Which one's that traducir español
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As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
De acuerdo a un libro de un empleado de una cadena de televisión... los jóvenes en Vietnam pueden no saber... el nombre de su máximo líder del Partido Comunista... pero saben todo lo que hay que saber de la estrella coreana Jang Dong Gun.
That's a very serious offense, one for which we send men to the penitentiary.
Es un delito muy grave, por el que enviamos a hombres a prisión.
I could settle for telling him... which one to go to but maybe that's not very... diplomatic.
Podría decirle simplemente a cuál ir pero no es muy diplomático que digamos...
dear Frau Peters, I am here as the Clausen family's lawyer and unfortunately the affair is a delicate one but we've known each other for such a long time that we can speak frankly go ahead the Clausen family own very old and valuable jewels which are holy to the children
Bien, querida Sra. Peters, estoy aquí como abogado de la familia Clausen. Por desgracia, el asunto es delicado. Pero nos conocemos hace tanto tiempo que podemos hablar con franqueza.
Which one's that? That's "I love you" in, uh, Russian.
- "Te quiero" en ruso.
Now, the one composition of Tchaikovsky's that he really detested was his Nutcracker Suite, which is probably the most popular thing he ever wrote.
La composición de Tchaikovski que él detestaba en verdad... era su Suite del Cascanueces... la cual es probablemente la obra más popular que escribió.
The pièce de résistance - which means she's swell - the one you've all been waiting for... that lovely little lady, our guest, with the golden pipes of Pan... San Francisco's own, Miss Trudy Evans!
El plato fuerte, que significa que es excepcional... la persona a la que han estado esperando... la dama encantadora, nuestra invitada, la de la voz dorada... de nuestra ciudad de San Francisco :
That's just one thing. We've been married for eight years of which I've been sick for six.
Hemos estado casados ocho años, de los cuales seis he estado enfermo.
- Incidentally... how's that television projector, the one which will reflect a 12-foot image?
- Casualmente... ¿ cómo va ese proyector de televisión, el que proyecta una imagen de 3,50 m?
Yesterday, when we got to that woman's house, when you pretended you'd gone to the wrong floor, you didn't know which one it was.
Te atreviste a llevarme a casa de tu amante. - ¡ Cállate! - ¡ A casa de tu amante!
But the Montgomery Trust. That's the bank in which McDonald is one of the chief stockholders, can't see it.
Pero el Montgomery Trust, el banco del que el tal McDonald es uno de los máximos accionistas, no lo entiende.
And I'm gonna tell them that there's only one government which is capable of handling the atomic control, world disarmament, world employment, world peace, and that's a world government.
Y voy a decirles que hay sólo un gobierno qué es capaz de tener el control del armamento nuclear, el desarme mundial, el empleo mundial, la paz mundial, y ése es un gobierno mundial.
If we could journey back to that period in history when Manhattan was but a market town, we would discover, in one of the coves which indent the shores of the Hudson, the little village of Tarry Town. And just beyond, nestled deep in the low rolling hills, a sequestered glen. It's a quiet, peaceful place, and yet, somehow... foreboding.
Si pudiéramos regresar en el tiempo... a los principios de la historia norteamericana... cuando la ciudad de Manhattan no era mas que una plaza de mercado... podríamos descubrir al norte... en las riveras del rió Hudson... la pequeña aldea de Tarrytown... y mas allá... un apartado valle rodeado de colinas... un lugar pacifico.... si, bastante pacifico, pero algunas veces... bastante aterrador... en el que abundan leyendas y... sitios macabros de supersticiosa tradición.
That one's a rooster but I haven't figured out which hen he wants to catch!
¡ Este es un "gallito", pero no sé a que "gallina" quiere picar!
Which is too bad in a way... because Arthur's the one that really knows.
Lo que resulta ser una verdadera pena... porque es Arthur quien conoce bien la historia.
He's full of opinions, one of which is that he can write good music on a time schedule.
