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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / What were you thinking of

What were you thinking of traducir español

254 traducción paralela
What were you thinking of?
¿ En qué pensabas?
What were you thinking of me?
¿ De verdad? ¿ Y qué pensabas?
In heaven's name, what were you thinking of?
He encontrado esta tienda de recuerdos increíble.
What were you thinking of?
¿ En que pensabas?
- What were you thinking of?
- ¿ Qué estabas pensando?
Yeah. What were you thinking of doing for her?
- Claro, ¿ qué se te ocurre?
There was only Danny left. What were you thinking of?
Solo quedaba Danny. ¿ En que pensabas?
What were you thinking of as you stood there?
¿ En qué pensabas allí parado?
What were you thinking of at that moment?
¿ En qué pensaba en ese momento?
What were you thinking of?
¿ En qué pensabas exactamente?
What were you thinking of?
¿ Qué está Usted pensando?
Nothing. - What were you thinking of doing with the car?
- Nada. - ¿ Qué pensabais hacer con este coche?
What were you thinking of?
¿ En qué estabas pensando?
What were you thinking of?
¿ Qué tienes en la cabeza, hijo mío?
And what were you thinking of precisely?
Y, ¿ en qué están pensando exactamente?
As the girls were jumping the creek... what were you thinking of?
Y mientras ellas cruzaban el arroyo, ¿ en qué pensabas?
- What were you thinking of, Doctor?
- ¿ En qué estabas pensando, Doctor?
What were you thinking of, Silva?
¡ ¿ En qué estabas pensando, Silva?
Didn't you stop him? What were you thinking of?
¿ Por qué no le ha parado los pies?
- What were you thinking of?
- ¿ En qué estabas pensando?
What were you thinking of making such a stupid scene?
¿ En qué estabas pensando hacer una escena tan estúpida?
What were you thinking of?
¿ En qué estaban pensando?
What were you thinking of?
- ¿ En qué estarías pensando?
- What were you thinking... bringing two kilos of cocaine into Italy.
Pero como coño te ha venido a la mente de llevar dos kilos de cocaína ilegalmente!
Was that what you were thinking of all afternoon when we were being so very reasonable?
Eso fue que lo estabas pensando toda la tarde cuando estuvimos siendo tan razonables.
- Oh, please. Of what were you thinking?
- Por favor, ¿ qué estabais pensando?
What were you thinking of?
- ¿ En qué estaba pensando?
The chances of having the kid were 100-to-1. She kept thinking about what was happening to you.
Debía haber sido madre, pero estaba demasiado preocupada por ti.
I was only thinking of myself, not what you were going through.
sólo pensé en mí. No en Io que tú sufrías.
I can't imagine what you were thinking of, bailing out of a ship in a sandstorm.
No sé cómo se te ocurrió saltar en paracaídas en una tormenta de arena.
What sort of things were you thinking, Mary?
¿ En qué pensabas, Mary?
What target were you thinking of for tomorrow?
¿ Qué objetivo tienes pensado para mañana?
If I'm not being indiscreet, what was it you were thinking of?
Si no soy indiscreto, ¿ en qué pensabas?
You were just thinking of what your mother and father would feel... If they saw one of those photographs of us.
Estabas pensando en cómo se sentirían tus padres si vieran una de esas fotografías nuestras.
I mean, if you were thinking of discussing with the vicar what we have been discussing... oh, I wouldn't, miss.
Si está pensando en hablar con él sobre todo esto... - Yo no lo haría, señorita?
Is that what you were thinking of?
¿ Es eso lo que estaba pensando?
What were you thinking of?
¿ En dónde está tu cabeza?
But when you got into Lieutenant Lundborg's aircraft... you were thinking of... what?
Pero cuando subió al avión del Teniente Lundborg... ¿ en qué... pensaba?
You... bitch of a witch, what were you thinking?
Tú... Bruja maldita, ¿ en qué estabas pensando?
What the deuce were you thinking of?
En qué diablos pensabas?
Ah, yes, and what price were you thinking of paying, sir?
- ¿ Cuánto pensaba gastarse?
What the hell were you thinking of?
¿ En qué diablos estabas pensando?
What the blazes were you thinking of, Mr Benton?
¿ En qué diablos pensaba, sr Benton?
Goofed up? What the hell were you thinking of?
¿ En qué estabas pensando?
Arthur, what in the name of the Holy Father were you thinking of?
Arthur. En nombre del Señor, ¿ qué estaban pensando?
- What were you thinking of? - Renato, they believe it!
Se la creen.
Is that what you were thinking of?
¿ Eso pensabas?
What sort of food were you thinking of?
¿ Qué come? ¿ Fruta?
I know what you're thinking, Robert and Karen were clear about not wanting my help and it wasn't any of my business, so why not spend my time enjoying the fringes that come from living in paradise?
Sé lo que están pensando. Dejaron bien en claro que no querían mi ayuda y que no era asunto mío, así que ¿ por qué no dedicarme a disfrutar las ventajas del paraíso?
Lilith, what were you thinking of? !
What were you thinking of?
¿ Qué ha pasado? ¿ En qué ibas pensando?

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