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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / What were you going to do

What were you going to do traducir español

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What were you going to do?
¿ Qué pensaba hacer?
And, uh, just what were you going to do with your dead cat?
¿ Y qué es lo que ibas a hacer con el gato muerto?
What were you going to do, Inspector?
¿ Qué va a hacer, inspector?
What were you going to do?
¿ Qué pretendía hacer?
What were you going to do out there now?
¿ Qué pensaba hacer ahora en Minquiers?
- Tell me, Ian, what were you going to do to me?
- Dime, Ian, ¿ qué íbais a hacerme?
- What were you going to do to him?
- ¿ Qué le estabas haciendo?
What were you going to do?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer?
What were you going to do?
¿ Qué va a hacer?
What were you going to do before you became a cop?
- ¿ Qué hacías antes?
What were you going to do with the last unicorn in the world - keep her in a cage?
¿ Qué vas a hacer con el último unicornio en el mundo - Enjaularla?
What were you going to do when I interrupted?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer cuando me interrumpe?
What were you going to do if it had been her?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer si hubiera sido de ella?
We figured out what we were going to do earlier, why are you pretending that we're deliberating?
Ya habíamos dicho lo que haríamos... ¿ por qué finges que estamos deliberando?
I wouldn't know what you were going to do next.
Nunca sé qué es lo que hará.
Newton, I hear you've been bragging about what you were going to do if...
- Newton, supe que estuviste alardeando sobre lo que harás si...
Men, if you found yourselves stopped by the dirty enemy and you had to get around him and you were going to need your boats again bad, what would you do?
Si el enemigo os descubriera, tuvierais que rodearlo y utilizar vuestros botes después, ¿ qué haríais?
You decided what you were going to do, Charles, some time ago.
Hace algún tiempo, decidiste lo que harías, Charles.
I was so curious to know what you were going to do if you thought i was unarmed.
Sentía curiosidad de saber que es lo que iba a hacer si pensaba que estaba desarmado.
We wanted to see what you were going to do when you found her there alone.
Queríamos ver lo que hacía al encontrarla ahí sola.
What were you going to do?
- ¿ Qué pensabas hacer?
You've done exactly what you planned you were going to do when you were a junior in medical school.
Hiciste exactamente lo que planeabas cuando estudiabas medicina.
If I were a spy do you think I would've waited until tonight to warn the fascists about what was going on in the factory?
Si fuera una espía, ¿ habría esperado hasta esta noche... para informar a los fascistas de lo que pasaba en la fábrica?
I wouldn't move if I were you. For how long? For so long as it takes for me to make up my mind just what I'm going to do.
Todo el que tarde en decidir lo que voy hacer, mientras tanto puede escuchar lo que mi antigua enfermera solía llamar autenticas verdades.
Why, if he found out you were going calling on mr. John craig, to say nothing of miss hazel dawn, i don't know what he'd do!
Si se entera que vas a ver al Sr. John Craig, y más aun a la Srta. Hazel Dawn, no sé lo que haría.
Suppose that were true, what are you going to do about it?
Supongamos que sea verdad, ¿ qué vas a hacer?
Tell me all the things you were going to do for me what a big man I'd be.
Todo lo que iba a hacer por mí y el gran hombre en que iba a convertirme.
I wondered what stupidity you were going to do.
Me preguntaba qué tontería haría a continuación.
Well, I was wondering what you were going to do after the show.
Me preguntaba qué ibas a hacer después del show.
By now everyone knows you were going at it with Maria. What are you going to do?
Ahora ya saben todos que estás liado con María. ¿ Qué intenciones tienes?
- what you were going to do.
- lo que Vd. iba a hacer.
You were told to get a job, and that's what you're going to do.
Te dijeron que consiguieras empleo y Io harás.
It's better that you go.. As if I were going to be told what to do by an invertebrate!
A ver si yo voy a estar por debajo de un invertebrado.
You already knew what you were going to do.
¿ eras consciente de lo que hacías?
I don't want to hear what you were going to do or where or when!
¡ No quiero oír lo que ibais a hacer ni dónde ni cuándo!
Tell me what you're going to do. You were the clever little boy. Half an hour earlier you were making all the smart remarks.
Hace media hora, eras el pequeño genio.
Could you tell us what you fantasised you were going to do with this, this man Wilson?
¿ Podría contarnos su fantasía... sobre Io que iba a hacer con ese tal wilson?
If you were going to do a man in, what weapon would you use?
Si quisieras acabar con un hombre, ¿ qué arma usarías?
Even if you were to betray not just those of your generation, but yourself and the truth, you'll never find out what I'm going to do.
Aunque traiciones no sólo a tus compañeros, sino a ti misma y a la verdad, nunca sabrás lo que haré.
You were going to show what it looks like in Kramfors. And what good will that do? - What do you think happens?
Ibas a mostrarle el aspecto de Kramfors. ¿ Qué haría eso de bien?
What were you going to do?
¿ Qué iba a hacer?
What'd you think you were going to do with it?
¿ Qué creen que van a hacer?
Why did't you tell us what you were going to do?
¿ Por qué no nos dijiste?
... and then I thought you were going to be in... I didn't know what I was going to do.
... y entonces pensé que te iban a... y yo no sabía lo que iba a hacer...
Well, it's quite obvious that's what you were going to do to me.
Por supuesto que sí, es lo que ibas a hacer conmigo.
- What you were going to do but I coudn'l managed by myself.
¿ Qué estás haciendo aquí? Lo mismo que quieres hacer tú, pero solo no podía hacerlo.
What d'you think we were going to do, take him to the movies?
¿ Qué vamos a hacer? ¿ Llevarla al cine?
I never had any problems knowing what you were going to do, Hosein.
Yo nunca tuve problemas en saber lo que tú ibas a hacer, Hosein.
Do you know what De Gaulle told me on a day when we were going to my factories?
¿ Sabes lo que me dijo De Gaulle un día en que íbamos a mis fábricas?
You are going to do what I thought you were going to do.
Sí vas a hacer lo que creo que vas a hacer.
If I would have known what you two were going to do, I never would have let you in.
Si hubiera sabido que es lo que iban a hacer, no les hubiera dejado estar en el departamento.

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