo que nunca nos vimos privados en el Sur".
I told himÉ that we were both very much in love and we didn't wish to be disturbed this evening.
Le he dicho... que estábamos muy enamorados y que deseábamos no ser molestados.
Before we were married, before I met you... I was in love with a boy.
Antes de que nos casaramos, incluso que nos conociéramos..... estuve enamorada de alguien
We can, however, arrest him for the murder of your husband and charge that you were the motive, that he killed Neal because he was in love with you and wanted to get rid of him.
Aun así, podemos arrestarle por el asesinato de su marido... y denunciar que usted fue el móvil, que mató a Neal porque estaba enamorado de usted... y quería deshacerse de él.
Even while we were dancing in each other's arms, even while you were making love to me... you were all the while plotting to take my life.
Mientras bailábamos abrazados... mientras me cortejabas... planeabas quitarme la vida.
We were just having a few laughs, and suddenly we're in love with each other.
- Asi es Judy. Nos divertimos un poco y resulta que estamos enamorados. Absurdo.
And I will tell you, if you will not be shocked... if I were in love with a man, really in love... and we couldn't get married, I would not hesitate to live with him,
Es más, le diré, y no se escandalice que si estuviera enamorada de un hombre, realmente enamorada y no pudiéramos casarnos, no dudaría en irme a vivir con él.
We were very young, and so much in love.
Éramos muy jóvenes y estábamos muy enamorados.
'Jenny and I fell in love one night last year,'that wonderful night we were supposed to be working overtime.
Jenny y yo nos enamoramos una noche el año pasado. Se suponía que trabajaríamos horas extras.
We should be a romantic couple like Bill Holden and Jennifer Jones were in "Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing".
Debemos ser una pareja muy romántica... como Bill Holden yJenniferJones... en Angustia de un querer.
We were all in love with her. She was seen with many men.
Todos nos enamoramos de ella y a ella le gustamos todos.
Would everything be in the mess it is if we were loyal to love and not to countries?
Todo iría mucho mejor si fuésemos leales al amor y no a los países.
we were here 38
we were 914
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were there 68
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were friends 142
we were 914
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were there 68
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were friends 142