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What did you do to me traducir español

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What did you do to me?
¿ Qué me hiciste?
- What did you do to me?
- ¿ Qué me has hecho?
What did you do to me?
- ¿ Qué me ha echo?
What did you do to me?
¿ Qué me has hecho?
- What did you do to me?
Que me has hecho?
What did you want me to do?
¡ Qué querías que hiciera!
What guarantee do you want? Tell me, where did you get the strength to make this promise? Do you want the truth?
'Vida, querida vida, no te marches y me abandones'
when I asked you to do all the chores and not employ servants... what did you say to me? See this?
¿ Ves esto?
What the hell did you do to me?
Sé que fue usted... ¿ qué es lo que me hizo?
What the hell did you do to me?
Se que fue usted...
I don't care what she says, Phoebe, I always wanted to do what you did, and man, was it good to see you do it!
Me da igual lo que diga, quería que hicieras eso ¡ y cómo me gustó verlo!
What did you just do to me?
¿ Qué me has hecho?
What did you expect me to do? Chomp on my cigar on the phone and cut a check for the man's funeral?
¿ Querías que me fumara un habano y que sacara un cheque para su funeral?
- What did you expect me to do?
¿ Qué esperaba que hiciese?
I did exactly what you told me to do and the whole time you have been cheating.
Hice exactamente lo que dijiste que hiciera y todo el tiempo me has estado engañando
What did I do to make you torture me like this, Taylor?
¿ Qué he hecho para que me tortures así, Taylor?
What, did you do this just to spite me?
¿ Qué, lo haces sólo para fastidiarme?
Do you want to ask me about Hannah and Guy and what we did?
¿ Le gustaría hablarme sobre Hannag y Guy y lo que hicimos?
I did what I had to do and I don't need you judging me right now, Betty.
He hecho lo que tenía que hacer y no necesito que me juzguen, Betty.
I don't mean to be rude, Mr. McCallum but even if I did believe your story, I don't know what you want me to do.
No quiero ser grosera, Sr. McCallum pero aunque creyera su historia, no sé qué quiere que haga.
What did you want me to do a search for?
¿ Qué querías que buscara?
Stacey would have every right to do to me what I did to you.
Stacey habría tenido todo el derecho de hacerme a mi, lo que yo te hice a tí.
What did you expect me to do?
¿ Qué querías que hiciera?
- You did nothing. - What did you want me to do?
- ni siquiera me seguiste, no hiciste nada. - ¿ Qué querías que haga?
Well. what did you expect me to do?
- ¿ Y qué querías que hiciera?
What did you want me to do, stand there and take the hit?
¿ Qué querías que hiciese, que me quede a recibir el golpe?
What did you want me to do?
- ¿ Qué querías que hiciera?
What did you think you were trying to do to me, huh?
¿ Qué creíste que tratabas de hacerme?
What did you ask me to do, Sparky?
¿ Qué me pediste hacer, Sparky?
I got the Do What You Did When You Did What To Me album.
Tengo el album "Do what you did when you did what to me."
And, and don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming you. You only did what you had to do.
- Sí, camarada.
Do you know what my mentor did to me?
¿ Sabe que e hizo mi mentor?
It doesn't sound to me like what he did was a calculated affair to be the best in the world, do you know what I mean?
No me parece que lo que haya hecho como un asunto calculado para ser el mejor del mundo, me explico?
Now listen to me, boy! What did you do?
¿ ¡ Qué clase de mierda eres tu de pie?
What did you think he expected me to do?
¿ Qué creías que esperaba que hiciera?
Going on and on about everything and everyone, complaining about me, even saying Trance is weird, and you... what did you do to her?
Viendo más y más de todo y de todos, quejarse de mí, incluso diciendo que Trance es rara, y tú... ¿ Qué hiciste con ella?
What did you do... to me?
¿ Qué me has... hecho?
What the hell did you do to me? - Angel...
- Qué diablos has hecho conmigo?
- Don't ever mention Klimpy's to me again. - What did you do?
- No vuelvas a mencionar Klimpy's. - ¿ Qué hiciste?
You bet, just did what you told me to do.
Claro. Hice lo que me dijiste.
And I was sort of wondering, you know, if something, God forbid, were to happen to my nephew Wyatt, what do you think the police might do to try to figure out who did it?
Y me preguntaba si algo Dios no quiera, le pasara a mi sobrino Wyatt...
And what did you do to the cupboard when you heard me coming in?
¿ Que hiciste con el armario cuando escuchaste que venia?
What did you plan to do when you found me?
¿ Qué planeabas hacer cuando me encontraras?
Yeah, what if we did fight? Or what if we broke up? Or what if we stay together long enough for you to get stuck in some city with nothing to do but hate me?
Si, que tal si hubiesemos peleado o que tal si hubiesemos terminado o asi, que tal si nos mantenemos juntos solo el tiempo justo para que tu quedes atrapado en una ciudad con nada que hacer que odiarme
You know I hate this as much as you do but I did get them to tell me what it would take to make this go away.
Sabes que odio esto tanto como tú. Pero logré que me dijeran... lo que querían, a cambio de no hacerlo.
Do you have any idea what you did to me?
¡ ¿ Tienes idea de lo que me has hecho? !
I do not care what skanky things you did to... which skanky people to get into this state!
¡ No me importa las cosas asquerosas que hiciste con esa gente asquerosa para acabar en este estado!
Me, I'm partial to the... what the hell did you just do?
Me inclino por... - ¿ Qué rayos hizo?
Dude, do you really think Summer's going to want to be friends with me, after what I did to her?
¿ Realmente crees que Summer va a querer ser mi amiga después de lo que le hice?
When I told him to be brave, stand up for himself, he said to me, "What did you do?"
Cuándo le dije que fuera valiente, que actuará por si mismo, me dijo : ¿ "Y tú que hiciste"?
For God's sake, do you know what would happen to me if people think I actually did this?
Por el amor de Dios, ¿ sabes qué sucedería si la gente creyera que hice esto?

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