Está lleno de opiniones. Una de ellas es que puede escribir música en un calendario.
Now, here's one in which you propose that the government... build an academy like West Point for airmen.
En esta carta propone que el Gobierno cree una academia como la de West Point para aviadores.
It's just that one look at your kindly face, which is so full of fun, good fellowship...
Es que sólo una mirada a tu benevolente cara... tan llena de diversión... compañerismo...
Which way is the jerking? This way. That's the one.
Por aquí. - - ¡ Eso es!
It's precisely because you're discreet, honest and you only have two patients, one of which is a mute, that we thought of you in the... main branches.
Es precisamente porque es usted discreto, honesto y porque sólo tiene dos pacientes, uno de ellos mudo, que hemos pensado en usted en el... cuartel general.
She asked me which one I felt was the nicest, and I told her. That's all.
Me preguntó cuál me parecía más bonito y se lo dije, eso es todo.
That's wonderful. Which one?
Eso es maravilloso. ¿ Qué?
Why didn't they? That's one of the question of identification-- - which woman was that woman?
Luego la cuestión de la identificación y saber qué mujer era cada una.
Speculation on fact, is ONE thing... But if you're asked for an opinion based on assumptions which are not fact that's quite a different thing.
Especular sobre un hecho es una cosa, y pedir una opinión basándose en supuestos falsos es otra muy distinta.
That's a question for your husband, if you ever get one, which I doubt.
Esa es una pregunta para su marido, si lo tiene, cosa que dudo.
silent rooms, where one's footsteps are absorbed by carpets so thick, so heavy, that no sound reaches one's ear, as if the very ear flagstones over which I walked once again, along these corridors, through these salons and galleries,
donde las pisadas son absorbidas por las alfombras tan densas, tan pesadas, que uno no oía ni sus propios pasos... como si el oído ... losetas sobre las que caminaba una vez más, a lo largo de estos corredores, a través de estos salones y galerías, en este edificio de una era pasada, este extenso, suntuoso, barroco, sombrío hotel,
I've collected precedents and arguments that have a bearing on the basis of the case, which is the conflict between allegiance to international law and to the laws of one's own country.
He reunido precedentes y argumentos que tenían conexión con el núcleo del caso, que es el conflicto entre seguir fielmente el derecho internacional o las leyes propias de cada país.
She's... I forgot to find out which one that you wanted to see and I ran out, sir.
Ella es... Olvidé averiguar cuál de ellas.
And it's been said, and probably rightfully so that what follows this life is one of the unfathomable mysteries - an area of darkness which we the living reserve for the dead.
Como dicen, y con toda la razón, lo que viene después de la vida... es un misterio insondable... una zona de oscuridad que nosotros, los vivos, dejamos a los muertos.
That's the one which made me suspicious.
Esa es la que me hizo sospechar.
And which - of all the faces that moved about london's whitechapel district - which one was his?
Jack el destripador. ¿ Quién era él? De todas las personas que circulan por el distrito londinense de Whitechapel,
- That's right, but which one?
Sí, pero ¿ cuál?
Scientific and artistic writings which deal with sexual issues ennoble them, raising them beyond their sexual appeal, so that one's sense of propriety is not offended...
El elemento sexual ennoblece a las obras científicas y artísticas, elevándolas por encima y más allá de su atractivo sexual, de modo que nadie ve herido su sentido del pudor...
Herbie said that there's one sequence in which they split the screen about 32 times.
Herbie dice que hay una secuencia donde la pantalla se divide en 32 cuadros.
Edward, I must tell you, as your family lawyer and as your friend that there's one thing which Florence will not and cannot tolerate.
Edward, debo decirte, como abogado de la familia y amigo que hay una cosa que Florence no tolerará.
Stringfellow's behavior as parapsychologists suggests that perhaps that his foremost post-operative research objective was to intuit which among his Category-A subjects was the one most capable of assuming the role of psychic dominant.
La Parapsicologia Conductista de Stringfellow... sugiere que tal vez existan otros cuatro sujetos de la investigación post operativa de los cuales es imperativo distinguir qué sujeto de la categoria A es más capaz de asumir el papel de dominante psíquico.
They were disobeying the orders we'd been sent from London. We thought to ourselves that orders of that nature shouldn't be obeyed, and we, of all people, used one of de Gaulle's sayings, which we twisted around, and said,
Pensamos para nuestros adentros que órdenes de tal naturaleza no deberían ser obedecidas, y nosotros, de entre toda la gente, usamos uno de los dichos de de Gaulle, que retorcimos, y dijimos,
It occurred to him that if it's possible to identify one's previous incarnations, it might also be possible to determine one's future ones, in which case Mr Stratton could leave his money to himself.
Se le ha ocurrido que si identifican las reencarnaciones anteriores quizá también podrán determinarse las futuras, en cuyo caso el señor Stratton podría legarse su dinero a sí mismo.
I'm missing the brooch... - Which one's that?
- ¡ Me falta el broche!
There's one thing which is not clear. You said you stayed part of the night in that apartment.
Dice usted que pasó parte de la noche en esa casa.
You know, it's one of the anomalies of life that you can't get a small cigar which will draw well.
Eso es. Es una de las normalidades... de la vida, que usted no puede tener un cigarro pequeño... que lo alargaría.
But there's no alarm system and that's the worst because... that means no one's going to get lazy watching, knowing the alarm will pick up... their mistakes, which means the whole thing has got to be a diversion job.
No hay alarmas. Eso es malo, ya que nadie dejará de vigilar... sabiendo que cualquier error sería detectado. Alguien deberá distraerlos.
That which is God's affair and which no-one can change.
Lo que es asunto de Dios y que nadie puede cambiar.
You betray us even with a look, and as sure as there's a Devil in Hell... either me, or Brownie, or Struther, or one of our friends... of which there are many, will kill that boy.
Si nos delatas aunque sea con una mirada, ten por seguro que... yo, Brownie, Struther o uno de nuestros amigos, y tenemos muchos, matará al chico.
That's not much if you think about the punishment... they get in the next life... purgatory... hell... well, father, you occupy yourself with the next life... but we're concerned with this life, which is the one we understand.
Son muchos... si se piensa en el castigo del más allá... el purgatorio... el infierno... Padre, usted piense en el más allá, y nosotros en el "acá", que es el que entendemos.
Black people rip off one another. I'll tell you which ones rip off one another. It's the ones that don't know who the fuck they are.
Las personas negras se timan entre ellos, tío, te diré cuáles se timan unos a otros, aquellos que no tienen ni puta idea de quiénes son, tío.
He remembered suddenly that the poison which he had to use for himself was given to him by one of Himmler's staft and he mistrusted that it may aftect...
Recordó de pronto que el veneno que tenía que usar para sí mismo se le dio por uno de staft de Himmler y desconfiaba de que puede aftect...
That's every sound in the world all pushed together to make one really terrific noise which we're broadcasting to those mounds out there.
Aquí están todos los sonidos del mundo. Y de aquí sacaremos un ruido espantoso que emitiremos contra esos bloques.
This painting which is called Night makes such demands on one's ability to guess that few people go to the trouble of studying it more closely.
Éste cuadro, llamado "Noche"... exige tanto de la capacidad de la gente para imaginar... que pocas personas van a molestarse en estudiarlo más detenidamente.
That's what I help pay to keep our boys, which I'm one... to maintain my wife's way of life that's over there...
Eso pago para ayudar a tenernos acá... para mantener el estilo de vida de mi esposa allá...
That happens to be my wife's fruitcake, Corporal... of which you should be well-acquainted since you are one yourself!
Es el pastel de frutas de mi esposa... lo cual sabrías si no estuvieras tan loco.
which one's yours 33
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25